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 Rep: 423 

Re: Former Italian President: "911 was an inside job"

buzzsaw wrote:

You generalize and provide no proof, just broad statements and instead of telling what did happen, all you can do is say what didn't happen (and you can't even prove that).  It's cool that you believe this, but that doesn't make it true.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Former Italian President: "911 was an inside job"

bigbri wrote:

So, let me get this straight. The CIA can pull off this massive cover-up but can't keep the international intelligence community from learning of it? Doesn't work.

As for the "liberal" media. Do you have any idea what state the journalism industry is in now, and I'm not talking broadcast media, I'm talking print?

And, bin Laden. You don't care what his reason for going along with it would be? It's key to the theory. Did the Taliban go along with it too, since Mullah Omar is hanging out with him? If so, why are the Taliban regaining strength in Afghanistan and making inroads into the established "western" government we supposedly set up? And which video of bin Laden is fake and who "discovered" it as fake? Maybe bin Laden himself faked it, if there is one.

As far as this central asia pipeline. The countries that export oil in that area don't even crack the top 15 as far as producers of oil. Look it up. Sure did go through a lot of trouble to get a little oil.

Besides what is the goal? Western governments in the Mideast or oil? Or is it both? Or do conspiracists not care to be on the same page?

 Rep: 341 

Re: Former Italian President: "911 was an inside job"

bigbri wrote:

^^^This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as questions about this theory^^^ If you can't answer these basic questions, it doesn't add up.

A real key here is answering my question about the "liberal" media. I'll wait.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Former Italian President: "911 was an inside job"

polluxlm wrote:

You all seem to be forgetting that a former President of an influential European country with intimate knowledge of such matters has come out in one of the most reputable newspapers in the country. And he's not the only one. That is the basis of this thread. Is that not witness? Is that not newsworthy? Any commercial newspaper should have jumped at these stories. But the vast majority don't. Why?

As for your gripes with what is possible and what is not. I don't know the exact outline, very few do, but I do know that too much doesn't add up. You can call it what you like, but that is a fact. I have yet to see anyone challenge my points earlier in this thread, or the statements of the article.

Re: Former Italian President: "911 was an inside job"

nugdafied wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

yeah i can see what your saying. But if your suggesting that the government would go to these lengths to get the pipleline. My question is why stop at the pipeline? Why not fabricate that the places which had the oil in the first place caused the attacks...then u can take it directly and not have to buy it from friendlies through a pipeline.

Ummmmm......have you ever heard of this place called Iraq?  roll

 Rep: 423 

Re: Former Italian President: "911 was an inside job"

buzzsaw wrote:

The burden of proof isn't on us.  It's on those making outrageous claims of what happened without any proof.  Some guy said this, some guy said that, blah, blah, blah.  Proof.  Provide it or just say this is what I believe regardless of all the logic that says it's not true.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Former Italian President: "911 was an inside job"

bigbri wrote:

Yeah, there is no proof. What proof is there? One official's claim. The fact is, there are far more facts to support the version of 9/11 that most people believe. There are no "facts" to the contrary.

I've read the links.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Former Italian President: "911 was an inside job"

bigbri wrote:

Polluxlm, I don't think we can refute the article because we don't know Italian!

 Rep: 221 

Re: Former Italian President: "911 was an inside job"

polluxlm wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

The burden of proof isn't on us.  It's on those making outrageous claims of what happened without any proof.  Some guy said this, some guy said that, blah, blah, blah.  Proof.  Provide it or just say this is what I believe regardless of all the logic that says it's not true.

Calm down buddy. I'm not the one making these claims. You want the whole story read a couple of books. I can entertain you on some points that I have knowledge of, but I don't care too much about these attitudes.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Former Italian President: "911 was an inside job"

polluxlm wrote:
bigbri wrote:

Polluxlm, I don't think we can refute the article because we don't know Italian!

Fair enough tongue

Yeah, there is no proof. What proof is there? One official's claim. The fact is, there are far more facts to support the version of 9/11 that most people believe. There are no "facts" to the contrary.

Well, I totally understand your position. To you they are unfamiliar mechanisms. If you really want to know I suggest you just read some stuff on the subject. But for the sake of discussion:

-Many physicists claim the official story breaks the laws of physics. The ones who support the official story has provided a various amounts of theories. There are no conclusion on the subject to this day other than that the government said "this is the conclusion".

-You see 'squids' popping out in the lower floors during the collapse. Similar to controlled demolition.

-A controlled demolition takes weeks and months to prepare. Somehow a plane manages to do the same on chance. Possible, sure, but not likely in the slightest. 2 times on one day? I say near impossible.

-Planes that don't look like what they should look like.

-The hole in the Pentagon. Shouldn't be possible according to physicists. The plane would either have disintegrated on the outside (it was a reinforced wall) or made a similar hole to those in the WTC (where you can see the impact of the wings).

-The wreckage of United 93 spread over 8 miles. That is proof of in-flight explosion.

-WTC7. Not hit by a plane. Collapsed in a symmetric fashion. Only logic explanation is controlled demolition.

Some of these I've mentioned before. Are they proof of Bush or whoever being behind 911? No, neither do I claim so. But they are proof that the official story is bullshit. Where you take it from there is up to yourself.

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