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 Rep: 14 

Re: Trunk Interviews RRHOF President

ereeper wrote:

If Slash can butcher the Super Bowl, he aint missing the Big Dance.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Trunk Interviews RRHOF President

misterID wrote:

If the president of the HALL is saying anything negative about the new line up, that isn't very smart if they want the money shot.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Trunk Interviews RRHOF President

misterID wrote:
Slash wrote:

For the record, I didn't RSVP, or in any way commit to attending the RRHF. I don't appreciate people putting words in my mouth. Iii|; )'

So, is anything this HOF guy said true?

 Rep: 386 

Re: Trunk Interviews RRHOF President

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:
Slash wrote:

For the record, I didn't RSVP, or in any way commit to attending the RRHF. I don't appreciate people putting words in my mouth. Iii|; )'

So, is anything this HOF guy said true?

Sounds like the guy is a tool. saying derogatory things about the current band(that'll make Axl happy) then speaking on behalf of others that they've RSVP'd when it looks as though they haven't. Not sure pissing off your guests of honor is the right approach

Re: Trunk Interviews RRHOF President

Sky Dog wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Axl could always just boycott and pretend it never happened, but it'll just bury him further.

He has already been buried by the media and public for 20 years. Honestly, he doesn't have anything to lose by skipping the show. It would just be more of the same demonizing from the media and public that he has dealt with for 2 decades. Same story, new chapter.

yep. Ax has been playing that game for a long time. He will play it again and will go about his business with little to no repercussions and no changes over the current status quo.

Re: Trunk Interviews RRHOF President

Sky Dog wrote:

I got 2 to 1 odds Axl doesn't attend the event.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Trunk Interviews RRHOF President

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 386 

Re: Trunk Interviews RRHOF President

Bono wrote:
russtcb wrote:
Bono wrote:

Sounds like the guy is a tool. saying derogatory things about the current band

I don't think I saw or read any of that. What did he say bad about the new band?

Atarilegend wrote:

Supposedly from something I read on MYGNR that the President made some negative comments about the current line up and them buying tickets if they want to be there.

I should've taken that with a  grain of salt considering where it came from. not syaing AtariLegend said that but he read it at mygnr. Not sure if he ment someone posted an actual quote or if it was just some mygnr memebr saying they "heard" this.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Trunk Interviews RRHOF President

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 287 

Re: Trunk Interviews RRHOF President

Aussie wrote:
russtcb wrote:
ereeper wrote:

If Slash can butcher the Super Bowl, he aint missing the Big Dance.


I don't follow Slash on twitter but Trunk re-tweeted that thing Slash tweeted about the Rock Hall so I replied "So....are you going or no?"

To me, everyone on Earth knew/knows that everyone else will be there. Axl is the wild card and always has been. Maybe Slash is trying to get people talking about him by acting as if he may not do it?

Bono wrote:

Sounds like the guy is a tool. saying derogatory things about the current band

I don't think I saw or read any of that. What did he say bad about the new band?

I actually think Izzy is a wild card too, he could just go walkabout and disappear the week of the event.

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