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 Rep: 212 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

BLS-Pride wrote:

I wish they would play The Spaghetti Incident front to back to read all the comments it would cause. The tour hasn't even started.. lets wait a little for this.

The old songs will make up most of the setlist.. It's just how it goes.

 Rep: 194 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

metallex78 wrote:

^ I really dig TSI, so I'd welcome that idea!

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

misterID wrote:

Yeah, the complaining is getting kind of petty, now.

There will be all sorts of screw ups to bitch about once the tour starts.


 Rep: 768 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Axlin16 wrote:

The setlist complaints are something i'm just not going near this time around (hopefully). I had those wars in 2006. I don't want them again.

But I will say that I think CD will be scaled way back, almost to 2002-levels.

It'll be a hits show, with some UYI-sprinkled in. CD songs might make up alternates for extended sets, but that's about it.

The best thing fans can hope for this time around with the setlist is maybe we'll hear Civil War and/or Estranged live for the first time 18 years or so.


Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

johndivney wrote:
sandman wrote:

yes, DM in 2009. my bad.

but Axl is still in the band. he shouldn't give up playing his old material because a tiny handful of forum posters feel the new band should earn their stripes on the songs they actually appear on (obviously, that doesn't apply to ashba). GnR plays a decent amount of material from their latest album, in line or more than what most bands do.

it really just comes off as people just trying to find something to bitch about.

but i agree with you that i would rather they dive deeper into the older material.

just because it's in line with what most bands do does not make it right.

& it's really the only facet of GnR that's in anyway similar to what most bands do. there is plenty of positive, ace things other bands do that GnR don't fall in line with. so there's still, to my mind, no justification for such a lazy live routine.

it's more than something to bitch about. the setlist is one of the few symptoms of the laziness the public & fanbase get to see & experience. it's a public indicator of the general malaise that has killed the band. if there were positives & excitement growing from the setlists there'd be energy & excitement for what else they're creating, but we know better their intentions by the dull procession of the same 18 songs each night.

 Rep: 217 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Mikkamakka wrote:

What's the purpose of another Greatest Hits tour? If they don't play at least 5-7 songs off CD (or CD II...), then Axl is dead as an artist, cause it's just another cash grab tour. The only excuse could be an album next year.

 Rep: 485 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Neemo wrote:

just saw this posted on the news wire ticker on my local news station smile

"Guns N Roses Tour? Rumors of tour sparked by 3 scheduled dates in US this fall"

 Rep: 633 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 217 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Mikkamakka wrote:
russtcb wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

What's the purpose of another Greatest Hits tour? If they don't play at least 5-7 songs off CD (or CD II...), then Axl is dead as an artist, cause it's just another cash grab tour. The only excuse could be an album next year.

I'd say the purpose of any Guns N' Roses tour is to play Guns N' Roses songs to Guns N' Roses fans. So that's why I'm excited that it's happening in my country this time around.

'I don't work for you' is Axl's ars poetica. So fans wishes do not effect him. It's either about getting money to live his luxury life-style, or getting money to make/finish another album. I'd support the latter, but not the first.
If he wants to please fans and do nostalgia tours, then do it with the original guys. This, or move forward.

 Rep: 661 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

monkeychow wrote:

What would make me laugh is if for the next 2 years worth of shows Axl just played only CD songs - and then I could read endless posts demanding the band play Jungle and SCOM.

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