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 Rep: 423 

Re: ID,Izzy looking for your boy MSL via twitta

buzzsaw wrote:

Read the thread son, read the thread. You're likely capable of doing so, but if not I'm sure you can have someone read it to you.

 Rep: 200 

Re: ID,Izzy looking for your boy MSL via twitta

apex-twin wrote:
mister saint laurent wrote:

talks shit all day long, but when asked for an example . . . he's got nothing.

That's right, Mr 60 Minutes.

In other news, the reunion almost fell apart. Carry on.

Re: ID,Izzy looking for your boy MSL via twitta

AtariLegend wrote:

Go insult members on your own forum msl.

Re: ID,Izzy looking for your boy MSL via twitta

buzzsaw wrote:

Read the thread son, read the thread. You're likely capable of doing so, but if not I'm sure you can have someone read it to you.

Read the entire thread. Can't find a single lie I've been telling the fans. Let alone multiple as you claimed.

So I ask again, what lies have I been telling the fans?

Re: ID,Izzy looking for your boy MSL via twitta

AtariLegend wrote:

Go insult members on your own forum msl.

Why do you condone him falsely claiming I've been lying to the fans and then refusing to provide even one example?

 Rep: 661 

Re: ID,Izzy looking for your boy MSL via twitta

monkeychow wrote:

So MSL seeing as you're here:

1. Elaborate on why you say the reunion almost didn't happen.

2. Elaborate on why Izzy was keen to talk to you


3. Get into a circular smackdown with Buzzsaw until the admins lock the thread.

17 I wonder which way this will turn out 17

Re: ID,Izzy looking for your boy MSL via twitta

monkeychow wrote:

So MSL seeing as you're here:

1. Elaborate on why you say the reunion almost didn't happen.

Right before the deal was supposed to be signed, one of the core members made drastic changes to his financial demands (it wasn't Axl). Whole thing almost fell apart. Each of the three has a per show guarantee plus a percentage of the profits. Having to increase one of those per show guarantees after the budget had already been set resulted in some cuts having to be made as well prices for the VIP packages needing to be adjusted.

2. Elaborate on why Izzy was keen to talk to you

I have no idea why Izzy wanted to talk to me. I'm just as confused as everyone else. Maybe he wanted to open up a bit and give his side of the story or maybe he just wanted my thoughts on WrestleMania. wink

Either way, GNR wasn't happy about him going public, although I certainly understand why he did.


3. Get into a circular smackdown with Buzzsaw until the admins lock the thread.

17 I wonder which way this will turn out 17

Buzzsaw claimed that I've been telling lies to the fans. That accusation is 100% false (and he knows it). I can't defend myself though, because he's refusing to tell us what the lies were. Blows my mind that after a decade of consistently delivering accurate news and info that some still try to play this silly game where they pretend I don't know what I'm talking about.

I don't know how many times I have to be proven right at this point. It's asinine.

 Rep: 423 

Re: ID,Izzy looking for your boy MSL via twitta

buzzsaw wrote:

So you didn't lie about having unreleased materials even though you yourself said you did?  So were you lying then or lying now?

No need to answer. Proves my point either way. Go back to your guessing games.

Re: ID,Izzy looking for your boy MSL via twitta

buzzsaw wrote:

So you didn't lie about having unreleased materials even though you yourself said you did?  So were you lying then or lying now?

No need to answer. Proves my point either way. Go back to your guessing games.

I have more unreleased material than anyone and I have shared more unreleased material than anyone. Did I lie 5-10 years ago about how much or how little I had in order to get more? Yes. Did it work? Yes.

But you wrote:

"that gets overshadowed by the lies he's been telling the fans."

the lies he's been telling the fans

The lies I've been telling the fans . . . present tense . . . then you tell me to read this thread again, insinuating the supposed lies have been discussed in the thread.

But it's funny, I don't see a single previous mention in the thread about lying to hoarders 5-10 years ago.

Clearly you were claiming that I've been telling the fans lies about GNR current events.

Yet when repeatedly asked, you can't give an example. You squirmed for a while before coming up with this lame response.

So I ask again, What are these lies I'm telling the fans and why are you struggling so much to provide examples?

 Rep: 423 

Re: ID,Izzy looking for your boy MSL via twitta

buzzsaw wrote:

Sorry chump, you lose. He has been telling is most definitely past tense. Have a good day Mr over sensitive.

You will get no further response from me.  I've had my fun with you. Keep chasing your 15 minutes buddy.

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