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 Rep: 287 

Re: Web Design Software Advice

Aussie wrote:

Well I have finally decided I wanna build a website for my collection of GNR shit. After talking of doing it for 5 or 6 years now I have finally decided to create/design it myself but have been tossing up over which software to use.

I'm pretty green when it comes to this sort of stuff so the easier it is to use the better.  I don't really wanna learn html and all that other stuff either.

Anyhow, I've got an imac at home so I was looking into mac related software.  I downloaded a trial version of Freeway Express and whilst it's not basic to use after fumbling through a couple of tutorials on there I think it can do most of what I want and it won't be too difficult to get up to speed on it.

Has anyone had any experience with this software or can recommend any others for me to look at?

The main purposes of the site is really to house picture (shitloads) and information.  It will be fairly static, I don't really care for too much fancy stuff like dynamic effects etc etc. 

Any thoughts/comments?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Web Design Software Advice

Axlin16 wrote:

Don't know about web design, but that is cool news that you want to launch a GN'R website.

 Rep: 8 

Re: Web Design Software Advice

Anna wrote:

I've never heard of that software before but I heard GIMP is suppose to be really good. Its like a alternate version of Photoshop. Here is the link to it

I use Adobe CS products but they are so expensive, I do plan to upgrade but just not now..& I've used Jasc Paint Pro shop but they don't make it compatible for MACS roll

Re: Web Design Software Advice

Lomax wrote:


 Rep: 207 

Re: Web Design Software Advice

DCK wrote:

I use Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

All errr....paid for.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Web Design Software Advice

PaSnow wrote:

Dreamweaver is pretty standard. Kindof the default web builder, like Photoshop, although it's not as dominant. You can also build sites start to finish in Flash.  Both have a little learning curve though, even for the basics.  Some host sites like Godaddy have pre-built sites you can use. Simply add your own text & photos. Might be worth a try while you learn better web design skills.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Web Design Software Advice

Aussie wrote:

Thanks for the feedback everyone I'll have a look into a few of these too before taking the plunge.

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