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 Rep: 221 

Re: Making a Murderer

polluxlm wrote:

Anyone catch this on netflix? It's a docu about a Steven Avery who allegedly got set up by the police for a crime he didn't commit, twice.

I'm halfway through the 10 episodes and it's certainly a very intriguing documentary.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Making a Murderer

Heard good things but not seen it myself yet.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Making a Murderer

PaSnow wrote:

I too heard it was good. I gotta check it out.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Making a Murderer

BLS-Pride wrote:

I had just started last night. Watched the first episode and then all Cochella stuff started happening so I stopped at one. It seems pretty good. A lot of people are talking about it. Quite a few friends of mine are watching it as well.

Re: Making a Murderer

johndivney wrote:

So I stayed up watching this last night.

Late this morning. & really tired & in rotten form.

Good show.
Not as good as the jinx tho.
I'm a sucker for these kinda shows. Love them.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Making a Murderer

polluxlm wrote:

Don't ever talk to the police is all I can say. There can be some real scumbags working in this profession, and they are nigh above the law.

That's how it goes when lying is considered proper when the police are doing it, but enough to convict if you the defendant are doing it.

Unfortunately it's the weak and stupid who suffer from this the most.

Re: Making a Murderer

johndivney wrote:


Are there any police on this board? Or people who work in security?

I have friends in both & honest to god the shit they get away with is fucking ridiculous. It's funny some of the stuff they tell you, but also some of the stuff people get up to really makes my skin crawl.
A lot of them seem to answer to no authority.
I mean this is only small time shit I'm taking about here, nothing like what's happened on this tv show. But you can see even happening on a small scale the similar sort pattern of behaviour, of circling the wagons, it's all there.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Making a Murderer

polluxlm wrote:

Cops in my country have a high standard of training (it's essentially a college degree) so I don't have much to complain about. But I've been in a few interrogations in my youth and was in court once, and the state and police will lie, twist and manipulate if they think you are guilty.

America though looks outright scary.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Making a Murderer

PaSnow wrote:

I watched 2 episodes.  So far, I dunno, I"m curious where this is going. I'll find it hard to believe if what they're saying is entirely true. I think it's 9 episodes so I got alot to go.

There's a similar documentary on Netflix called Kids for Cash.  Basically a judge in Scranton PA was taking bribes to send teens to jail for anywhere from 6 mos to 3 years for petty stuff like underage drinking, vandalism, and a little bit of weed.  It's pretty gutwrenching to see the kids lives all f'd up for stupid minor infractions.  (The judge took $$ from the private prisons).

Re: Making a Murderer

johndivney wrote:

10 episodes actually. A bit too long, especially at like 1hour per ep.

Great show. Grim & depressing as fuck. Loving it!

Hidden Text:

They're totally fucked tho. Once those asshole cops got to the big dumb kid they were fucked. All the logic & rational thought in America wouldn't save them after that. Justice system is fucked up.

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