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 Rep: 768 

Re: When's Album?

Axlin16 wrote:

But Axl's mental state is?

I think you can make "jokes" about it, I don't see anything wrong with that, which is what that was.

It isn't like we're breaking down their every move.

 Rep: 231 

Re: When's Album?

-D- wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

The more I think about it, the more questionable I think a one-night reunion like that is anyway - it's like going and fucking your ex wife or something for the hell of it one night then going back where you are now. Just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

If your ex was Stephanie Seymour, and your current was Beta Lebeis.

That makes fucking awesome sense to me.


 Rep: 633 

Re: When's Album?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: When's Album?

misterID wrote:

If Beta gets a new album released, I will seriously get on my knees and kiss her ass in front of everyone. You can put that shit on youtube, too.

I will be Beta's #1 fanboy.

 Rep: 661 

Re: When's Album?

monkeychow wrote:

Yeah for the record I wasn't implying anything about Beta.

I'm just saying even as an old GNR fanboy I'm worried about what happens if there's a one-off reunion.

Like either it's a fucking awesome incredible night to end all nights and then we have to go back to watching Slash play with Myles and Axl with DJ as if it never happened and we're all just fine with them wasting that kind of magic.


Somehow the magic that existed back in the day between them doesn't exist now..and it's kinda average or worse...somehow just doesn't come off right...but then the moment turns into The Phantom Menance and it becomes a childhood/teenagehood memory fucking experience.

To me if they repair the relationship - go to the studio where you can record a timeless all time classic - but a one-off gig could totally go either way - and it just seems like if it's good it will be stressful to live without more and if it's bad then it will be even more stressful.

 Rep: 287 

Re: When's Album?

Aussie wrote:

Problem with the HOF thing is if Axl really isn't into it and just doing it because it's what the fans want and he knows he'll look the villain if he doesn't show, that in itself could kill any chemistry.

If they get there with no talking before hand Im sure the tension will be easily visible and it will probably result in a flat performance.  People will then use that to say they can never recapture the magic, the new lineup is better etc etc. 

Whilst it's probably true they will never recapture what was there 25 years ago, any reunion performance should only be judged with the motivation behind it in mind.  If Axl is backed into a corner to do the HOF chances are it will show.  Same deal if there was ever a full blown reunion, if it was only to milk the money, they hadn't really sorted out any personal differences etc, no desire for quality new music etc, I'm sure that would result in largely lacklustre performances too.

 Rep: 633 

Re: When's Album?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: When's Album?

monkeychow wrote:

Great post Aussie.

I guess that's what I'm getting at.

Like it depends "why" they are performing. If it's just to please fans or for the PR of not fucking up the HOF then the spirit isn't there and I think that would have an impact - especially with Axl who channels his emotions into his work it seems.

Also, at the risk of sounding non-fan like. In the future if cash forces a reunion - I don't see what the point is of dragging out Axl and Slash and making them stand side by side and do jungle "one last time" before they're cooked as old guys.

It's never going to be what it was when they were kids.
Sadly - given slash lives to tour, and that there's no money in anything but touring that's probably what would happen.

But I think the real magic would happen with creating together again. Shit like "By The Sword" is a good fucking riff, and while it's not for everyone - I think huge parts of CD are really cool vocally - some of the backing stuff on catcher for example.

So i guess to me, while i get fans want a reunion show for old times sake, it's kinda a jerk off, where actually composing together is the real seriously...these guys still have a lot of talent...I just feel it's wasted with a one off AFD set.

 Rep: 768 

Re: When's Album?

Axlin16 wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Problem with the HOF thing is if Axl really isn't into it and just doing it because it's what the fans want and he knows he'll look the villain if he doesn't show, that in itself could kill any chemistry.

If they get there with no talking before hand Im sure the tension will be easily visible and it will probably result in a flat performance.  People will then use that to say they can never recapture the magic, the new lineup is better etc etc. 

Whilst it's probably true they will never recapture what was there 25 years ago, any reunion performance should only be judged with the motivation behind it in mind.  If Axl is backed into a corner to do the HOF chances are it will show.  Same deal if there was ever a full blown reunion, if it was only to milk the money, they hadn't really sorted out any personal differences etc, no desire for quality new music etc, I'm sure that would result in largely lacklustre performances too.

Yeah that was one of the things I was worred about. Saikin said there was absolutely ZERO interaction between Axl & Duff at the Seattle show.

If they had that at the RNRHOF show, and Axl's just got his head down and ignoring the band, even if they are firing on all cylinders, it'll just be an "encore" to the Buenos Aires show in 1993.

An old broken band, duct taped to hold together for another 15 minutes, only to fall apart again.

And you know what?

I'd still want it that way. This thing is a REQUIREMENT imo. Even if it's cold, they have to do it this way imo. Anything less would be more disappointing.

I personally don't think it'll happen like that. I have hope.

I think Axl will get around them, all jokes will start, they'll reminscence, and suddenly Axl will make eye-contact with Slash on stage during Jungle and crack a smile.

Even if it's just one show, I think Axl understands what it means for the fans. I think he'll have fun with it if just for himself. I don't see him locking up. I also don't see Slash starting bullshit. The one i'm worried about is Steven. He has no tact, no respect, he's been a ball buster of Axl's since 1986, and I think if he keeps finger poking Axl and being antagonistic about a reunion, Axl will just go "i'm not going out there, if he's there".

Would be real weird if Slash & Steven jammed with someone else, then the UYI band performed the classics because Axl didn't want to be around Steven, of all people.

 Rep: 287 

Re: When's Album?

Aussie wrote:

Yeah Steven is a loose cannon. I can just see him grabbing the mic and saying to the crowd "come on everyone who thinks Axl should do a reunion tour with the original appetite band"? "Come on Axl announce it now they all want it, I can getDr Drew to help you and Slash sort out your differences".

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