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 Rep: 1 

Re: The General and Monsters

Miguelox26 wrote:

The songs are cool for what they are: a single and its b-side, the level of guitars in Chinese is stratospheric, slash does what he can, it's not his style and he's not that versatile! Not only did they not detect slash and duff in the leaks from monster and the general, if not they listened to buckethead and robin! Of course, that shit can't be slash! They are robin and buckethead and so each one lies to themselves in their own way! Artistically, slash is not at that level, it it was, not anymore! The epic solos are in chinese democracy and those are mainly robin and buckethead! Of the singles that have been published there is not a single decent guitar line by slash, much less epic or magical and in general In the end he tries but if we compare it with any Chinse CD solo you realize the artistic level of that work that is far superior to what he can play or compose slash these days!....p.s, let's enjoy what we have!

Yep, yo are right. I think the same

Re: The General and Monsters

Sky Dog wrote:

On a side note…..Monsters is killer after tons of listens

Re: The General and Monsters

Sky Dog wrote:

Whoever thought I’d be alive to see the like of you…..

 Rep: 475 

Re: The General and Monsters

misterID wrote:

Yeah, monsters is really growing on me now.

Still don’t get how those two got paired together. Kind of opens the door to another batch of leaks being out there with Slash and Duff

 Rep: 5 

Re: The General and Monsters

Miguelox26 wrote:

Definitely monster is killer, that verse of the crazy redhead makes the beauties stand on end, pure venom! The song itself is good, reminiscent of the alternative vibe of the nineties, very close to faith no more and not far from velvet revolver!

 Rep: 1 

Re: The General and Monsters

Miguelox26 wrote:

Definitely monster is killer, that verse of the crazy redhead makes the beauties stand on end, pure venom! The song itself is good, reminiscent of the alternative vibe of the nineties, very close to faith no more and not far from velvet revolver!

I love it

 Rep: 3 

Re: The General and Monsters

Dani_1455 wrote:

In my opinion The General It is not great but I don't think it's bad either, the production is horrible, the mix is something that I could but there are great parts inside of the song.
On the other hand Monsters is catchy, is agressive and has this demanding vocals that everybody wants from Axl.
All over this I also think that the songs could be better with only some changes, give more protagonism to Slash on the mix on Monsters and you have a more powerful track out there.
On The General have an Slash solo on the middle of the song, the last part is good but some lyrics out there could also benefit, too repetitive in my opinion

 Rep: 0 

Re: The General and Monsters

T.Axl wrote:
James wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

The more I listen, I love the lyrics, the awesome vocal melody and the spooky guitar.

If I want to find problems I would note that all of these new songs had a lot of repeats. They are all awesome song concepts that feel a touch unfinished somehow, and I think its that they all feel like they need a new 3rd verse or something of that nature.

General for instance feels like the build up part of one of Axl's epics. But it doesn't complete. Hell, Slash sounds like he's just getting warmed up to go nuts when it ends, I think it needed a huge guitar outro whole Axl kept up with those screamy bits in the background...

It's like NR if it didn't have the two slash solos or the outro, or breadown with out the outro, or locomotive if it was just 1 verse. Basically I think what is there is awesome but it feels incomplete. I wonder if Axl felt this too and that's why these songs were held over so many years - waiting for an idea that never came? Maybe not too though.

Anyways despite my bitching I do enjoy all this new music, and i'm so glad he's finally sharing things again.

Nail on head.

The song itself is ok for what it is...a good song he could've turned into a damn good song had he ever went back to it and finished it.

They sound unfinished because they are. They get one verse and a chorus and to stretch out the song (s) to full length, they repeat.

On the other hand...the main issues here are the horrid production/mixing issues. There's just no excusing it at this point. They are on too high of a level for their material to be this quality.

I wish he did full length, honest interviews on this saga. He obviously abandoned the project at some point and considering how much time has transpired, I'd like to know why.  I'd also like to know why they don't take this material to Guthrie, O Brien, Padgham, fuck... anyone else.

It's why it's easy for the fan base to assume they don't give a shit because it's all so low effort.

I'm starting to think this way too. This was Axl's real project from 1994 until... I don't know, maybe 2011, when his plans to release "CD Part II" were sabotaged in favor of bringing the original Guns lineup back together.

I think from this point on, Axl has lost his appetite for Chinese food.
Since then, the other members were probably the ones who took the initiative to record and show something that would please the boss. After all, recording an album with GnR has its value.

Now he's releasing the songs that still make sense (using monkeychow's line of thought, mentioned here before), to close the CD cycle and start with new songs.

Theories, theories, theories...

 Rep: 0 

Re: The General and Monsters

Clear wrote:

What if... And hear me out, they cut lyrics for the General like they did with absurd. I don't really bileave that, but it's not impossible

 Rep: 664 

Re: The General and Monsters

James wrote:
slashsfro wrote:
James wrote:

Can't happen because it wasn't an actual band. They were rarely together, the different cliques cane up with songs on a whim while eating Chinese food or digging through Ben Hur samples,  no one wants to go to the studio that smells like dog shit, list goes on.

We're lucky we got as many songs as we did. It's also not that surprising that songs left off the album all have issues. It was no longer a real project at that point.

As far as Slash goes, the real travesty isn't that he couldn't have worked on these specific's that the 93-94 GNR probably has their own Achtung Baby in 96-97 in some alternate timeline that took them to the next level.

Fans lost out on so much. Keith Richards was never leave.

Yeesh, I totally blanked out the dog poop part of the saga.

But (he will deny this if ever asked), the spectre of Slash was still hanging over the entire project at that point.  He still couldn't move on.  You see it in all the stuff around the time period (the embarrassing rants, set lists etc).  It became less of a band/solo project as time moved on.

This reminds me of the line from that U2 song...

Choose your enemies wisely because they will define you

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