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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
TheMole wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning, who leaked info to Wikileaks and was basically a trader.

Beaten to the punch by Smoking (I think you mean "traitor" by the way, which I don't personally think she was. A whistleblower is a more apt description, imho).

I am so dumb. Hahaha. I don't know why I spelled it trader. Ha!

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

Classified information versus Clinton's speeches aren't even a comparison.  I think Wikileaks should be bombed (not literally) and have no use or care for them.  I didn't read the Manning shit and I didn't read the Clinton emails.  I don't care.  My point is Sanders thought the Soviet Union was so great, he honeymooned there.  People were cheering Manning, Assanage and Wikileaks.  Then they released Hillary's campaign shit and they did a 180. I'd lock Snowden up for the rest of his life too, but you're going to find people who think he's a hero.

I guess I just have problems understanding how you can celebrate and condemn an organization based on the alleged source.  Russia wasn't a problem in 2008.  It wasn't a problem in 2012.  It wasn't a problem when Bernie had his honeymoon.  But once it showed what a liar Clinton and her campaign were, it was the end of the fucking world.  If you think knowing what Clinton said about Merkel was valuable information, how can knowing what Clinton said to Wall Street in private speeches not be important.  I'm trying to understand people's thought patterns.  I could give a shit about anything else.

And has the US even asked for Assanage?  I don't think so.  He's wanted in Sweden and no extradition request has been provided.  Not that Obama did this for Assanage, but will Assanage go to Sweden to face the charges against him?

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
TheMole wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

However NO PARDON FOR DAVID PATREAUS. What is going on here??

Why the fuck would he need to be pardoned, he's not even serving jail time?

Well he did have to serve 2 years of probation and pay a $100,000 fine. And he did far less than this person. Would be nice for him to get a pardon to get it off his record?

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I am still glad the hacks happened. The end result justified the means. We found out how shady and corrupt our folks can be. It is a shame that Russia had to reveal this. Russia is not our friend. They "shouldn't" have hacked but the info we got was valuable.


Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I am still glad the hacks happened. The end result justified the means. We found out how shady and corrupt our folks can be. It is a shame that Russia had to reveal this. Russia is not our friend. They "shouldn't" have hacked but the info we got was valuable. … 82399b.jpg

I stand by that. However the Clinton email leaks didn't put anyone in harms way. And the Dems are the ones that went crazy over it. Very odd how they didn't like those leaks but are cool with freeing other leakers.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I am still glad the hacks happened. The end result justified the means. We found out how shady and corrupt our folks can be. It is a shame that Russia had to reveal this. Russia is not our friend. They "shouldn't" have hacked but the info we got was valuable. … 82399b.jpg

I stand by that. However the Clinton email leaks didn't put anyone in harms way. And the Dems are the ones that went crazy over it. Very odd how they didn't like those leaks but are cool with freeing other leakers.

But it was SOOOOOOO important. Illegal dissemination is what it is, SG.

And I don't think Chelsea Manning should have gotten a pardon.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I stand by that. However the Clinton email leaks didn't put anyone in harms way. And the Dems are the ones that went crazy over it. Very odd how they didn't like those leaks but are cool with freeing other leakers.

But it was SOOOOOOO important. Illegal dissemination is what it is, SG.

And I don't think Chelsea Manning should have gotten a pardon.

We agree.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Someone throwing a tantrum because people are "mean to him" is different than a guy with integrity who follows his conscience.

This is exactly what I've been talking about for months ID...if/when anyone behaves like Trump...they are criticized and ridiculed as childish...but whenever Trump does it, he is not held to the standards and expectations....

Why? Where did this come from?

1) Here you have a man and a woman who both engage in a certain type of behavior running against each other in an election.

The man is heralded, the woman is shunned and even threatened with jail time and is this?

2) We have an out-going president behaved and presented himself in the highest of ethical and professional standards and he's ridiculed no matter what he does and the most ruthless of ways.

We have an incoming president who bullies people, and ridicules anyone who criticizes him. He has no decorum and no tact. His ideas are vulgar and oppressive.

Yea but Obama was never able to prove to us that he didn't hate America. Trump on the other hand wants to make America great again, it even say so on his hat.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Holy fuck people are pisssssed about this pardon. Holy shit.

The point was that the sentence was extraordinarily long. I believe (s)he got 30+ years for something that usually gets 3-5. The judge wanted to make an example out of Manning and many felt that was unjust.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:

Trump has a 34% approval rating coming in...yikes.

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