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 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

Cena vs Punk last night was awesome. That match literally did have a WM feel to it. It was really entertaining and I knew Cena was going to win but at times they had me wondering. That's hard to do in this day and age when we all know for the most part how it's going to play out. I find it so hilarious when you can hear the specific demographics of fans cheering during the match

All the women and all the kids under the age of 15: "Let's Go Cena!"

Every guy over the age of 14: "CM PUNK!"

You can literally hear the difference in voices when that alternating chant went up.

Anyways great start and finish to RAW last night and I didn't watch anything in between 16

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

I think Cena and Punk bring out the best in each other. Great chemistry. The crowd was way into it, probably the best I've seen on RAW... Probably ever. That made the match. Agree, it was pure PPV quality.

And I can't believe how much Brock bled on TV. That was awesome.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

Is it just me or did it look like Triple H had literally pissed his pants last night. Like not from an acting stand point but literally like he pissed his pants or had some weird masive ass sweat going on?

Here's the best footage I can find because WWE has edited it already because of the blood

I found it funny last night how there was so much blood and this brawl as fairly violent. Then the Cena v Punk match had an old school vibe to it that felt like a PPV I also forgot I did actually watch the part with Delrio and Swagger and thought to myslf it's pretty touchey subject matter for PG era. Made me wonder for a bit if maybe, just maybe last night might've been the begining of a change indirection for the company...... just a thought. Would love it if they did change it up.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

I saw that, too. I think it was just butt sweat, not unless HHH has grown a leaky vagina wink

I read that Vince was pissed that Cena and Punk used a pile driver, which is banned in WWE now. Vince shouldn't be pissed about anything in that main event. Since Rock came back they've been skirting the PG stuff.

I'm really thinking Brock really busted his head on that post. It didn't look like a blade job.

But that was the best RAW, performance-wise, I've seen in a long time.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

Yeah the piledriver was crazy. Haven't seen one of those in WWE/WWF for a long while. Even the way Lawler announced it you could tell he was surprised by it.

I did notice a few weeks back that the Rock was saying things in promos that were like "whoa" cause it's been so tame for so long and you just don't expect certain words anymore.

Brock was cut for real no doubt. Total accident I think. There's no way they go from PG no blood to Attitude era violence in the blink of an eye. I thought it was great though.

I've been wasting hours on a  consistent basis the last few weeks watching old attitude era clips on youtube and man the difference in quality and entertainment value from back then to now is so night and day.  That Attitude era and the few years leading up to it were pure gold. No wonder even non wrestling fans got into it.  Back when heels were truly badass but still got massive pops, back when we didn't know who was gonna win but the right guy always seemed to win it because the next story line that unfolded was almost perfect every time. Back when guys promos seemed real because they were talented enough to wing it almost every single time. Back when Twitter didn't exist and the promos werent based on getting things trending. 

They should use this HHH vs Brock fued to lead the charge back to those days. They've got some guys that could totally help. Strike while the iron is hot. Have the Shield play a role, let Punk loose on the mic, have Cena go completely heel but still play up his good guy role. Cena's character is interesting. On one hand I fucking hate it nd he's so lamein his delivery of it but on the other hand it has so much potential. Kids and girls love him. Older males(15+) hate him but wouldn't it be great to reverse that and I think there's the potential to do that. Nothing works better for a heel turn than letting down the kids.

Sheamus I think could work great in an attitude era type setting so could Zigler and Bryan. Obviously Jericho. Miz is not bad. Something switched in me and I'm kinda liking Delrio now.

They have a hand full of guys that could make it work.


 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

Well, everything is going to be better when you're not on a leash. The attitude era was all about pushing the envelope. I read Punk got fined for blading in a steel cage match on RAW. wtf? That's what the WWE needs more of right now.

This is the best WWE has been in a long time. Punk, Ziggler, The Shield, Bryan, hell even Del Rio has gotten better. Rock has come back at the right time and so has Brock. I'm actually excited about next weeks show.

I even think this Swagger push is going to be pretty big. I saw news outlets talking about it. I really hope they don't hold back and make it racist and really push the envelope. I heard this has become Vince's baby, and now that a feud has erupted with Glenn Beck over the political tea party stuff, they're really going to push it.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

They gotta know a more edgy product = better ratings.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

I'm just wondering, Punk has lost 3 major matches in a row against The Rock/Cena. He's going against Takers 20-0 streak. I might be crazy, but I think Punk might actually have chance of winning this.

He's the most over regular wrestler on roster coming of one of the longest title runs in history and in the prime of his career. I don't think they have sense to do Cena/Taker and Taker's career isn't gonna go on forever.

21-0 isn't better than 20-0. It would cement Punk's legacy to legendary.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

I was wondering that, too.

Word is Taker wants the streak to end and wants to pass the torch.

I think these losses are leading up to his face turn. I heard that he and Cena are Vince's favorite performers and wants to push Punk more and put him in some films.

 Rep: 212 

Re: The Wrestling thread

BLS-Pride wrote:

Taker would be the guy to "make" Punk. Especially at Mania. Taker is dedicated to the business and understands the golden rule. You always go out on your back. Taker is one of the few guys (HBK) is another who can still make somone.

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