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 Rep: 485 

Re: GTA V Online - GnREvo

Neemo wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

Wait you guys aren't playing Fallout 4 non stop every other hour of the day (trying to align walls/floors in the settlement) instead?

Lol I don't have fallout yet...but ive played it ... my birthday is late March so maybe ill pick it up then

Re: GTA V Online - GnREvo

johndivney wrote:

i'm off til monday so hopefully i'll be about the next few nights.

planning of giving star wars battlefront a blast tonight. got it as a christmas gift despite me telling everyone NOT to buy me it. i think they took it like, "oh he must actually want that if he's tell us not to get it, we'll call his bluff".
was hoping for mgsv or even fo4. oh well.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GTA V Online - GnREvo

Neemo wrote:

I saw both u guys on last night but was unsure whether to invite u or not...if I'm ever online and u guys wanna play just shoot me a message

JD ... We finally managed to complete that stupid Lamar mission lol...took us another 6 or 7 tries yesterday 14

Re: GTA V Online - GnREvo

johndivney wrote:

Haha! Wtf is up with that mission?! It's not even that difficult! I think the payout on those missions is really terrible too??

Aye I should've jumped on gta last night. Star Wars really sucks!

 Rep: 485 

Re: GTA V Online - GnREvo

Neemo wrote:

Yea after all that crap the payout was only 9k

 Rep: 221 

Re: GTA V Online - GnREvo

polluxlm wrote:

What I don't like about modern games is the feeling of being scammed. Once thing's started to cost money in games, real money, it began a trend of limiting good content and making rewards for missions inadequate. Because greed. Here you shelf out 50+ dollars for a game only to spend weeks playing to get a tank. And it's not that frigging cool to be worth it.

Or...spend another 20 dollars to buy the tank. What will a lot of people do? 17

 Rep: 485 

Re: GTA V Online - GnREvo

Neemo wrote:

I've been guilty of spending money on ea ultimate team stuff a time or 2 in the past..iTS like a couple bucks so u say what harm will it do? Then a few more times and eventually it ends up being $20 and ur like WTF! ......but never on any other games thankfully

I find ea is the worst for micro transactions. least other games u can usually grind out what u need in due course, ea seems to cripple u unless u pay real money

Re: GTA V Online - GnREvo

johndivney wrote:

well, in theory, the gta you bought was gtaV & you got the online game 'free' with it. there's still plenty of traditional games built from beginning to end without any microtransactions involved.

but yea f2p has become the predominant model - & look how many f2p games are already out there on the ps4 & there's only going to be more coming.
it's a bummer but what can you do?

i debated this to death when gtao first launched. it was my first real time playing a f2p online multiplayer & it was a bit of a culture shock for me - i'd played android & ios f2p games before but always deleted them when my progress was locked behind in-app purchases.

i think i'd have much preferred an older style, subscription based model to support gtao. (one of the benefits of that would've been to cut out the amount of children that have access to the game).

as it is, i seriously doubt i'd have played it for very long if i hadn't been able to glitch gta$.
maybe i'd have bought a shark card or two.. i dunno. prob not as i was really against the idea at the time. ive warmed to it a lot more since.

it is entirely possible to play it legit, even without investing in shark cards. but it's such a grind that the people i know who did that have long since stopped playing (& wish they had taken advantage of the glitches now).

i can see why they went with f2p in that it keeps the game open to everyone but there are numerous downsides to the approach (insurance, exorbitant prices for stuff online - i noticed yesterday a friend of mine spent 230K on clothes ffs - or just the notion someone can buy their way to an advantage means the game is fundamentally unfair from the very get go). it's just not a very customer friendly approach.
i'm not one to judge but they've probably struck an ok balance , especially since heists & making money legit is much easier than it used to be (bar those lamar payouts!), but still.. i don't think i'd have done the grind w/o cheating!

i fucking loved it tho. i do miss this game. i was completely obsessed with it that first year or so. the first 6 months i played nothing else. was having all day sessions on it, i was even skipping work, & whatever else just to play it. i was like a kid again.
really wish i could get back to that but the guys that i used to play it with have mostly moved on. maybe if there was another batch of heists released they'd come back. but i think r* are doing single player dlc next.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GTA V Online - GnREvo

Neemo wrote:

I much prefer to play with freinds as opposed to open rooms...and sticking with co-op stuff...that way spending real $$$ just to stay competitive isn't necessary

I'm hoping for a red dead 2 from R* next...that game with a similar online platform would kick ass I think

In regards to kids playing gta a parent myself I find it very irresponsible when I get stuck in an open room and hear 10 year olds cursing and carrying on, not to mebtion the game content itself is not kI'd freindly to amy degree...where the hell are their parents to allow this stuff? Man o man...makes me mad...I don't let my 11yo play gta...that's for sure

Re: GTA V Online - GnREvo

johndivney wrote:

I put in some serious/questionable hours on this this past week.
Spent all of Friday evening/night in freeroam. Didn't level up once in about a 9hour session. Was great. Call back to the running street battles of old. Took me a while to shake of ring rust. Am a killing machine now tho, again! wink
Played some heists then on sunday/rest of the week levelled up twice p quickly like that. Was great but not quite as fun as doing nothing but fucking about.

I'd do it all over again tomorrow night but I've got to go out. Saturday tho am planning another marathon session. Can't wait.. Best game. Even now I'm just chilling online watching other people play while I munch, it's better than anything on tv. Everyone's living out their own little action films..

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