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Re: Axl doesn't give a shit about his fans

johndivney wrote:

no communication
no releases

never mind late starts/riots/cancelled shows/general shitty behaviour/disorganisation of the brand people care about

when i think of how easy it is for other bands - like PJ for instance with their Ten Members fan club - i can't help but think axl both takes his fanbase for granted & couldn't really give a shit about them.

in this day & age especially it's not that hard to communicate with the fans (& not have to deal with journalists). but then maybe axl's temper issues make this a complicated issue (as the tweet of the cancelled euro tour last year shows).
but there's no reason why he can't commission del or fernando to tweet a simple message giving the fans updates on the status of the band or what they're working on.

(tho the silence obv means they/he isn't working on anything GnR related)

i know he's wary about making promises he can't keep or building unrealistic expectations. but in regressing so far into this behaviour he is alienating & isolating himself from his fans thru his determination not to communicate anything GnR related.

like, godforbid he should throw us a bone & put up some footage/video's on youtube.

i guess my real question is, and always will be, why did he fight so hard to keep the name if he's gonna do nothing with it except keep it all to himself? it's like he doesn't want GnR but he doesn't want anyone else to have it either..

 Rep: 281 

Re: Axl doesn't give a shit about his fans

faldor wrote:

He cares about his fans. Maybe not to the level you'd like him to, or would expect. But he knows he wouldn't be where he is today without the fans. A problem he may encounter is its hard for him to know who his true fans are these days, as there are a lot of detractors out there.

Re: Axl doesn't give a shit about his fans

Lomax wrote:

AXl doesn't give a shit about bad journalsim

 Rep: 485 

Re: Axl doesn't give a shit about his fans

Neemo wrote:

i think he cares for his fans......i also think that he goes to the beat of his own drum...

like he cares what people think but hes gonna do things his own way at the same time, like hes not going t ocompromise his own comfort zone or whatver to please someone else

 Rep: 60 

Re: Axl doesn't give a shit about his fans

Gong wrote:

Its been the same SNAFU for 10+ years:

Axl is semi-retired, he tours the greatest hits + CD every 4 years

There's nothing for him to say. There isn't any future. What you see is what you get.

He might have had a productive period from '99-'02, but that time is long gone. He's not working on anything new and hasn't in 10+ years.

Nothing has changed, it's been this way for over 10 years.

 Rep: 60 

Re: Axl doesn't give a shit about his fans

Gong wrote:

Bumblefoot: "We've yet to get in a room and write as a band."


This guy has been in the band for 6 years. Do the math.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Axl doesn't give a shit about his fans

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 60 

Re: Axl doesn't give a shit about his fans

Gong wrote:

Is that a rhetorical question Russ?

Maybe he follows GN'R because he thinks Axl Rose makes great music.

It is possible to love something deeply, but still be disappointed, bored, distraught, or angered, by it.

Re: Axl doesn't give a shit about his fans

johndivney wrote:
russtcb wrote:

My question is; why follow a band you have such obvious disdain for? So Axl Rose doesn't give a shit about his fans eh? If that's your firm belief then I'd say it's time to stop being a fan?

i'm a fucking glutton for punishment, ok?!
@ this point in time i can't imagine giving another cent to line the pockets of slash/axl/steven/dj ashba (lol @ even including ashba in that group by the way)
that's not to say in the future the relationship can't be mended. like an idiot i do live in hope for a better day...

my real problem tho is the wasted potential. imo it's such a fuckin tragedy. i believe in GnR & in Axl's writing & performing. it hurts to see the waste that's going on 'cause i know from the songs & memories that have already happened there is a magic there that doesn't exist anywhere else. & there could be so much more of it if the people involved would get their shit together - or care a little more about something bigger than themselves.

Re: Axl doesn't give a shit about his fans

Lomax wrote:


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