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 Rep: 9 

Re: Spears gives up kids after standoff

Seven wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:
Seven wrote:

^Wow don't want you on my jury.^

I do not follow the tabloids so have no way of knowing what of that is true in what context...obviously her confidentiality which she is legally entitled to (we all are) is not as important as fodder for the tabloids...

Thank God Doug did not throw his talent under the bus like that....There would be no Guns and Roses

The same could be said, I wouldn't want someone on a jury putting young kids back with a careless, endangeing, irresponsible lunatic.

Not going into a situation with my mind made up is not the same as placing kids in irresponsible hands... "if Federline is so responsible why did he give Britney "the deranged one" a freaking GUN for her Birthday? Convenient, don't you think?

I am not saying that Britney does not have issues, just she also totally lacks any type of support (money not being support).

Lived out there and know how crazy it can be and I have seen people set up supposed loved ones and kids for their own agenda's (greed, revenge idealogical and real) I worked in Law for years. It happens, it happens easier to those that have mental health issues, which I think it is safe to say Britney has....Easy enough for Federline to have a second baby with the crazy lady wasn't it?

For myself I am praying and wishing she finds some real love and support for her sake and her kids...Hard to be real when no one around you is. She has spent her whole life being told what to do by people with an Agenda, now she is out there pretty much all alone..Easy to wish her ill , but this year for New Years I am banishing negative thinking.... People are vicious enough...She has two kids under two, that is stressful enough all alone without someone trying to take them away. As far as mental illness stressors she has a few.. loss of reputation (job) divorce, loss of family support, court proceedings, easy to blame drugs but it could just be the hormonal imbalance of having two kids so close together...Not all women being cut form the same cloth....She is very young, very immature and she has lived the majority of her life in a Disney bubble,, Shades of Judy Garland.... the story anyway..

Not discounting everyones judgment just opening it up to a more feminist viewpoint.... She isn't old enough to remember Sinead O'Connor. For me that interview in Rolling Stones  and Ax's interview outlined my generations issues and approach to them... of course it did not work out that well for them either...makes me wonder why..Guess it is easier to control people when you keep them of balance....Just my take on it having lived a less than perfect life myself at times....

People package all kinds of love
It's a joke that ain't so funny
I made my hell with no help from above

And lots of money
Ya, just lots of money
Lots of money
Ya, just lots of money (alright)

Re: Spears gives up kids after standoff

HAHA you should go on youtube and do a video for her like that other guy did.


Anyhow, she's a big girl and she's a mother and she should get her ass out of the tabloids, go into some real psycho therapy and a rehab and get herself back on track.   My girlfriend had a kid, six weeks later was prego again and she had some issues and that's with NO HELP and not being rich [Brit has both for the kids], course nothing to the extent for miss britt here but she got herself help.

People have tried to help her, SHE DOESN'T WANT IT, she needs to step up or she will continue to get disrepected and blatantly attacked as well..

My mind being made up has all to do with what she's done in public with those kids the past couple years.   So unless she does what I stated above, me and the majority of people out there deem her totally and completely unfit to have those kids.    K-fed as the father has every right to take them away from her and unless she helps herself, she'll never see then beit rehab or mental rehabilitation.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Spears gives up kids after standoff

Neemo wrote:

although that fact that he calls himself K-Fed and actually thinks its cool brings up another whole topic 16

maybe i'll start calling myself M-Hol 9

Re: Spears gives up kids after standoff

nugdafied wrote:

The only person I've ever known that acted anything like Britney Spears is acting nowadays, is this girl who was abusing OxyCotin. It's scary how similar Britney's life & this person I know life's have spiralled downward the last few years. From having losers baby's to legal problems to rehabs there is one common theme & it's abusing drugs. People just don't act the way Britney spears is acting, unless being influenced by something.

 Rep: 9 

Re: Spears gives up kids after standoff

Seven wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

HAHA you should go on youtube and do a video for her like that other guy did.

Predictable. Mob rules....

 Rep: 9 

Re: Spears gives up kids after standoff

Seven wrote:
Seven wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

HAHA you should go on youtube and do a video for her like that other guy did.

Predictable. Mob rules....

"And in the album track Get In the Ring, Guns N' Roses achieved a unique treble with a lyric that a) moaned about the press, b) named specific writers and publications and c) challenged them to a fight. "And that goes for all you punks in the press / That want to start shit by printin' lies instead of the things we said / That means you, Andy Secher at Hit Parader / Circus Magazine / Mick Wall at Kerrang! / Bob Guccione Jr at Spin / What you pissed off cuz your dad gets more pussy than you? / ... / Get in the ring motherfucker / And I'll kick your bitchy little ass / Punk".

Guess they did not teach her this kind of lingo at Disney/Nickolodean....

Re: Spears gives up kids after standoff

If you don't respect my opinion, go a few posts up and look at James' opinion who also knows that everything that's been reported is true and her doing.   Most of it is on film posted on TMZ which I have watched, the paps get her doing all this shit so to say the press is posting bullshit is totally not the case in this case. 

Looks like her family is going to force her to get help whether she wants it or not.    It's about time someone is doing something about how nuts she's become.

TMZ has learned family members and professionals in Britney's life are working as a team to get her mental help -- either voluntarily or involuntarily -- for treatment of what appears to be a severe bipolar disorder.

We're told it's going to happen one way or the other, and fast. So far, Britney refuses to commit herself voluntarily, but the team is persisting.

Sources say they are considering "a number of options," some of which are "creative."

The most extreme option -- going to court and getting an order forcing Britney into in-patient treatment. That would be the last ditch effort.

If involuntary commitment is the only option, Brit must be picked up by cops -- again -- on a "5150," meaning she's a danger to herself or others. Then, while she's in the hospital, health care professionals can go to the County Public Guardian, who can then go to court and ask for what's called a "conservatorship." The conservator would then basically assume control of Brit's life.

If the judge grants the conservatorship, Brit could be involuntarily committed to a mental hospital. Again, that's not the only option and various alternatives are being discussed right now. … it-or-not/

 Rep: 633 

Re: Spears gives up kids after standoff

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 664 

Re: Spears gives up kids after standoff

James wrote:

None of it is tabloid based. Its all the truth, and Britney and her leaches will be the first to confirm it as truth.  Hard to try and deny something coming from the horse's mouth, and quoting immature and lame Axl lyrics isn't going to change that fact.

If you're interested in defending a celebrity from the tabloids, you've picked the wrong celebrity.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Spears gives up kids after standoff

RussTCB wrote:


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