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 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:

Here is what’s happening people...when you lose the house like you did in might expect to see a trend...

The republicans followed this model in 2010, 12 and 14...

When you usurp Congress then you nullify the president.

I’m the least confident in Biden...but the Dems should take the Senate...

That almost might be better...watching old Donnie get it from both ends...

Either way...anyone peddling the Trafalgar polls is embarrassing themselves

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:

If you make fun of this...if you think these types of moments don't matter....this is just like the neighborhood i grew up in

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
misterID wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

You want and education system that teaches kids not question anything. You want mindless drones that are just smart enough to pull the levers and push the buttons. Not smart enough to question the white washed history books down play all the flaws in the constitution and the American way of life.

No, I don't want them brain washed by either party. They're not being taught to question anything. They're being taught not to listen to anything that challenges their indoctrination.

That’s just not true...when i was growing up the history books painted a narrative that everything the US ever did was amazing...we’re the best at everything and everything we did was righteous and unquestioned...

In the 19th century this country was owned by property owning white men. This country was built on slavery and dirt cheap Chinese, Irish and other minority labor.

It’s all true.

As I said, it should be non partisan, which it absolutely isn't now. The teachers unwanted to ban parents from listening in on Social Studies classes during online learning... I wonder why.

(It's because parents were suddenly discovering what was being taught to their children and were livid)

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

96 miles line? Are you hearing yourself?

I can't be true since it's Trump. 2

Except it is....and I don't understand the point of trying to deny a simple fact that can be verified with a two second google search.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

If you make fun of this...if you think these types of moments don't matter....this is just like the neighborhood i grew up in

I really don't see a lot to make fun of. No gaffes that I noticed.

Only dig I would get in if I was a reporter there is...

Which granddaughter are you traveling with?

Unfortunately...the bus incident gets to have two versions of the truth. One is that Trump vehicles terrorized them and the other is a Biden vehicle rammed one of the vehicles surrounding the bus.

I blame the media's constant feeding of propaganda and creating this hyper-partisan culture.

We have an example on this very page....the 96 mile line of cars for Trump.

Anything that either side doesn't agree with is simply chalked up as fake news and the person is mocked.

He does make a good point about division...but fails to point out his own side's massive issues in this department.

One of many examples...

He said black people aren't black if they don't vote for him.

How does that unite people?

"Science over fiction"....I agree...but clearly he doesn't. He wants me to believe women have penises and boys should be allowed to play on girls sports teams.

Obama and Biden gutted Title IX to cater to a lunatic fringe.

We do have to get back to science over fiction. Both sides have to abandon the lunatic fringe shit.

Climate change is real and women don't have penises.

That's science. That's fact. Anything else said is an attempt to get people to swallow a load of horse shit that I refuse to swallow.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:
James wrote:

People like Maxine Waters are now flinging shit at black voters. This tells us they're already conceding a hefty percentage of the minority vote. She wouldn't spew such tripe if it was peaches and cream.

I'm right. Now James Clyburn is saying he's going to pray for black Trump voters.

This is a coordinated effort to shame any black voters that haven't voted yet.

Who's next?

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:

Black people are overwhelmingly conservative. Tearing those threads away by insulting them isn't going help keep that coalition together.

This will end well. neutral

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:

Interesting update on fivethirtyeight....

A few highlights:

- As in 2016, Trump could potentially benefit from the Electoral College. Projected margins in the tipping-point states are considerably tighter than the margins in the national popular vote.

- Without Pennsylvania, Biden does have some paths to victory, but there’s no one alternative state he can feel especially secure about.

- While a lot of theories about why Trump can win (e.g., those about “shy” Trump voters) are probably wrong, systematic polling errors do occur, and it’s hard to predict them ahead of time or to anticipate the reasons in advance.

Then they say this....

- There is some chance that Trump could “win” illegitimately. To a large extent, these scenarios are beyond the scope of our forecast.

- There’s also some chance of a recount (about 4 percent) or an Electoral College tie (around 0.5 percent), according to our forecast.

Here's a doozy....

- Before we proceed further, a short philosophical note. I hate it when people use phrases — to be fair, we often use phrases like these ourselves! — such as “Nate Silver is giving Biden a 90 percent chance” or “FiveThirtyEight still gives Trump a 10 percent chance.”

We aren’t giving anybody anything.
Instead, as former FiveThirtyEight politics host Jody Avrigan puts it, what we’re doing is “mapping uncertainty.” … still-win/

On Reddit politics, where I saw this, everyone is saying it's just a reminder to vote.

No....the backtracking has begun. As someone on reddit said....who will quickly be downvoted into oblivion or have their post deleted...this same thing happened in 2016 at the 2:00 warning.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:

This gave me a chuckle...

On reddit politics they're talking about minorities voting for Trump. One guy said this...

It’s also racism. A decent amount of poc’s are pro white supremacy.


Another good one....

because no one wants to be wrong again (so they keep trying to account for "hidden Trump voters"), there is a very good chance that pollsters are underestimating Biden this time around.


there's been a noticeable shift in tone

No shit.

I think the house and senate go to the democrats but Trump wins an electoral college win.. then the shitstorm really gets going


 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:

This is a good one....


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