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 Rep: 80 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

Backslash wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

Well thanks for your views guys, I'm gonna go the education route, probably with Computer Science.

I've done Business for 3 years at college and although its easy, I'd be a pretty lame boss.

There's so many different routes you can take with business though, without becoming a manager.  If you're interested in computers, you could probably do a business degree with a concentration in information systems, a very employable job.  You wouldn't necessarily have to become a manager, you could be the guy in a corporation that does a lot of the design and implementation of systems within an organization.  Big bucks in that.  Of course, degrees are different everywhere.

Here, you can do a Bachelor of Commerce degree and concentrate in the following areas:
Entrepreneurship/Small Business
Information Systems
Human Resources/Labour Relations
Management Science

Of course, you could do a Bachelor of Business Administration or an International Bachelor of Business Administration as well, so the general options are there.

Bottom line: I wouldn't knock business.  As a business student I'm always trying to encourage people to take the route.  In the end, of course, it's up to you.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

Von wrote:

I can't tell you what I think you should do, but I can tell you what I did. Yes, I did go to college. I went right in after high school and made a point to get my Associate's on the way to my Bachelor's (a lot of people just skip over that one, but it was important for me to have something along the way). However, after three years I took a short break, always with the intention of coming back, and pursued a few different things. After I got that out of my system, I immediately returned that following semester and went straight through the summer to cover lost time. It was rough but I got it all done. I graduated with my major being journalism and my minor being film. I'm currently using both to my advantage, as a freelance writer and as an independent filmmaker. Lately, I've been considering going back at some point, you know because it's really never too late, to get my Master's in education because I think down the road I'd like to teach and pursue these things more as a passion on my own time. It worked out very well for me, and while it was certainly difficult at times, I enjoyed my college experience. Whatever you ultimately decide, cheers to you.

 Rep: 20 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

I didn't go and it's something I wish I had done.  I'd like to think I could still maybe go in the future when money and such allows.  That said, I'm really enjoying my current job so I don't know.

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