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 Rep: 207 

Re: Women...

DCK wrote:

i got a friend, he makes about 20 bucks an hour... fucking judge ordered him to pay 825 dollars for 2 kids and 300 a month alimony

his fucking wife has a job and makes the same money he does!

so he gets half his check taken........... how the fuck is he suppose to even live now?

Well, thankfully I don't live in a country who does that. At least I've never heard of such a thing where someone looses that kind of money compared to the income.

Absolutely horrible, I wouldn't know what to do with myself at all.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Women...

-D- wrote:

Don't get me wrong, I am all for supporting your kid.. but 2 kids, 825 dollars when u bring home about 2k a month?

shit im never having kids either.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Women...

monkeychow wrote:

Damn DCK your sms story is brutal sad

Like neemo I can see that child support is legit, as it costs a fortune to raise a kid these days, and it really should be a joint responsibility, although you'd also want to be given decent access to the kid in return, as parental responsibility is more than just a cheque surely.

And i do feel for that guy if they're leaving him nothing to live on!

LOL at the nomarriage website gong....that guy is pretty damn extreme!

Irony is i'm actually interested in getting into a more long term thing when the right girl comes along, I'm 33 and just kind of feel it's time to settle down soon, short term dating is so kind of pointless, you just get to know someone and then you start again.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Women...

Neemo wrote:

D your freind needs a better lawyer

 Rep: 768 

Re: Women...

Axlin16 wrote:

That site is crap. Funny crap, but crap. 16

Instability, selfishness, entitlement, etc. is based on the person, not on the sex.

I've seen men who behave that way, and i've seen women who do not.

I will make one correlation though, the hotter/prettier the woman, the more arrogant 'tude, selfishness, entitlement seems to get higher.

I could care less. I had a girl I was with back at the end of 2009, and I found out real quick she was a "princess", and I got out instantaneously. We weren't a month into it, and she was needing tons of attentions, started telling me how it was gonna be, and I had to chase her for anything.... nah, we're not gonna do that. No one tells me anything, and I wouldn't chase Angelina Jolie.

So I found something better to do with my time. I don't blame all women because she was another cunt.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Women...

monkeychow wrote:

Yeah at the end of the day I think relationships come down to people skills, and there's a lot of nasty people out there, both male and female.

Getting OT, but here's something I found interesting: I was pondering going on one of those "speed dating" nights recently. You know those evenings where you go to a private venue and they introduce you to 20 single people for 5 minutes each, and then at the end you fill in a form and say who you'd be interested to remeet - and if anyone matches then they set them up on a real date. I'm tempted by this idea just because my social networks are all married folks, and at bars it just turns into pick up for sex, and I dunno, I like the idea of meeting a bunch of people and not wasting the time involved in other dating methods. Like basicly I can tell if there's no chance i'll like someone within 5 why do it over a 3 course meal wink i was pondering going to one of those....and I read a website where they advertise it and I noticed they have special nights for dudes over 6 foot. To quote the add "Tall Men Speed Dating -
These lofty events are for men over 6ft tall and ladies of any stature."

Now I found that facinating from a societial point of view.

Now granted i'm just an angry short man (i'm 5'10") and probably just jealous...but I do find it interesting that it's socially acceptable for girls to admit - say at a dinner party - that they would only consider dating someone who is tall - and people don't look down (pardon the pun) on them for it. When height is a genetic factor outside of control.

Yet, if you were to make a similar statement as a guy about a genetic factor outside of control, say that you'd only date a girl with D cup boobs or above, or say C or below if that's your thing; or ; maybe about a factor that is partially genetic and partially lifestyle - such as fat/thin girls - you would be universally bashed as superficial and a prick.

See what i mean though? They're unlikely to run an add "Big Chest Speed Dating - these bouncy events are for girls with D cups and over, and guys of any shape" wink wink

I find that somewhat facinating! It sounds like I'm bitter and twisted I know, but it just poped into my head today as an interesting comparision in our society.

For example several female friends complain to me about how if a girl sleeps around she's a slut and a guy is a hero. But what of other things? It's pretty much socially acceptable here for a girl to have a vibrator, yet any guy who says he's got a toy vagina or blow up doll is some kind of pervert!!

It's a crazy world we live in kids! smile

 Rep: 768 

Re: Women...

Axlin16 wrote:

Which is stupid, because what man doesn't or hasn't used their hand? Really? The women are actually shaking and holding our sex toys on a regular basis. 16

You make a really good point about the double standard. If guys said "no fat chicks" for their speed dating, they would get more hell than Satan can provide.

But if a chick says "no short dudes", it's somehow okay.

Guys like myself would be in luck, but monkey and even his boy Axl Rose would get the door slammed in their face.


 Rep: 58 

Re: Women...

Stepvhen wrote:

The problem isn't with women its with the men. Most men just have no standards. Theres nothing wrong with having standards in fact it communicates that you know what you want in life and won't settle for less.
I woman knows this, she knows guys will fuck almost any girl even the fat ones just for the sake of a fuck. As a result the hotter girls have all the buying power. Its a case of supply and demand. Make yourself a scarce commodity with higher standards and your love life will boom through the roof. Women will start to chase you and not the other way around

 Rep: 768 

Re: Women...

Axlin16 wrote:


Brilliant - absolute brilliant.

I tip my hat to you sir.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Women...

DCK wrote:

I'm 33 and just kind of feel it's time to settle down soon, short term dating is so kind of pointless, you just get to know someone and then you start again.

I was 23 when I got that text message. She was 21. It's somewhat excused when you're young and in your first real relationship. Shouldn't be like that when you're late 20's, early 30's.

Now granted i'm just an angry short man (i'm 5'10") and probably just jealous...but I do find it interesting that it's socially acceptable for girls to admit - say at a dinner party - that they would only consider dating someone who is tall - and people don't look down (pardon the pun) on them for it. When height is a genetic factor outside of control.

I'm 5'9 and I had no issues with that in the past actually. Just go for the girls that are your height or lower. You may replace the shortness with several other qualities they dig (like long hair, nice eyes, whatever they want). I'm sure plenty of girls were turned off by my height, but I made sure to play the games I could play. Don't get me wrong though, I never really did get a lot of girls, but I always had the face to at least have a shot at some of them.

I'd say, instead of doing quick-dates or whatever it's called, just use the net  instead. Stroll around Facebook or MySpace. I have a friend who's picked up lots of girls on Facebook. I met my wife on MySpace (and she got in touch with me). Have an interesting profile and some real good pictures, and you might be in luck. Make sure to introduce your personality first (and be honest) and you might get lucky.

One thing I've noticed though, is that Israeli girls (at least my wife and plenty of her friends) are much more interested in dating, marriage and serious stuff than let's say Scandinavian girls. Nordic girls are very focused on themselves and being able to stand on their own, thinking that marriage or a relationship is standing in their way of something. I've met girls here pushing 25 (pretty ones too) that never was in a relationship. I was always interested in a real relationship, and that seemed to push most of the college chicks away. The non-college chicks were usually fat or stupid. Israeli girls though, are extremely focused on education and brains, but they still have time to look for, and find a guy of their interest. I was hesitant at first when I met my wife, her being damn far away, but after a few months of thinking (and more trying here at home) I just said "fuck it" and went for her. Best choice I did. They all have issues, can't get away from that, but I'm happy I found her. Life would be a bitch trying to hook up with these snotty college girls here. It was a completely hopeless task.

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