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 Rep: 33 

Re: It's been a year today

skippy wrote:

Hey, look on the bright side, YOU got the lay the pipe to it, most of us just felt like we got penetrated. smile

 Rep: 130 

Re: It's been a year today

mitchejw wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I remember this for the wrong reasons...Sigh......the day Chinese came out here in Oz,  my girlfriend, knowing how i'd waiting for the album for years,  was determined that the best way to experience the album was for me to fuck her while listening to she drove around especially...I had thought about telling her that actually i'd listened to the album in the car on the way back from the store before I called her, and that I had the leaks anyway so most of it wasn't new....but a second listen while fucking didn't seem like such a bad idea wink

So here we are a year on....Chinese Democracy is still one of my favourite albums, I still love listening to it, and that bitch left me a week before christmas.....memories... wink

Wow...that's quite a story...strange that she would go to all the trouble only to leave you a few weeks later...

I hope things have gotten better since...

 Rep: 108 

Re: It's been a year today

war wrote:

perhaps he didn't make it past the title track 16

 Rep: 386 

Re: It's been a year today

Bono wrote:

Definately seems wierd it's been a year already.  I never remember dates for releases. I remember dates of concerts like it's nothing but album releases not a chance. I couldn't even tell you the date No Line On The Horizon came out this year.

 Rep: 30 

Re: It's been a year today

jimmythegent wrote:

it would be quite interesting for Evo members to add another review to the reviews thread a year on - see how CD has held up and if any opinions have changed

 Rep: 661 

Re: It's been a year today

monkeychow wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Wow...that's quite a story...strange that she would go to all the trouble only to leave you a few weeks later...

I hope things have gotten better since...

Thanks dude...yeah turned out she had BPD and part of that is apparently suddently ending things with no warning...which I guess I knew was a risk but it still kind of hits you below the belt when you had your xmas stuff good to go.

But anyhow it's all a year ago now, just I can't help but think back whenever someone talks about release day! lol....sorry to derail the thread tho!

war wrote:

perhaps he didn't make it past the title track 16

16:haha: Harsh! Actually the sex was like the only good thing in our relationship hahah..although it does make you realise how long songs like twat really are hahahahahah....on retrospect I should have talked her into AFD...and tried to sync with Rocket Queen lmao wink

Back on topic ..the band getting active again and doing this canadian stuff could well be the perfect aniversary for the release though!

 Rep: 281 

Re: It's been a year today

faldor wrote:
Bono wrote:

Definately seems wierd it's been a year already.  I never remember dates for releases. I remember dates of concerts like it's nothing but album releases not a chance. I couldn't even tell you the date No Line On The Horizon came out this year.

I hear you, but THIS release date was a little different.  It was nearly a decade in the making.  I wasn't aware that The Spaghetti Incident was also released on November 23rd, because that one wasn't really a blip on the radar screen.  Chinese Democracy was a little different, whether you think it's a good album or not, just for its mythical status.  For that reason, I don't think I'll ever forget the release date.  But I can understand people not remembering.  I also have a friend whose birthday in 11/23 and I bought her the album solely because it came out on her birtday, so that certainly helps me remember.

 Rep: 107 

Re: It's been a year today

Furbush wrote:

the album has become the soundtrack to my impending divorce..... that has definitely changed my perception of it... even if it is only a little

 Rep: 107 

Re: It's been a year today

Furbush wrote:

.. now i can't stop listening to it.. all the lyrics fit

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