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 Rep: 287 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

Aussie wrote:

Ok didn't realize he would do the signing tent, but it's no photos?

It's nice hot weather here for tomorrow so the day should should have plenty of eye candy too.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

monkeychow wrote:

Yeah...signing tent procedure was:

1. The day of your show or late the night b4 soundwave list the times the band will be signing on the website.

2. You must buy a signing tent ticket ($2 donation to charity) available at the signing tent. The sell different tix for each band...and bands will "sell out" if they think there's too many what I did was go a couple of hours earlier and ask for a ticket for Duff ready.

3. Hang and Line up a bit before the time they sign. Cos if they don't get through everyone they'll just close it. So make sure you get a reasonable place in the line - even with the Duff ticket.

4. Soundwave don't allow photos (or no posed photos with you and the band anyway) and they also were enforcing only one item signed when I was there.

But it's an easy way to meet the man!

 Rep: 287 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

Aussie wrote:

I wanna get my LLAS that Axl has singed, singed by Duff bt don't wanna cart it around all day.

What did you get signed

 Rep: 661 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

monkeychow wrote:

I was going to bring my AFD record that Adler singed for me but in the same way figured i'd probably break or loose it with the whole craziness of the plan was to just focus on a picture cos I didn't know they were going to ban them - and i've slowly been collecting pics of me with band didn't bring anything special....anyways...when I found out just got the whole of loaded to sign a blank a4 it's not really all that special...but I was more keen to either get a photo or just meet the guy in general.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

Aussie wrote:

So if I bring even say an appetite cd booklet, I'm guessing it's gonna look rude bypassing the other loaded guys autographs and just getting Duffs.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

monkeychow wrote:

Guy in front of me had the loaded crew sign duffs book....

Mike Squires looked perplexed and was like " want me to sign HIS book?" - he wasn't cut but you could see he just felt awkward as fuck about the etiquette - like he didn't wanna be claiming duff's book as his own or something....think they signed in the back and let duff do the front....

Prob depends who is in the stand that day too. The women we had was keen about the no photos and 1 item thing...but she might have been cool with 1 item per you could humour the loaded guys with an a4 page then bust out the AFD slick for duff....

and its possible staff will be more relaxed at yours or something think they just want to keep the line moving so don't want you giving duff like 5 albums then taking them to ebay...

 Rep: 768 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

Axlin16 wrote:
jorge76 wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

So how do festivals work? 'Cause i've never been to one, and I don't know the difference between a big festival and a small festival. There's a small festival i've been thinking of going to, and it's supposed to start at 8:30 on a Friday.

Now does it last all through the night, or the weekend? Or is it different bands on different days? I have no clue how this shit works.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

The short answer is that it really all varies based on the festival.  Just research the specific one you're going to and see how they work it.

I'm going to a small alt-country festival in a couple months and this one is set up different than most in a few ways.  This one has two stages, but they're not having music on both stages at the same time.  Most of the time multiple sets are going on at the same time so you have to pick and choose who you want to see.

Unlike what Metallex mentioned about Metallica, be prepared for the bands you want to see most to not play the full set that you'd see them play if they're playing on their own. 

You mentioned overnight, I went to Woodstock 94, and after the bands ended they had a weird rave thing that went on all night if you wanted to stay up and check it out.  But that fest involved everyone camping too, some small multiple day ones will kick you out at night and make you buy tickets for each day.

8:30 AM or PM start?  Really either one seems odd to me. What's the festival you're thinking of going to?

metallex78 wrote:

Oh, and one thing that ain't so great, is the queues for food, toilets and the bar... 10

But overall, music festivals are really great fun though.
The whole vibe of being outdoors with the sun shining down on you, and rocking out to your fav band, is awesome! 9

And that^
Lollapalooza 96, it was around 100 degrees and humid and 12 ounce bottles of water were $3.00.  Both brutal and ridiculous, but my memories of the day are mostly great.

I was thinking about going to 98RockFest in Tampa in April. I really just wanted tix to see Alice In Chains (who are headlining), but Stone Sour are also supposed to be there, and everyone talks them and Corey up, even though i'm not super-familiar beyond Corey's Slash/Duff collabs. A bunch of other post-grunge modern rock puss-types are gonna be there as well, but it's not an extensive roster.

Now TM is saying the show starts Friday April 26th at 6pm, and i'm totally confused. This is an Arena show. Not an outdoor festival. So how do 10 acts play, starting at 6pm, and ending with AIC... all in one night?

I've tried to find information out on the internet and literally can't find anything on how this thing is set up, and whether it's a multi-day thing, or the time is just flat out wrong. I dunno.

With you saying the setlists are shortned, which makes sense because anytime GN'R headline a festival they play a slightly shorter set... I don't know now if I want to see a shorter AIC show, which is really the only reason I would be buying a ticket.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

monkeychow wrote:

Girl climbing a fence at soundwave melbourne gets humiliated....:haha:

 Rep: 194 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

metallex78 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Girl climbing a fence at soundwave melbourne gets humiliated....:haha:

Haha, yeah I saw that earlier today! 14

 Rep: 287 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

Aussie wrote:

A couple of pics I took:


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