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 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:

Yeah I saw footage of that last night when checking YouTube for some news.


iis terrifying on so many levels

My main issue with this...and probably yours as well....who gets to decide what is false information?

Is it the "experts" who claimed Ivermectin does nothing and said those who take it should be laughed at and mocked  and posts/articles censored but then finally admit it actually works?

Or the "experts" who believe there's no difference between men and women?

Or the "experts" who change their minds every week on whether or not masks and lockdowns work?

Do people deserve prison and/or careers ruined based on the whims of such people?

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote: … n.amp.html

This is terrifying on so many levels.  I don’t think it’ll survive legal scrutiny due to its vagueness and first amendment implications. But the gall to think you’re in a position to be the absolute authority on any topic is just jaw dropping.

I don’t know how this survives the courts

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:

Looks like the Queen may have died.

Rumor is she's already dead but they're waiting for all the family to arrive before making the announcement...and British news outlets have all gone live.

Get ready for non-stop Royal coverage for a week or so.

While I don't give a rat's ass about Royal families, I do think they should skip Charles and give it to William. I don't think King Charles is going to go over well.

I'm not even sure the Royals can survive the death of the Queen...not long term anyways.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:

The Twitter cesspool has went into overdrive...

What a garbage human being. It's not even the worst thing said...her comments in the thread are worse ... saying something about one of her haters having a stinky pussy.

This is a professor spewing this bile.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:

It's now official. She's dead.

Someone brought up a good point...this is the last Queen in our lifetime. It goes from Charles to William to George.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Current Events Thread

slashsfro wrote:

That's fucking awful.  I mean have some respect she just died.  It's probably some far left wing professor complaining about colonialism etc.
I was neutral on her.  But she did a long life most of it in the public spotlight where most of your private family life is dumped onto the news/tabloids.  And she was the queen when she was 25.  That can't be easy on anyone.

Yeah, Charles doesn't project strength to me. He's also 73.  Crazy that the kid, George, is 3rd in line.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:

All they’re talking about is colonialism. Then … reject it. If you want to put things in “proper context” you’re not going to like what your ancestors deeds were.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

CMU has denounced her tweet. She meets all the checkboxes of intersectionality, so nothing serious will come from it. Certainly nothing like being jailed or fired for refusing to participate in compelled speech.

I saw AOC told GQ she was “uncomfortable with interracial marriage” and wasn’t sure if it was for her. This is the pillar of wokeism and progressive thought, and she’s openly saying race mixing is a controversial topic.

And Dementia Joe called half the country fascists. Knowing full well that 26 people were murdered and 2 billion dollars in damage was done the year he was elected by people “fighting fascism”.

It’s certainly fascinating to see people self-lobotomize on demand to avoid their own hypocrisy.

On the topic of the day, it’s certainly an important date in history and I’ve got nothing against the Queen. But as an American and someone who finds the concept of a monarchy and noble blood offensive in modern society, I’m surprised the American media has left Trumplandia for something we told to bugger off 250 years ago.


 Rep: 661 

Re: Current Events Thread

monkeychow wrote:
James wrote:

I do think they should skip Charles and give it to William. I don't think King Charles is going to go over well.

I see people say this a lot.

The problem is the whole idea of that is antithetical to the very foundations of monarchy.

King Charles III is king unless he personally choses to abdicate or unless he dies.

It's not something like a prize that is awarded because he seemed like the best fit or because a lot of people like him.

It's just not how it works.

Sort of like how a president doesn't stop being president just cos people dislike him, although admittedly the media seems to have forgotten that too in the past decade or so lol.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

CMU has denounced her tweet. She meets all the checkboxes of intersectionality, so nothing serious will come from it. Certainly nothing like being jailed or fired for refusing to participate in compelled speech.

I saw AOC told GQ she was “uncomfortable with interracial marriage” and wasn’t sure if it was for her. This is the pillar of wokeism and progressive thought, and she’s openly saying race mixing is a controversial topic.

It looks like the movement is finally starting to eat was always going to lead to that point.

Not surprised that the racism is starting to get more blatant. It was always there in the background just begging to surface.

As far as this royal shit goes, I started hating it in my teens. For some reason, Charles and Diana started getting massive coverage here in the US in the early 90s. They were in all the tabloids every week. You had to see them every time you went to the grocery store...and of course all the news coverage.

I just can't stand the concept of a superior family that deserves billions and everything that comes with it just for being born. On top of the money, mansions, cars, and travel, they get worshiped like gods.

It's obscene. All royal families should've been tossed on the ash heap of history in the 20th century.

King Charles III is king unless he personally choses to abdicate or unless he dies.

It's not something like a prize that is awarded because he seemed like the best fit or because a lot of people like him.

It's just not how it works.

I know how it works. That one abdication after WWII is the only reason this branch of the family tree got to have it. It should've been her uncle's side of the family leading them. That king wanting to fuck a divorced woman altered the course of the monarchy.

My point regarding William becoming King early is it might allow their family to keep this shit going well into this century.

The world is staring down a barrel.... economic uncertainty, war, and of course climate change. If the British start freezing to death this winter while the King is all warm and toasty, the majority may finally get sick of this. Charles was never well liked. Hated royals and economic disasters have never been a winning combination.

On the other hand, maybe not. The West is diving into an Idiocracy so maybe things will stay peachy keen.

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