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CSS 2.0
 Rep: 35 

Re: US Politics Thread

CSS 2.0 wrote:

Three separate women have come forward, with the latest accusing him of taking part in her gang rape. You can scream "Conspiracy!" all you'd like but this is very serious and has to be investigated thoroughly.

I'm not necessarily saying he is guilty but he's certainly a piece of shit who shouldn't be anywhere near the SCOTUS.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

So now polls matter?

You are such a conservative.

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Just a few things,

1. I am a bit concerned of a guy like this, being "pro-life" having the potential to sit on the Supreme Court. Does anyone honestly believe if he & that girl hooked up, had she become pregnant, that they would have carried the baby to term. Secondly, do you think his parents would have advised they carry it to term, and not end the pregnanccy so Biff can go to Yale?!  I mean, c'mon.  Yet now he'll play Mr Hoity Toity to America saying all guys & girls need to suck it up. Get real. Dems sorta missed the mark by not questioning him 'If he was 17'. knowing this was looming.

2. It's time to end 'lifetime appointments' for the Supreme Court. The times & people from 30 years ago are dated, and from another era. More like 10-15 years seems adequate. Time for an ammedment on it.

3. Funny seeing McConeell cry fowl over this. Gee, remember when we had a SC nom who wasn't accused of sexual assault?  Yeah, I do. I call it 2016.

I dunno, I mean, things we did at 15, 17 etc are in the past. But this isn't a typical job being filled. Supreme Court Justices should come without alot of baggage. Maybe its new times we've entered, but we put nominated 3 in the past 10 years without such drama.

CSS 2.0
 Rep: 35 

Re: US Politics Thread

CSS 2.0 wrote:

For those crying (obviously not directed at you, PaSnow) it shouldn't matter what one did back when they were 17 or whatever - tell that to the ordinary citizens with permanent marks on their records for non-violent offences which they committed back in the day.

Would they receive such compassion from the society in which they live in? Or whenever they apply for a job? I very much doubt it.

Again, you could argue I'm attempting to build a straw man here but I honestly don't see a difference between the two. People shouldn't be treated differently based on status.

It needs to be investigated and if the claims are corroborated and turn out to be true then he should fuck off permanently.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

These are straw man arguments. You're dictating them based on your political beliefs. I don't like Kavanaugh and he wouldn't be my choice even if I were republican.

This is a huge problem -- they're making it where you're guilty until proven innocent. You HAVE to believe a female accuser. They're saying due process isn't a real thing. That your credibility hinges on your political beliefs. Lynch mob rules. We're now going to hold you to account on sketchy memories from someone you might have known once at a party when you were 17-18. You guys aren't concerned about that?

I'm pro choice until a heartbeat.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
misterID wrote:

These are straw man arguments. You're dictating them based on your political beliefs. I don't like Kavanaugh and he wouldn't be my choice even if I were republican.

This is a huge problem -- they're making it where you're guilty until proven innocent. You HAVE to believe a female accuser. They're saying due process isn't a real thing. That your credibility hinges on your political beliefs. Lynch mob rules. We're now going to hold you to account on sketchy memories from someone you might have known once at a party when you were 17-18. You guys aren't concerned about that?

I'm pro choice until a heartbeat.

Why can’t you at least acknowledge this is all backlash from the tactics used by Republicans from 2010-2016. They stopped at nothing to embarrass and humiliate Obama and the Dems.

It took Trump and enough lying to fill up the Grand Canyon but god damnit by any means necessary, they said.

The tea bagger movement in 2010 started a deluge of poorly educated, very low skill yes men spilling into congress who ran on hate and anger. Just go look up Joe Walsh as a fine example here in Illinois. These people wanted nothing more  burn the whole thing down. Terrible, angry human beings who were elected in droves.

You’re getting it back in spades.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
misterID wrote:

These are straw man arguments. You're dictating them based on your political beliefs. I don't like Kavanaugh and he wouldn't be my choice even if I were republican.

This is a huge problem -- they're making it where you're guilty until proven innocent. You HAVE to believe a female accuser. They're saying due process isn't a real thing. That your credibility hinges on your political beliefs. Lynch mob rules. We're now going to hold you to account on sketchy memories from someone you might have known once at a party when you were 17-18. You guys aren't concerned about that?

I'm pro choice until a heartbeat.

Why can’t you at least acknowledge this is all backlash from the tactics used by Republicans from 2010-2016. They stopped at nothing to embarrass and humiliate Obama and the Dems.

It took Trump and enough lying to fill up the Grand Canyon but god damnit by any means necessary, they said.

The tea bagger movement in 2010 started a deluge of poorly educated, very low skill yes men spilling into congress who ran on hate and anger. Just go look up Joe Walsh as a fine example here in Illinois. These people wanted nothing more  burn the whole thing down. Terrible, angry human beings who were elected in droves.

You’re getting it back in spades.

To make matters worse you get these people in the middle saying ‘oh ho hum’ why can’t we all meet in the middle?

No one is following that kind of lead except for people who are already there to begin with.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

One final thought here on the metoo movement.

I think it’s very difficult for men who are very rarely in the position of a woman to understand the unspoken power dynamic.  I wants heard Joe Rogan say that liberals are destroying male sexuality. I thought about that for a very long time. Then I thought, male sexuality was once raping women in the forest or the jungle. Surely, it’s an effective strategy for spreading your gene pool.  Back in those days there was no room for morality or ethics. We now live in a civilized society and we need to work hard to expunge those Neanderthal like tendencies  from our day-to-day existence.

At the end of the day, this is about balancing the power between men and women if there is such a possible thing. It’s also holding those accountable who took advantage of a power dynamic no matter how long ago that it happened.  Men who are in positions of power should never use that in an irresponsible way. Neither should women but  there seems to be far less opportunity and even less follow through on making something like that happen.

The most difficult thing about making this decision to speak out about these experiences is that you were basically signing up for a big ass fight. Those people who are being truthful and honest about what happened to them are going to have to face the consequences.  I do not think that’s an easy thing to do for woman.

I also think that there is no guidelines or parameters for proportionality. Asking a woman out on a date and just the proposition of that  request does not constitute sexual harassment in my opinion. However, if your boss asks you out there is a certain amount of undue pressure there that may not constitute in harassment but certainly has the potential for major consequences both immediate and long-term.  take it one step further and you have some entitled jag off who is basically trading promotions for sexual favors, then the person in power is creating an environment in which the only way to advance in a career is to engage in these activities.

Sure, you can say the woman has the right to say no and then quit, but in doing so it’s likely that they are hurting their own career in their own advancement within.

I have heard of this occurring when a gay man is the boss is well. When S gay man puts these kinds of contingencies on his subordinates who may also be male. Makes who are young and dumb.

In any case, I’m sure at least a few of you said to yourself who gives a shit? Just let everyone fuck! You would be of the traditional crowd. That’s the way it has been in many circles for a long time.

It’s a Phuked up world, i guess.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

No one is getting anything back in spades. Obama wasted ALL his political capital in 2008. And as an Obama guy, he hated being President and didn't fight at all. He had a terrible cabinet.

Republicans used the Biden rule against them on The supreme court. This has nothing to do with the tea party. The liberal far left are FAR, FAR, FAR worse than the tea party. 

I have no problem with metoo, but I have a big problem with phony wannabes with no identity who weaponize it.

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