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 Rep: 475 

Re: HBO's A Game of Thrones

misterID wrote:

Okay, for those who've read the books, are these things possible:

1. When Jon is resurrected do you think he'll join forces with Stannis to fight the Bolton's? Are Jon and Stannis close? So there could be a battle of the bastards in the books?

2. Do you think Rickon will be totally mind melded into his wolf and his physical body is dead/or comatose?

3. Will Sansa marry LF after they kill whoever she marries next and move to invade the north?

4. Does Melisandre know Jon can warg into ghost and do you think she'll bring him back?

 Rep: 485 

Re: HBO's A Game of Thrones

Neemo wrote:
misterID wrote:

Okay, for those who've read the books, are these things possible:

1. When Jon is resurrected do you think he'll join forces with Stannis to fight the Bolton's? Are Jon and Stannis close? So there could be a battle of the bastards in the books?

2. Do you think Rickon will be totally mind melded into his wolf and his physical body is dead/or comatose?

3. Will Sansa marry LF after they kill whoever she marries next and move to invade the north?

4. Does Melisandre know Jon can warg into ghost and do you think she'll bring him back?

1. it's implied but unclear in the books if Jon is dead at the end of book 5...stannis offers to legitamitize jon in the books but jon is then elected as lord commander and his sense of duty to the nights watch is very strong at this point...stanis leaves him at the wall to attack winterfell...ramsay later sends word to jon that stannis is dead via raven  but we don't see that POV to conform the death

2. In the books we haven't heard from Rickon in a very long time...but he is 5 or 6 at the most by the time a dance with dragons ends and shaggy dog is very wild and protective of the young boy last we saw

3 Sansa is only 13 in the books by the end...and is very impressionable...Dany marries Kahl Drogo at who knows what is possible...i think Petyr offered to marry sansa in kings landing but tywin refused him due to Baelish house low influence

4. Melissandre does tell Jon to keep Ghost near at all times...but it is very much a mystery in the books as to what exactly she knows or doesnt

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: HBO's A Game of Thrones

1.). Possible, but may not be necessary. First distinction is that Jon was killed for trying to take the watch South to fight Ramsay. The letter Ramsay sent Jon was sent much earlier in the books. Jon read that and decided to free "Arya" as the Boltons had married Ramsay  to a fake Arya. This decision is what caused the watch to kill him. Hardholme happened without Jon and what happened there isn't known fully.

But Stannis has probably already won or lost at Winterfell. The letter Ramsay sent Jon claims he defeated Stannis already. But we later get a chapter showing Stannis has captured Theon after his escape with Fake Arya. The true author of the letter is a discussion and the subject of much speculation.

But if Jon is quickly resurected and isn't changed, he may head South and meet Stannis. The plot of Stannis and Jon in the show closely matches their relationship in the books.

2.) He's probably on Skagos, a savage island not far from Eastwatch. They're rumored to be caanibals and Unicorns live on the island. I think there's a good chance that they know of wargs, which is common knowledge beyond the wall. Due to their proximity to the wall and savage behavior, they probably have a lot in common with the wildlings. Combine that acknowledgement with a proper education/family structure being fostered by the ruling leader, in expect him to be reasonably adjusted. His wildness from Shaggy Dog is probably contained by either separating them or his warging ability being trained.

Though someone pointed out that a "Shaggy dog" is a literary device that never goes anywhere. So it may be Rickon is as useless in the books as he was on the show. Martin could be fucking with us.

3.) I don't think so, but it could happen...

4.) she doesn't know he's a warg. I think she brings him back. She never left with Stannis and neither did Shereen or Selyse. Mel's powers are greatly enhanced at the Wall. She's interested in Jon, but doesn't think him Azor Ahai yet. She's much more focused on the great other too.

I just don't know what will make her want to bring Jon back. The way Davos asked Mel to bring Jon back, someone he didn't know or have any prior relationship with, was just akward on the show. And book Davos is MIA, but probably at Skagos getting Rickon so Stannis can defeat the Boltons in Rickon's name and ally the North around him.

