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 Rep: 70 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

Neemo wrote:

This guy is a joke...if he becomes president the world  is in trouble

I don't doubt it one bit.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

polluxlm wrote:

He doesn't mince words this one.

“I said don’t go into Iraq even though I’m a very militaristic person,” he said. “I’m much more militaristic than Bush, even the brother.” … ent-213160

 Rep: 664 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

James wrote:

Wow. I'm getting the feeling this is all an act and the neo cons already have him in their pocket in the off chance he's in the general election.

The system is just so corrupt.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

polluxlm wrote:

Trump can't actually win can he?

Trump will face a tough early test in Iowa, where the Republican caucuses have been dominated by Christian social conservatives —not his natural constituency.

"If he comes in third or fourth in Iowa, he could lose his cool," one strategist said. "If he looks like a sore loser and says he was robbed, that could cause the floor to fall out."

On the other hand, another strategist told me, "The Southern primaries [in February and March] are a huge opportunity for him. If he wins enough of those, the rest of the field will collapse because their money will dry up. At that point, it becomes Trump versus someone else, an anti-Trump — probably Rubio, Walker, Kasich or Bush. And then it's a real race." … olumn.html

James Lofton wrote:

Wow. I'm getting the feeling this is all an act and the neo cons already have him in their pocket in the off chance he's in the general election.

The system is just so corrupt.

I knew that when he made that big splash about Obama's BC, then was set up to fall when the BC got publicized (that it was fake didn't seem to matter 18 ). He seems like one of the go to guys when the establishment wants some point made. In the off chance he wins he will be in their pocket of course. But I suspect he's just being used for ratings and making the other runners look sane in comparison.

Re: Donald Trump running for President

AtariLegend wrote:

His opinions were so widely different a decade ago it's laughable. He obviously was a democrat and the massive U-turn he's took on the stereotypical Republican issues is crazy.

I don't think you could possibly take his stance on anything in interviews seriously. It's like he said to a interviewer a while back, "Sure, I would if that would make you feel better."

 Rep: 664 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

James wrote:

This is a strange political season that's for sure. I used to like Kasich but haven't paid any attention to him in years. Looks like its time to start doing so.  No matter how anyone feels about Trump, if he knocks Jeb out of the race he served a purpose. I want these Bush and Clinton dynasties on "the ash heap of history" as Reagan would say. They had their moment in the sun.  It's time for some real change.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

polluxlm wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

It's time for some real change.

Unless we are looking at a 30s level depression that ain't gonna happen. Even that one didn't change much.  Long as people get fed they are going to keep eating it.

 Rep: 50 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

Rex wrote:

I think it's pretty hilarious that people say he won't be bought off. He's rich, so what? He does speaking engagements for like 50k, you think he won't take a couple million from special interest groups?

 Rep: 149 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

slcpunk wrote:

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Trump make the GOP his bitch. He's like some sort of wrecking ball, and they have little power to stop him. The usual tactics don't work, and Trump certainly appears immune from "gotcha" statements.

The candidates are in this balancing act between attacking him, but not really too harshly. Nobody wants to draw his ire-they're all too chicken shit. I've noticed that those who do, are low down in the polls or on the way out. Jindal, Rick Perry etc.

I find it odd that the fringe GOP conservative base love this guy. He's not that conservative, other than a few key issues. He's in favor or national health care, would raise taxes on the upper tier, was against Iraq and so on.

I'm also shocked that he's made it this far as the front runner, however we are a LONG way out, especially in regards to political timelines.

If anything, Trump proves to be an incredibly calculating man. When stepping back and examining him more closely, I believe even the most brash, and seemingly on-the-fly statements really aren't that off the cuff. He knows how to fan the flames, and he's working one segment of his constituents at a time (starting with the crazies.) He's also been on TV now for years preceding this, in a leadership role. Sitting behind his desk, making decisions, hiring/firing, being tough when he has too, and compassionate at other times. He's implanted himself into the American psyche as the boss.

At this point I'd imagine that if/when he gets the boot from the GOP that he'll run as an Indy. Yes he signed that "pledge" but that doesn't mean jack shit, not in Trump-land.

 Rep: 200 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

apex-twin wrote:

There's a fail-safe in the system.

Someone might remind Trump what happened to Gore. wink

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