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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 16 weeks ago

Welp, video is “okay” at best.  Not sure why a “B-side” is getting a video anyway.  I like the general.  It’s nothing amazing, but the way the marketing side of the band handles things is just odd.  I wonder if there are even any contractual albums owed to the label anymore.  They need to just compile the releases and add about 6-8 more songs and get on with it.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 23 weeks ago

Man, absurd would be so much better with the the “bitch like you chorus” added.  You can talk about pussy full of maggots.  Should have left “what can I do, with a bitch like you”

Would be awesome to hear a clean recording with that old chorus and the old version of The G.  I doubt we ever will though.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 23 weeks ago

So many hating in comments on social media sites.  Lots love it.  I heard the recent leak of the G.  So I’d heard it prior but new one sounds better than the leak to my ears.  I think something people are to remember is this is supposed to be considered a “B-side.”  To me that means song that was thrown out due to it feeling not strong enough etc.. or maybe CD era band or new returning slash duff band or Axl feel or felt at some point that it wasn’t worthy for an album release.  I think we’d all still agree that it’s still them releasing something which is better than nothing.  Even the worst GNR song id welcome to have something new.  People jock AFD so much.  Sure it’s great.  I’m more of an illusions guy.  I love the grandiose Queen on steroids.  To me that’s when GNR found a defined sound as a band was UYI.  To me people need to stop jerking AFD and be glad something is even happening.  Even if the way the band goes about it and the slowness of it is completely stupid and unnecessary.


Eh they’ll probably pay her out and it’ll be swept under the rug and nothing will change.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 27 weeks ago

GNRBOYZ1225 wrote:

I never hated Scraped like everyone. The guitar is insane

I think for me the worst part of scraped is the intro vocal chants or whatever you want to call it. Also recording/production-wise there’s some either punch-in flaws or auto tune issues in that song that my ears always catch.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » What happened to Axl's voice? » 27 weeks ago

I think everyone has valid points.  The dude couldn’t maintain what he did when he was young.   Age is a massive factor too.  Dude is about to be 62.  Add in what wine/alcohol, smoking, lack of sleep at times, elevation changes from travel, all of the years of that shit can factor in.  I saw a few videos of my grandfather 10-20 years apart and it was a trip how brittle his voice became over the years.  Also Axl didn’t really sing consistently for long periods of time over the years.  I’m sure that is a factor.  I’ll give it to him though.  He tries.  I’m sure it drives him nuts not to be able to nail the end of YCBM like he used to.

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