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 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I thought you guys said the FBI was out to get HRC. Now you say it was FOX news. Which is it?  I think it all worked out well for HRC.

You were linking to the FOX report and said nothing when they had to apologize for lying -- yes, it was a blatant lie, one which Conway stated they didn't care, the damage was done.  So it didn't work out great for Hillary. It stuck to her. They had a week of clobbering her. It probably swayed some votes. They got what they wanted. Rudy is probably laughing his ass off at Comey right now.

FBI gave Guliani loaded info, he gave it to FOX where he has an open mike, and they ran with it, specifically to influence the election and hurt Clinton. They are all to blame. Why does anyone have to blame one or the other?

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

 Rep: 661 

Re: US Politics Thread

monkeychow wrote:

I actually like what he said in that video.

What I doubt though is his ability to deliver those things.

In reality, he is the representative of the GOP which, just like the democratic party also, has been in the service of large corporations and other billion dollar interest groups for generations now.

Likewise as a born millionaire, now billionaire, he is both from and has perpetuated the type of inequality and 'establishment-interests' that he is now supposedly championing against.

How is he the figure head of normal people when his life is anything but normal? How is the representative of the oldest political party in the system being painted as an outsider?

What he says is what a lot of people want I have no doubt, but it's a straight up con job to think this stuff can come from this person.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I actually like what he said in that video.

What I doubt though is his ability to deliver those things.

In reality, he is the representative of the GOP which, just like the democratic party also, has been in the service of large corporations and other billion dollar interest groups for generations now.

Likewise as a born millionaire, now billionaire, he is both from and has perpetuated the type of inequality and 'establishment-interests' that he is now supposedly championing against.

How is he the figure head of normal people when his life is anything but normal? How is the representative of the oldest political party in the system being painted as an outsider?

What he says is what a lot of people want I have no doubt, but it's a straight up con job to think this stuff can come from this person.

I see how you easily could say that Monkey but he isn't really friends with the rich like you think. Most mega rich just don't like him. He didn't take Wall Street money like Hillary did and others have. He has a lot of flaws but I think he is his own man. His only negative is that he is mega rich so you assume he thinks just like every other super rich person. I think he does want to shake things up.

 Rep: 77 

Re: US Politics Thread

TheMole wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I actually like what he said in that video.

What I doubt though is his ability to deliver those things.

In reality, he is the representative of the GOP which, just like the democratic party also, has been in the service of large corporations and other billion dollar interest groups for generations now.

Likewise as a born millionaire, now billionaire, he is both from and has perpetuated the type of inequality and 'establishment-interests' that he is now supposedly championing against.

How is he the figure head of normal people when his life is anything but normal? How is the representative of the oldest political party in the system being painted as an outsider?

What he says is what a lot of people want I have no doubt, but it's a straight up con job to think this stuff can come from this person.

I see how you easily could say that Monkey but he isn't really friends with the rich like you think. Most mega rich just don't like him. He didn't take Wall Street money like Hillary did and others have. He has a lot of flaws but I think he is his own man. His only negative is that he is mega rich so you assume he thinks just like every other super rich person. I think he does want to shake things up.

But HOW does he want to shake things up? In that clip you posted, all he does is lament about the problems he claims to see (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now and will assume he really does believe that the US political system is corrupt, I could argue he's only aping Bernie's message here because he knows it played well). But he doesn't offer an alternative, all he says is "I'm different" without explaining HOW. All of his actual policies (the ones that you can look up at least, immigration, foreign policy and tax related) are completely unrelated to anything in this speech. As a matter of fact, a lot of what he has said in past debates, rallies and interviews seem to indicate that he'd favor MORE centralized power (curtailing the media, jailing his political opponent, ...). It also doesn't help, to Monkey's point, that he's running on the platform of the party that opened the floodgates for the organized corruption in the US political system (citizens united).

Contrast that to Sanders, who outlined actual detailed measures he'd take to tackle the influence of big money in politics, who actually outlined policies that were designed to benefit the lower and middle class, who actually understood the need to overturn citizens united, ... I don't want to debate the merits of those policies now, but at the very least he had something to offer that you could analyze, that you could debate. Trump just doesn't have any of that, it's just a lot of finger pointing, lamenting and complaining without offering potential solutions (let alone a way of implementing those solutions).

It's just so disheartening to see people get sucked into this spiral of negativity and complaints without solutions. I get why it might feel cathartic to complain for a bit, but at a certain point you're going to have to suck it up, and look into the alternative he's offering and realize that he has none. And he even admits as much himself, he proudly proclaims that he will just "learn on the job"!

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I actually like what he said in that video.

What I doubt though is his ability to deliver those things.

In reality, he is the representative of the GOP which, just like the democratic party also, has been in the service of large corporations and other billion dollar interest groups for generations now.

Likewise as a born millionaire, now billionaire, he is both from and has perpetuated the type of inequality and 'establishment-interests' that he is now supposedly championing against.

How is he the figure head of normal people when his life is anything but normal? How is the representative of the oldest political party in the system being painted as an outsider?

What he says is what a lot of people want I have no doubt, but it's a straight up con job to think this stuff can come from this person.

I see how you easily could say that Monkey but he isn't really friends with the rich like you think. Most mega rich just don't like him. He didn't take Wall Street money like Hillary did and others have. He has a lot of flaws but I think he is his own man. His only negative is that he is mega rich so you assume he thinks just like every other super rich person. I think he does want to shake things up.

What does "being friends" have to do with it? The Donald doesn't have a lot of friends so I should believe he's some sort of outsider?

He ain't no leader of men. That's my problem with him. He won't leave this world a better place than he left it. He's a vortex that kills everything that goes into it -- yet somehow makes him richer. He takes credit for anything good that happens and blames others when bad things happen.

 Rep: 341 

Re: US Politics Thread

bigbri wrote:

Donald Trump isn't friends with other mega-rich dudes, and a lot of elites for that matter, because he's an unlikable prick. He would certainly love to claim Warren Buffet and Michael Bloomberg among his friends, but they would not reciprocate. Don't fool yourself.

Re: US Politics Thread

AtariLegend wrote:

"Barrack Obama was the worst thing that ever happened to Israel" and the Jews.

 Rep: 8 

Re: US Politics Thread

Ragnar wrote:

Barack Hussein Obama is the worst POTUS in history no doubt, worse then Bush Jr. A spineless cuck who was elected because liberal establishment supported him and ate up his "change" bullshit.

His presidency will be known for two things: gender neutral toilets and safe spaces. Don`t get me started on his amateur foreign policy.

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