 Rep: 475 

Re: HBO's A Game of Thrones

misterID wrote:

Ah, all good stuff (I really need to read the books). I always got the vibe from the show that Jon was the son Stannis always wanted. Wasn't Stannis's camp in really bad shape in the books? That they had just ran out of food and had been snowed in by a blizzard?

I've read that Mel keeps doing her visions in the fire and she sees Jon and when she asks to see the Prince that was promised, she only sees snow. It could be possible she sees him in the flames..... Or possible he literally rises from his funeral pyre -- I was really hoping that's how he was going to be brought back in the show. That would have been amazing.

I'm trying to figure out how they bring things full circle because the TV writers are using an outline given to them by George, so even if things aren't the same they have the beats of where George is going, like Hodor's name, etc.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: HBO's A Game of Thrones

Stannis is in a much better position in the books. The blizzard has hit, but at Jon's advice, Stannis met with the various mountain clans and has brought them to fight with him. The Freys are also much more allied with the Boltons, having provided troops to support them. There's this whole subplot of which northern houses are actually loyal to the Boltons versus which ones are looking to get revenge for the red wedding. The north remembers in the books.

 Rep: 475 

Re: HBO's A Game of Thrones

misterID wrote:

Cersi's pregnancy just screws up the whole Euron angle. For the first time this season Cersi had a bad episode. Arya's was good.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: HBO's A Game of Thrones

Pretty good episode overall.  Didn't like that Jorah didn't mention that Sam cured him.  Didn't like Cersei accusing Jamie of betraying her. 

Dany has lost all moral authority after roasting the Tarly's.  Sansa's desire to be queen despite never having done anything to earn it drives me bonkers.  If that's how the writers feel about female empowerment, I'd say the feminist movement has been knocked back a couple decades.

 Rep: 475 

Re: HBO's A Game of Thrones

misterID wrote:

I can't wait until Sansa gets offed. It would have been so much better had she married Robyn, LF killed him and they marched into WF during the BOTB. Something. They can't have it both ways. Her character just feels so contrived now.

And Gilly just discovered Jon is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: HBO's A Game of Thrones

Yea, the whole annulment thing makes me more and more irritated as I think on it.  I don't think Sansa is going to get offed.  I think this is her chance to finally realize that her family comes before her own ambitions.  She claims she learned from Cersei, but who did Cersei put first before all else?  What did LF tell her in Season 5 about what we do to those who hurt the ones we love?  Arya is going to serve as her conscious and remind her that she's a direwolf and a Stark.  The direwolf doesn't concern itself with the opinions of sheep either.  Cersei is the lion.  Dany is the Dragon.  Seems only fitting Sansa step into her role too.

But the whole annulment thing is beyond stupid.  Besides Rhaegar making his children bastards, he alienates Dorne, one of the 2 sides actually defending the Mad King (the other being House Tyrell).  I know Jon's real name cause I read the leaks, but once you all learn it, it'll be even more insulting.  But if Rhaegar needed to have Jon to fulfill the prophecy, what the hell does Jon's last name have to do with anything?  He's meant to make a stand against the Others, not sit on the iron throne.  It's just a cheap way to make Jon more special, despite the fact it's absolutely stupid.  Rhaegar is a Targaryen.  They don't follow any religion, let alone the faith of the seven.  And Lyanna worshiped the old gods.  So why would either care what the High Septon says.  And no matter which way you cut it, it's stupid. 

If Rhaegar won, his father is still king.  Let's say somehow Rhaegar works to replace him as was speculated in the books.  Ok, fine.  Rhaegar is the king - not Jon.  In no story does Jon being the heir to the throne impact his destiny as Azor Ahai.  So it's just stupid fan service so people can cheer when Jon and Dany get married.

 Rep: 475 

Re: HBO's A Game of Thrones

misterID wrote:

Was it possible that Rhaegar was with Lyanna and was talking about Jon as being a song of fire and ice in Dany's vision or was it specifically stated it was his Martell wife?

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