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 Rep: 43 

Re: Bob Lefsetz: Best Buy Deal confirmed/Azoff response to leaks

gnfnraxl wrote:

I have no idea who this guy Bob Lefsetz is.  I will not say he is a liar but I still don't believe anything.  I'll believe it when I buy the album and receive it.  And I may build some hope if and or when we get an official statement from the record company.

 Rep: 150 

Re: Bob Lefsetz: Best Buy Deal confirmed/Azoff response to leaks

sic. wrote:

Lefsetz used to work in Sanctuary's American division, in a rather high position, I gather. As Sanctuary's now rolled into Universal, there you could have his little birdies as well.

Washington Post on Lefsetz

Re: Bob Lefsetz: Best Buy Deal confirmed/Azoff response to leaks

Sky Dog wrote:

Can't say I disagree with alot of his points. I do agree with Brighteyes in that Axl being seen as crazy is still a plus. Personally, the only thing I think he could do to top Radiohead and NIN is to release it all at once or in a very short period of time like the album a month bullshit that the Rock band guy talked about. 3 albums for the price of one or something like that.

Re: Bob Lefsetz: Best Buy Deal confirmed/Azoff response to leaks

Sky Dog wrote:

also, deals are NOT done until contracts are signed....period.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Bob Lefsetz: Best Buy Deal confirmed/Azoff response to leaks

tejastech08 wrote:

What they need to do is change the track order of whatever had been planned. The leak ruined any chance they have of selling that version of the album. So bust out with whatever other good songs they've got in the vault, if they even have any that could be considered good.

 Rep: 286 

Re: Bob Lefsetz: Best Buy Deal confirmed/Azoff response to leaks

Aussie wrote:

The problem with trying to get street cred back is that it often means that you need to do things that are non commercial.

For example lets say he did free concerts, let this skewerl guy off, leaked the whole album, said its only gonna be released thru Indy record companies and fuck the majors etc etc.   He would no doubt get a heap of street cred back but nobody would make a cracker.

Unfortunatly I believe the drive for a dollar (whether that be Axls or the record company's) will overide any burning deisre to get street cred back.

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: Bob Lefsetz: Best Buy Deal confirmed/Azoff response to leaks

sic. wrote:

Lefsetz used to work in Sanctuary's American division, in a rather high position, I gather. As Sanctuary's now rolled into Universal, there you could have his little birdies as well.

Washington Post on Lefsetz

Nice find--considering his back ground (including a recent well publicized skirmish with Kid Rock), he took it fairly easy on GN'R.  No doubt, this guy is legit--he is friends with tthe heads of many record labels, and has been around the block countless times.  He knows his stuff, and this Lefsetz Letter is well regarded and has a high readership in the iindustry.  Confirmation from him, will most likely lead to official confirmation via Billboard or NY Times I would imagine, as this letter likely serves as a tip-sheet for rock journalists.  Best Buy adverts for the MTV awards?

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: Bob Lefsetz: Best Buy Deal confirmed/Azoff response to leaks

Aussie wrote:

The problem with trying to get street cred back is that it often means that you need to do things that are non commercial.

For example lets say he did free concerts, let this skewerl guy off, leaked the whole album, said its only gonna be released thru Indy record companies and fuck the majors etc etc.   He would no doubt get a heap of street cred back but nobody would make a cracker.

Unfortunatly I believe the drive for a dollar (whether that be Axls or the record company's) will overide any burning deisre to get street cred back.

I think street cred, as this point in the game, is exclusive of record sales, etc.  Look, with the well documented horrid state of the music industry, many people who previously were afforded the luxury of acting anti-success, pro-Indie, do not find that line of thinking attractive anymore.  Moreover, GN'R is a well known, one of the most well known, monster hard rock machines/programs.  The idea of them as big, has always been with them.  In 1992, they were well known as the largest commercial entities in music, and even with Nirvana posing as the anti-of the anti they still were massively anti-establishment.  Axl, really has not lost that.  He just needs to shake the "rich, pampered" thing, which he can do quickly.  Dress a little rougher, rant against the cops and any authority figures, rage against Clear Channel (no-brainer), 3rd World debt not forgiven by the U.S., the treatment of Iraqi war veterans by the Bush Admin, and somehow stand their ground with Skwerl but make it clear they are not in support of him going to jail, etc.  They can distribute product however they want.  With GN'R, it is a given their record distribution is big-time, it's the attitude now.

I also think Axl should organize a massive one-day rock fest somewhere (with very reasonable ticket prices)--make it the show of the year, which is wicked hip, featuring the best upcoming bands, the best current bands, and make sure it is risky--not a family event, yet not overtly playing to the mullet/tits and ass crowd that is red neck, and not "Tool" hip.  Axl needs  the Tool , Rage, Sevendust, NIN, Muse & Primus type crowd, and organizing a killer music festival would be big-time, esp. if it was a big success--which Irving Azoff could help pull off, while keeping tickets reasonable.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Bob Lefsetz: Best Buy Deal confirmed/Azoff response to leaks

misterID wrote:

I like SI? so fuck this guy.

And critics are important. And always will be. Like it or not. Because in the end, that's what we all are.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Bob Lefsetz: Best Buy Deal confirmed/Azoff response to leaks

monkeychow wrote:

I agree...Fuck that whole review....I'm sick of hearing about the excess of the illusuions...LALD and KOHD are like the songs I always hear on local radio. Civil War and YCBM are as cool now as ever, NR is an all time classic....there's a ton of other insane less explored songs that the fanbase loves...but ..people love to bash UYI....but when it comes down to it...some of the bands best work is on those records.

Then i'm going to move onto TSI. Most people seem to hate it...and i've never got why...ok the genral fact that its all covers and not new original material at a time when we were waiting for a material album sucks...but the reality is TSI is cool....i'm not much into duff's voice...but the the covers with the whole band are fantasticly done...i don't understand how people who dig AFD don't like hearing Axl on Hair of the Dog...or Human Being! And Slash on Black Leather proves he can play rhythm in an insane way.

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