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 Rep: 194 

Re: GNR to perform at Golden Gods award show/ lifetime achievement for Axl

metallex78 wrote:

I got to thinking about this a bit more, and isn't Axl kind of a hypocrite to accept this award when he snubbed the R&RHOF...?

 Rep: 55 

Re: GNR to perform at Golden Gods award show/ lifetime achievement for Axl

FlashFlood wrote:

meh...maybe a little but the award is specifically for him so I think it's a little different.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: GNR to perform at Golden Gods award show/ lifetime achievement for Axl

Smoking Guns wrote:

Since it's about Axl I guess that makes it different?!?!

 Rep: 217 

Re: GNR to perform at Golden Gods award show/ lifetime achievement for Axl

Mikkamakka wrote:
faldor wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
metallex78 wrote:


Lifetime achievement award for GN'R's original legacy - agreed

Lifetime achievement award for taking the GN'R name and only releasing one album in 20 years and paying tribute to nostalgia - strongly disagreed

Absolutely agree. Honouring Axl's lifetime achievement is false, since he was the ultimate Rock 'n' Roll God for like 5 or 6 years, which cemented his position among the all time greats. But considering what he's done with his talent, early fame and possibilities since then, in the past 20 years, he's probably one of the biggest flops ever. What's next? Giving the Henry Rollins Sober Award to Steven Adler?

None of the original members of GNR have had the same level of success than that 6 year run. Doesn't take away from what they accomplished.

That's true, but at least they were on building up something (Slash and Duff, anyway). Meanwhile Axl's mission was to destroy one of the biggest band of all time; when he got the wheel, he drove the car off the hill; and Axl has hardly done anything (not memorable: anything) in the past 20 years, except whoring off AFD for the 346436th time. Not something that would cry for a lifetime achievement award.

 Rep: 475 

Re: GNR to perform at Golden Gods award show/ lifetime achievement for Axl

misterID wrote:

Congrats to Axl smile

Re: GNR to perform at Golden Gods award show/ lifetime achievement for Axl

AtariLegend wrote:

Congratulations to one of the greatest front men in history.

Re: GNR to perform at Golden Gods award show/ lifetime achievement for Axl

AtariLegend wrote:

Can't believe some people are still offended a reunion didn't happen at a corporate Rock and Roll Hall of Fame even though you knew for years it was never going to happen.

Re: GNR to perform at Golden Gods award show/ lifetime achievement for Axl

johndivney wrote:

Aye my fave frontman by a considerable distance. Mick's a great showman but he's all performance to the point of being disengenuous - I suppose everyone is tho to various degrees.. The stones are the best party on the planet. Ozzys a lot of fucked up fun. Dio Plant unbelievable voices & their own cool magnetism, different ends of the spectrum of cool.
Iggy was really the only who got me off & energised & dancing as much as Axl did. Usually metal goons scoff @ me for my iggy mentions but fuck them the stooges are one of like only 2 or 3 other American rock bands worth giving a shit about.

But yea Axl has that performance energy & at one stage was able to convey sincerity & desire (even if that was misappropriated & misunderstood at the time). Whereas the rest of the guys have one area the fall down o, Axl was great across the board.

Re rnrhof
The diff is the rnrhof is a politburo laying claim to universal approval - it's not like its the rolling stone magazine rnrhof or the music industry of America or the billboard rnrhof. It's a bunch of self important pricks co-opting a pastime, getting paid for passing judgement they haven't earned, a proper r n r swindle.
This golden gods thing I've never heard of & it's silly the award they're giving to just Axl & it is a little hypocritical but it's nowhere near as unpalatable as rnrhof.
Is this the first industry awards show he's done since the Springsteen duet? MTV awards performance/introducing the killers??

 Rep: 281 

Re: GNR to perform at Golden Gods award show/ lifetime achievement for Axl

faldor wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:


That's true, but at least they were on building up something (Slash and Duff, anyway). Meanwhile Axl's mission was to destroy one of the biggest band of all time; when he got the wheel, he drove the car off the hill; and Axl has hardly done anything (not memorable: anything) in the past 20 years, except whoring off AFD for the 346436th time. Not something that would cry for a lifetime achievement award.

I highly doubt that was Axl's mission.  I'd have to think that even he would admit that things haven't happened quite as he had hoped/expected.  But what's done is done.  He seems to be in a good place right now and enjoys the people he's working with. 

This awards show is fairly new I believe, and is much different than the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  You won't see Madonna receiving a Golden Gods Award.  As has already been stated, a much less corporate event.  Axl initially was honored at the induction to the Hall, but he obviously didn't see eye to eye with what they expected for the induction.  And I don't know how many more people have to choose to not accept what the Hall has to offer for people to understand that it rubs some the wrong way.  Axl wasn't the first, nor the last, to have a problem/refuse to show up, etc. 

I was in Cleveland the night GNR was inducted, so I as much as anyone, was hoping for a miracle.  But let's take a step back and think about it from Axl's perspective.  If he chooses to show up and perform with the original members, the reunion talk would have been off the hook.  And how would that make the current lineup of GNR look?  That'd be a slap in the face to them.  They've been touring as GNR for over a decade and on that night they'd get no recognition whatsoever?  It was a tough spot for everyone involved, but I completely understand the decisions that were made.  Axl doesn't want a reunion, plain and simple.  And I don't think anyone other than Steven does anyway.  This is an individual award, and while all those he has worked with are in part responsible for him receiving the honor, it's his and his alone.  Plus he gets to showcase the current lineup.  So, the differences are plentiful.  And hypocrisy doesn't come into the equation as far as I'm concerned.

Plus, he hasn't shown up for it yet, so let's reserve judgement until then.

 Rep: 287 

Re: GNR to perform at Golden Gods award show/ lifetime achievement for Axl

Aussie wrote:
metallex78 wrote:

I got to thinking about this a bit more, and isn't Axl kind of a hypocrite to accept this award when he snubbed the R&RHOF...?

I believe these were some of his comments about the HOF

I still don’t exactly know or understand what the Hall is or how or why it makes money, where the money goes, who chooses the voters and why anyone or this board decides who, out of all the artists in the world that have contributed to this genre, officially “rock” enough to be in the Hall?
This isn’t an attack. These are genuine issues I don’t have enough verified information on to have more than rough ideas. Certainly not enough information to make any judgments about.

He must have been able to resolve these issues regarding the Golden Gods thing 16

IMO it's cool he getting an individual award.  The award itself I would suggest is really for his time from 87-93 and VERY well deserved.  However, IMO since that era he has actually tarnished his Golden God status (or whatever the fuck that award is about) rather than enhanced it.

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