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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Hardschool single coming September 24th.

Smoking Guns wrote:

Sounds good

 Rep: 475 

Re: Hardschool single coming September 24th.

misterID wrote:

The demo sounds more cohesive in its production.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Hardschool single coming September 24th.

misterID wrote:


 Rep: 2 

Re: Hardschool single coming September 24th.

Izzyjim wrote:

Haven't given it a proper listen, sounds good so far (different vocals than the village?), pretty cool! 9

 Rep: 212 

Re: Hardschool single coming September 24th.

BLS-Pride wrote:
Izzyjim wrote:

Haven't given it a proper listen, sounds good so far (different vocals than the village?), pretty cool! 9

Same vox.

 Rep: 83 

Re: Hardschool single coming September 24th.

otto wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:
jimmythegent wrote:

Wow - second listen .... definitely more classic sound than Absurd ... growing on me...

Its a grower . Trying not to compare it to the leak.

heard it and liked it.. one thing Axl had right is that once you hear a leak, you become attached to it.
it's a very different arrangement, need to listen more now.

 Rep: 55 

Re: Hardschool single coming September 24th.

FlashFlood wrote:

It bangs. It slaps. Whatever the kids say. With this one in particular you could tell it was a new recording (save for Axl). Doesn’t suffer from layers for layers sake.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Hardschool single coming September 24th.

Smoking Guns wrote:

ID edit your post and remove the link that is in your quote.

 Rep: 6 

Re: Hardschool single coming September 24th.

DtM51 wrote:

The mix definitely doesn't sound 'great' unless you crank it. With the stereo cranked though it sounds great. My only complaint would be the drums seem super quantized which makes the playing sound robotic. They did bring the cowbell back though!

Good song, I think it will do well.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Hardschool single coming September 24th.

tejastech08 wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:

So is it worse than the demo version?

Do you prefer Bucket or Slash?  That kind of determines which you like better.

They are both awesome guitarists. Slightly prefer Slash.

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