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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Rosario, Argentina - Salon Metropolitano (October 10, 2011) » 695 weeks ago
That looks like a pretty nice setlist When I last saw them in 2006, they didn't play Estranged, This I Love, or Sorry. Catcher in the Rye would be nice.
At this point I have zero expectation of new songs. Haven't been following things that closely in the last couple years but I haven't seen anything to indicate there is new stuff being worked on by the band. Its being touted as a tour where they play the classics. I'll go see them if they come to Las Vegas or LA.
#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Santiago, Chile - October 5, 2011 » 695 weeks ago
Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:wow I still can't believe how good Estranged sounds. Thats an amazing video!
Here here. While I don't doubt the talent of these guys, I was still kinda worried about actually hearing it from them. I'm so glad Ron is handling most of the solos.
I dont' doubt it either, I just never liked the song live in the past.
#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Santiago, Chile - October 5, 2011 » 696 weeks ago
wow I still can't believe how good Estranged sounds. Thats an amazing video!
#4 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » Ok, you're Slash & VRs new manager, what would you do? » 696 weeks ago
Alter Bridge are anything but bible thumping, you're confusing them with the other shit band they're in, Creed.
Well they both suck!
#5 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » MTV Guns N' Roses/Metallica 1992 Doco » 696 weeks ago
I was too young to see that tour. 11 or 12. I wanted to go so bad!
#6 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » Ok, you're Slash & VRs new manager, what would you do? » 696 weeks ago
VR should just try to get Weiland back next time he breaks from STP.
Myles is generic, as said. Sadly, he is relevant in today's music scene, but I've never cared for his voice, or that bible thumping band he's in. Just not my thing.
They shouldn't try to get Corey Taylor, he's in enough bands and I like him but his style is too different from the VR guys.
VR made some decent songs with Scott.
#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » La Plata, Argentina - October 8 2011 » 696 weeks ago
damn, missed another live broadcast
hopefully someone recorded this! Sounds like a better show than Rio.
#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » Santiago, Chile - October 5, 2011 » 696 weeks ago
I'll go see them any chance I can. Axl will be 50 next year, who knows when the chance will come again? Haven't had a chance to see the band in almost 5 years now.
At this point in my life however, I don't think I would really travel. Maybe to LA since its close. Back in 2006 I went to NY for the Hammerstein shows, but priorities in life are a bit different these days.
#9 Re: The Garden » Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs dies at age 56 » 696 weeks ago
appreciate it but I am buried with work now as it is.
#10 Re: The Garden » Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs dies at age 56 » 696 weeks ago
Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:I wouldn't be doing what I do for a living without Steve Jobs (I'm an iPhone developer these days, not the old job). He will truly be missed. I haven't bought a non-Apple computer in at least 10 years.
Was the old biz simply too saturated to make any money at this point?
It got a lot harder for sure! But I also got married, had a kid, and so it was time to move on to new things anyways.