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Re: Bumblefoot Giving Guitar Lessons?

johndivney wrote:

BBF has huge gambling debts with the local jersey mafia, that's why he needs the cash.
this guy is threatening to break BBF's fingers unless he comes up with the canoli's:

 Rep: 661 

Re: Bumblefoot Giving Guitar Lessons?

monkeychow wrote:

I think charging is simply a way of sorting out some of the time wasting that could go on. If he did it free you can bet every second GNR fan would apply to skype with him to shoot the shit about Axl, Slash, ask to marry him or whatever...he'll probably still get some wierdos...but at least at $1.50 a minute you have to be pretty keen to waste his time.

As for the price...I think Neemo is spot on.

Local guitar lessons here are around $30-$50 for 1/2 an hour depending on the provider. And for that it's a real gamble as to what you get. Some are great teachers, others terrible. Some are amazing on guitar, others end up knowing less than you. It's an unregulated industry here and it's real pot luck about what you get.

The thing is Ron is an absolute virtuoso on guitar, and price aside, if you were looking for a teacher at that level of ability, you're hard pressed to find them. They are out there - but it's few and far betwen. So you'd be lucky to easily find someone teaching at that level to start with. That alone could command a premium you'd think.  Then add in that he's also famous now...and I think it's still value for money.

The closest thing I could find was Chris Broderick of Megadeth also used to give online lessons - and he charged $35 for half an hour. And that was circa 2003 - prior to him joining megadeth and a good 8 years ago in terms of inflation.

Bottom line, considering his reputation and skill level, and that he seems quite flexiable about terms (no minimum spend etc) I think it's a decent way people can get a guitar lesson from one of the best in the world.

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