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 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

Yeah, the Packers must have thought they were the Patriots by not using the running game effectively.

One reason for Favre to consider retirement isn't his stats, its the ability of his team to get this far again. The NFC has a high turnover rate for playoff teams. Half the teams(or more) that make it to the playoffs one year don't make it the next.

The chances of GB going 9-7 or 8-8 next year are pretty high. Also, that division isn't going to be a cakewalk next year. Minnesota is likely going to do what GB did this year.

If I'm Favre, I go out now while I had a legit shot at the SB instead of waiting a year or two and my team likely doesn't even go to the playoffs.

 Rep: 88 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Gunslinger wrote:

Next year will be tougher I think, and based on that argument I have to reluctantly agree.  I don't think anything should be taken away from what he has accomplished this year but I would much rather see the guy retire with such a positive note than to go out with a season like last.  With the team so young however it would be so hard not to say "what if"?    Thing is at 38 you just don't know when the abilities will really decline, but probably sooner than later

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

Also, they had a pretty easy schedule this season. It wont be next year. They have a rising Vikes team to contend with, always had trouble with Chicago, and depending on which AFC teams they have to play, it could get ugly quick.

I think Favre deserved one last shot at a ring, but it didn't happen. Time to hand the reigns over to Aaron Rodgers.

He's the last legend playing the game. End things on a slightly high note. I would hate to see him have to retire under circumstances like Steve Young or Troy Aikman.

The Cusack
 Rep: 1 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

The Cusack wrote:

It wouldn't suprise me to see Favre retire but it would disappoint me.  I don't know that he'll have the kind of success next year that he had this past season but if I'm in his shoes I'm looking at the fact that the team is young and will be a year older and more experienced next year so they should be better and the fact that their business was left unfinished tonight.  I know he's a competitor at heart and this will eat at him, especially because of his performance.  I'd say give it another year, if he comes up short again or it ends with a bad season then move on.  Going out losing like that isn't the way he wants to go.  I'll assume he'll just assess his health and family situation and then make the decision on those factor as much as the team dynamic.  Aaron Rodgers can wait another year.  The Packers investment in him is long term and everybody close to the situation understands that. 

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Favre really blew the game... although they had no run game to fall back on. Rough game. Congrats to the Giants, I never thought they were that good but they've put a bunch of good games together.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:

Yeah, GB never should have abandoned the run like they did, that's the offensive coordinators fault. However Giants played a good game, actually 3 good games now. Credit goes out to them, and they actually match up well w/ NE with the aggresive defense. Hopefully it's a good SB.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

NEW YORK - Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was photographed Monday with what appears to be walking cast on his right foot.

The Boston Herald and Boston Globe had the photos '” credited to '” on their Web sites. A video of Brady walking with a slight limp from an SUV to girlfriend Gisele Bundchen's apartment in New York is available on

The Patriots beat San Diego 21-12 on Sunday and play the New York Giants in the Super Bowl in two weeks.

'Ah, you know, there's always bumps and bruises. I'll be ready for the Super Bowl,' Brady said Monday during his weekly radio appearance on WEEI '” before the photo and video emerged '” when asked if his leg was injured. 'I'm not worried about that. I'm not missing this one. I'd have to be on a stretcher to miss this one. There will be treatment this week. In games like this, you get a little nicked up. It's nothing serious.'

Patriots spokesman Stacey James wrote in an e-mail to the AP late Monday night that the team had no comment on the photos.

Brady threw three interceptions against the Chargers in one of the worst performances of what has been a record-breaking season for him. Brady has started in 124 consecutive games, the third longest streak by a quarterback in NFL history.


looks like a convenient excuse for a loss in the SB is being set up. If they win it was no big deal, if they lose, Brady wasn't 100%. What a crock of shit.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Neemo wrote:

they are always playing off a hurt brady...even if he is it wont affect his play

 Rep: 88 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Gunslinger wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

looks like a convenient excuse for a loss in the SB is being set up. If they win it was no big deal, if they lose, Brady wasn't 100%. What a crock of shit.

That's exactly what I think.  In reality I see this "act" as serving two purposes.  One is the most obvious and the one you already correctly stated, it gives the Pats a scapegoat if they lose and that (the Pats losing) isn't a stretch if you consider they only won by 3 the last time they faced NY.  The second part of this most likely "invented injury" is just a simple misinformation tactic in order to throw off the opposing team a bit.  If the Giants think Brady is hurt I would guess the idea is that they may get a false sense of advantage.  I doubt VERY seriously if an injury exists.  If Brady really needed a walking cast he wouldn't be so sure of his readiness to play in less than a couple of weeks.  Total bullshit.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NY Giants82 wrote:


Great game, and our QB, Eli, continues to grow before our eyes. I didnt think there would be much passing in the game, and was unsure how Eli would handle the cold weather. But handled it better than Favre, and threw some beautiful balls in the game... If Tynes misses that last FG, I'm not sure that Coughlin doesnt murder him!... I'll echo some of what has been said. I always root for the Packers if the Giants have no interest in the game. They are easy to root for, have classy fans, and Favre is a legend. And no, he shouldnt retire. They will be at the top of the pack in the NFC next year. Favre can still do it.

I think the Giants can win this game. But it will take a perfect game to do it. No turnovers, we have to get TDs, not FGs, and pressure Brady. Easier said than done though... Oh, and I think Brady being in a boot is more of a psychological thing to try to get an advantage for the game.

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