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 Rep: 768 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Axlin16 wrote:

DJ killed any momentum in that statement as soon as he started pimping Ashba Swag. Just calling it 'Swag' alone, douches the whole thing up and kills any possible business I might give him. GD does he self-promote alot. He's almost as bad as Donald Trump.

As for what he did say - DJ has no credibility honestly. He's stated in the past they working on stuff, only to have Ron come right back and basically debunk it and say nothing is happening.

The only thing that could possibly be happening is DJ is in the studio re-recording Robin's stuff on vault songs, or Axl's possibly recruited him and him alone to write some stuff and see if they MIGHT build around it.

With the fact that Axl NEVER gets into a studio with his employees, my guess is the best chance as a new album Guns fans will get is like James said, something from the vault, spit-shined from that 2000-2002 era, and dropped half-assed in stores/iTunes.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Naltav wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

DJ killed any momentum in that statement as soon as he started pimping Ashba Swag. Just calling it 'Swag' alone, douches the whole thing up and kills any possible business I might give him. GD does he self-promote alot. He's almost as bad as Donald Trump.


monkeychow wrote:

...its fucking good news that the process is moving forward. Does it mean that there will be an album in the short to medium term. Hell no. But it's the next step toward a new album...and that makes me happy.

Amen x2!!!

Axlin08 wrote:

With the fact that Axl NEVER gets into a studio with his employees, my guess is the best chance as a new album Guns fans will get is like James said, something from the vault, spit-shined from that 2000-2002 era, and dropped half-assed in stores/iTunes.

Sounds fine by me! Bring it!  9

As long as the majority of songs are new to ME! I don't care one bit about how long the songs have been "worked on".

As for HOW a new album is released, I couldn't care less. As long as I get it. It could be "sold" as giveaways with GNR t-shirts at some giant clothing-chain for all I care... If that's what it takes to get it out.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

As for what he did say - DJ has no credibility honestly. He's stated in the past they working on stuff, only to have Ron come right back and basically debunk it and say nothing is happening.

I think that was more interpretation than anything else. We all know there's existing unreleased material, and it's pretty obvious that at some point DJ will likely be asked to add some touches to it. Meanwhile no doubt he works on riffs and stuff himself that at some stage he might like to throw past Axl - when GNR gets through it's unreleased back cataloge.

So i think he was just saying as a band there's stuff in the works, but people took it to mean that he and Ron were meeting nightly with Axl drafting a new album of un-recorded songs - and so Ron steped in and made it clear that we dont need to get over excited about new new material as thats kind of the project after the next project.

The thing is most of you guys like the bucket era, and a lot of people prefer DJ to robin - so i'd have thought DJ polishing the existing tracks and Chinese 2 dropping would be pretty much what everyone except the reunionists wants at this point. And i think even most reunion guys will take Chinese 2 over silence.

Even people who want the new line up to start from scratch should be happy - the sooner the back log is cleared the closer GNR can get to 'normal' band functioning...

Personally, I'm exicited about the posibility of new music from any era....

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Lomax wrote:

What a clown.

They aren't working on any new music we all know that.

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

johndivney wrote:

he's obv lying thru his teeth
look how he touches his face when the interviewer begins the question - he knows what the question is gonna be & what his answer is gonna be. & his answer for press interviews is BS. maybe 'cause he maybe wants to further the preposterous notion of Axl as some obsessive workaholic tinkering away studiously on GnR material.
but he can't really come out n say "hey there's no ideas & nothing is happening but at least i get paid. sometimes. & i get a shitload more attn for kinda being in GnR than i do for dressing like a clown so it's ok don't worry about me."

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

johndivney wrote:
Riad wrote:

What a clown.

They aren't working on any new music we all know that.

this got posted while i was typing my response. it sums up my feels much more succinctly than my own post.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

monkeychow wrote:

So exactly how do you guys know this?

We know there's unreleased/unfinished music from the CD sessions. Ron said so, Axl said so, Baz said so...pretty much everyone has said it.

Maybe they used the last tour to fund recording sessions with DJ adding his parts to those songs?

I don't really understand why you'd be so certain that he isn't doing that.

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Lomax wrote:

I don't like to sound jaded, but, I am, and they made me this way, as such, I doubt we'll ever get another guns album.

That said.

I'd love to be wrong because I really like the new band.

Fuck I really liked the old band, and the 02 lineuep and the 06 lineup

 Rep: 70 

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

Naltav wrote: could be that DJ is just told from the GNR-camp that they are "working on getting a follow-up released"

In his interview, DJ translates that to something like "we're working on new GNR songs" and then he quickly adds his new clothing-line sales pitch because he knows that his clothing-line alone won't make its way across the net and boards.

Smart selfpromoting business move!  roll

Wonder how long DJ can keep doing this kind of stuff before Axl puts his foot down. Surely, he can't be happy about it....

Re: Dj Says working new GnR songs ! :Ashba Black Carpet Interview

johndivney wrote:
Riad wrote:

I don't like to sound jaded, but, I am, and they made me this way, as such, I doubt we'll ever get another guns album.

i have got this feeling/impression too.

it doesn't stay with me all the time, but i can defo see it as a possibility & wouldn't be surprised if we never did see further officially sanctioned albums/material.

& even IF they are sending tapes to Axl of ideas, the crux of the matter remains being His enthusiasm for the cause & whether that even still exists. best case scenario He likes some of their stuff & starts the whole process again of cutting & pasting ideas into various songs without ever getting anything finished. He might spend the rest of His life tinkering away on Oklahoma or Soul Monster but i find it very difficult to believe these things are being worked on day-in-day-out given the rate of productivity compared to the supposed amount of work being put in. given the rate of productivity it SEEMS more likely He is procrastinating & easily distracted lacking the forthright conviction & confidence to release new material - we're just getting deeper & deeper into the hole & eventually we'll have to hit rock bottom where He says enough is enough that there's no more coming out.

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