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- Rep: 194
Re: Guns n roses played the general

Your obsession with Robin Finck is out of hand. We get it, you don’t like Slash, and you love Finck. Still doesn’t mean he’s playing on any of these songs.
Re: Guns n roses played the general
The ASCAP listing having both the songs gets even more confusing.
My three theories for it now:
1) It's meant to be two separate listings and the TB Elite Management Team fucked up
2) It's meant to be together on a full album-like release but it's split up for the B-Side.
3) Monsters was meant to be a hidden track on the end of The General on the Perhaps vinyl
3* This is impossible.. the 7" vinyl have a limit of 1 song per side.. the lengh max is 5 min..
- monsterscantkillme
- Rep: 0
Re: Guns n roses played the general
Your obsession with Robin Finck is out of hand. We get it, you don’t like Slash, and you love Finck. Still doesn’t mean he’s playing on any of these songs.
How is hearing Robin play a Super Strat guitar on the high end on The General an obsession?
Re: Guns n roses played the general
Tmgladden wrote:monsterscantkillme wrote:And hold the phone. I just forced myself to sit through my ULTIMATE NIGHTMARE of watching Slash live and after watching and most importantly LISTENING to it I can say that Slash played the solo DIFFERENTLY than Robin plays it on The General demo. It's still Robin Finck on the original 2006 demo of The General.
Finck? Are you mad? After watching slash play this live there is only one conclusion, Paul Huge actually wrote the whole song. Sorry bud, not finck
I put on my headphones like I did with the Monsters song to get the lyrics right and on the headphones I hear Slash playing it differently than Robin. Robin plays the solo on the high end. Not piercing and strident lol but still on the high end. If you know about the Super Strat guitar you'll know what I mean. Robin is famous for using the Super Strat guitar. Slash is famous for using the classic Les Paul. I hear this as another case and example of Slash trying to be Robin again live this time on the General. And Paul Huge? Where did Paul Huge come from? Paul's been out of the picture for years. I would assume Robin not only recorded the solo on The General but I would assume Robin wrote the guitar solo he recorded too. Why would Paul Huge write guitar solos for Robin to play in studio?
Dude, slash never plays a solo note for note live, an plus the earlier demos an the final products have all changed some how. The leak is too close to what they played live. An I have a super strat, an slash uses fenders in his recordings. Sucker train blues used a tele an strat, no Les Paul at all. An Paul comes in just simply cause we can all make absurd statements, isn’t that absurd?
Re: Guns n roses played the general
Axl S wrote:The ASCAP listing having both the songs gets even more confusing.
My three theories for it now:
1) It's meant to be two separate listings and the TB Elite Management Team fucked up
2) It's meant to be together on a full album-like release but it's split up for the B-Side.
3) Monsters was meant to be a hidden track on the end of The General on the Perhaps vinyl3* This is impossible.. the 7" vinyl have a limit of 1 song per side.. the lengh max is 5 min..
Somebody better let the November Rain 7" vinyl from 92 know then.
- monsterscantkillme
- Rep: 0
Re: Guns n roses played the general
monsterscantkillme wrote:Tmgladden wrote:Finck? Are you mad? After watching slash play this live there is only one conclusion, Paul Huge actually wrote the whole song. Sorry bud, not finck
I put on my headphones like I did with the Monsters song to get the lyrics right and on the headphones I hear Slash playing it differently than Robin. Robin plays the solo on the high end. Not piercing and strident lol but still on the high end. If you know about the Super Strat guitar you'll know what I mean. Robin is famous for using the Super Strat guitar. Slash is famous for using the classic Les Paul. I hear this as another case and example of Slash trying to be Robin again live this time on the General. And Paul Huge? Where did Paul Huge come from? Paul's been out of the picture for years. I would assume Robin not only recorded the solo on The General but I would assume Robin wrote the guitar solo he recorded too. Why would Paul Huge write guitar solos for Robin to play in studio?
Dude, slash never plays a solo note for note live, an plus the earlier demos an the final products have all changed some how. The leak is too close to what they played live. An I have a super strat, an slash uses fenders in his recordings. Sucker train blues used a tele an strat, no Les Paul at all. An Paul comes in just simply cause we can all make absurd statements, isn’t that absurd?
It's not absurd. I'm listening to the demo and not previous songs. On the demo itself the solo is played with a Strat on HIGH. And that is a Robin Finck signature. And that's not absurd either.
- monsterscantkillme
- Rep: 0
Re: Guns n roses played the general
I can't hear the guitar over myself saying JESUS AXL WTF when I'm playing this.
I hear Slash fumbling, bumbling, and stumbling over the solo like he fumbles and stumbles over the Perhaps, Hard Skool, and Absurd solos from Robin and Bucket live.
Re: Guns n roses played the general
Axl S wrote:The ASCAP listing having both the songs gets even more confusing.
My three theories for it now:
1) It's meant to be two separate listings and the TB Elite Management Team fucked up
2) It's meant to be together on a full album-like release but it's split up for the B-Side.
3) Monsters was meant to be a hidden track on the end of The General on the Perhaps vinyl3* This is impossible.. the 7" vinyl have a limit of 1 song per side.. the lengh max is 5 min..
Now that it's clear that they are two completely separate songs, to me the hidden track thing would be the most plausible explanation for why it's registered as The General And Monsters..
The question then would just be why would Axl want to hide such a strong track (he clearly was proud of his work on the bridge) as a hidden track on a B-Side..
- monsterscantkillme
- Rep: 0
Re: Guns n roses played the general
Okay guys. Listen to this. On the live performance from The General I hear body and low-end rumble from Slash on the live performance. That is a classic Slash signature Les Paul sound. Not a Robin Finck thing. On The General demo it is Super Strat on high. Big difference from the demo and live performance. This tells me it is Robin on The General demo. Do you guys based on my new audio evidence still say I'm nuts and ready for the looney bin?