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 Rep: 268 

Re: Epiphany

Olorin wrote:

Europeans know how to go out and have a good time.

Plus Axls still got it:


Not long now... 11

 Rep: 118 

Re: Epiphany

mickronson wrote:

he looks like Brett Michaels..  Sounds pretty good tho..

 Rep: 118 

Re: Epiphany

mickronson wrote:

Ron on acoustic like that, reminds me of.. lol. sorry people (ron)

Re: Epiphany

Sky Dog wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Europeans know how to go out and have a good time.

Plus Axls still got it:


Not long now... 11

yep.....still got it. Period. You assclowns can argue over success and whatever. Axl brings it and makes a pretty good living off of bringing it.:peace:

 Rep: 118 

Re: Epiphany

mickronson wrote:

Saw this on a friends fb, had to share LOL

 Rep: 423 

Re: Epiphany

buzzsaw wrote:

I couldn't hear anything on that clip.  If that's the best proof you have that he's still got it, it's really over.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Epiphany

Bono wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I couldn't hear anything on that clip.  If that's the best proof you have that he's still got it, it's really over.

That's a bit of a stretch. Even I can admit he sounded pretty damn good in that clip

 Rep: 768 

Re: Epiphany

Axlin16 wrote:

And that just brings us back to what we've all said time and again. The guy has still got it, shockingly at 48, but it just depends on the day as to whether or not he cares.

James Lofton wrote:

Both those charts suck equally. It'd be like arguing in 1985 which is better:New Coke or Pepsi?

It's the same thing just in a different colored can.

Buzz does make a good point on how GNR fans always cherry pick when charts get to mean something.

GNR fan a week before CD release: CD is guaranteed to go number one!!!

Same fan one week later: Charts mean nothing.

GNR fan a week before CD release: CD's sales are gonna destroy Contraband!! VR suck!!!!!

Same GNR fan one week later: Sales don't mean anything.

GNR fan one week before CD release: The new single is gaining MASSIVE steam on the radio! We got a chart topper on our hands!!!

same GNR fan a week later: No one listens to radio anymore so it doesn't matter if DJs play it or not.

I'm not even slagging those who said it. I just think it's funny.

BAM... stone cold stunner. End match.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Epiphany

misterID wrote:

He's doing pretty well in Asia, too. You can talk about not wanting to offend anyone, but Asia and Europe fans matter, too. It's fucking hard for a rock act to make it in America today.

This actually makes me respect Axl even more for not giving in to what outsiders want. He'd make tons of cash on a nostalgia tour, like Motey Crue and Poison do, but he's doing his own thing, not giving a shit what anyone thinks. Like it or not, that's pretty admirable, considering most people in his position would go for the easy money in a heartbeat.

I understand why some disgruntled old fans want him to call it a day, but unfortunately, he's still making money, people still want to see him,  the album was #3, went platinum. The band is still successful, like it or not...

If he would do a tour right, which there is no indication that he will, a US tour could be successful. Not arenas, not theaters. 2006 scale is perfect "IF" they did it right... But, of course, they're no longer touring an unreleased album, but touring an album 2 years AFTER it was released.

It totally blows my mind that a band tours an album 7 years before its released... And when its finally released... They don't tour it... And then wait another 2 years before touring it again... Amazing.

Re: Epiphany

Sky Dog wrote:

the sky is falling the sky is falling...:haha:

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