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 Rep: 8 

Re: US Politics Thread

Ragnar wrote:

Trump is a clown but he owned Killary in the last debate. She`s woefully incompetent even more than Trump.

Re: US Politics Thread

johndivney wrote:
Cramer wrote:

I don't see the appeal frankly. The notion alone that he would claim the media was conspiring against him and the election itself was rigged, is an affront to our democracy. (Funny he never said this once during the GOP primary either) It's a dangerous precedent to say the least and could lead to violence post election.

He's tapping the hardcore base here, the 28-30%. The Brietbarts, the Infowar subscribers...this is red meat for them. But he's alienating everybody else in the process.

It's an appeal to the lowest common denominator. & it is an increasingly poor advertisement for US democracy (tho the phrase, people in glass houses springs to mind). The doubling down on the aggression & spurious claims is very Nigel Farage-like.

I hate to cosy up to the Clintons & Hillary, but the point about the content of the election so far & these speeches is valid I think.

This late in the game the focus should be on policy, not personal conduct? Yea yea Bill did this and did that with his dick.. This bozo boasts of his misconduct for crying out loud: just how fucking stupid is he?

& even if he does touch on policy, he's so vague and full of untruths, generalisations and absolute hateful bullshit how can rational people think he has the administrative skills to perform even the simplest tasks and decisions? (- that's actually a scary thing about that latest speech, when he confusingly lands on anything that's not casting aspirations at a media conspiracy against him, the reaction of his supporters is muted and confused: they don't know what the hell he's talking about, partly because he doesn't know what he's talking about, and are only interested in conspiracy theories or bizarre, unhelpful generalisations. There is no conversation about issues that will affect people in their daily existence - which again is something we've lived thru over here with the Brexit campaign, & are now starting to experience: the price of marmite is rising!).

The fact that we're at this point just reflects so poorly on the character of the antagonist that it is really beyond funny and actually quite sad. That he has brought the debate to such an indecent level & continues to wallow in it ought to tell anyone with a shred of decency all they need to know. Unfortunately again it reflects badly on the electorate & general public that this is the sort of thing the election will be decided upon. Lowest common denominator.

The American presidency/election was always painted as something aspirational, a means & discourse of improvement. That wasn't always a lie, was it??

Cramer wrote:

“On the contrary, he has shown himself time and again to be easily baited and quick to lash out, dismissive of expert consultation and ill-informed of even basic military and international affairs —

"You kind of woke up one day and realized it’s very possible that this person, this pathological liar, who lacks self-control, who knows very little about anything and is angry and aggressive.
“The presumption is, the commander in chief is acting in the national interest, and his decision should be grounded in knowledge and good advice."

This should be alarming enough if say we were talking about his education policy, or healthcare or his foreign policy. It should be enough for any reasonable person not to trust Trump.
This guy is talking about nuclear weapons.
What the fuck is going on.

 Rep: 221 

Re: US Politics Thread

polluxlm wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

How can you not like some of that shit. He is such a bauce sometimes.

It's a man with somewhere between 3 and 10 billion dollars talking about how the powerbrokers of the world have screwed the little guy?

It's a man saying out loud what no other politician dear whisper. It's a man with enough money to do whatever he wants for the rest of his life, popular with the media and the public at large (pre campaign). But he's putting it all on the line.

You really think Trump will come out of this good if he loses? The elite hates him, the media hates him, a large portion of the country hates him. He'd be much better off just donating to the Hillary campaign and get his sweet deals after the election. Like the rest of his wealthy friends are doing. That's why it is extremely rare to see people like him take a shot.

Hate him all you want, but to suppose he's establishment like Hillary is just doesn't hold any water. The establishment clearly wants to see him burn, and with such reckless abandon that millions of Americans are starting to see the obvious. The media at large is a propaganda machine, completely in the tank for Hillary and not caring one iota about the facts.

 Rep: 661 

Re: US Politics Thread

monkeychow wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Hate him all you want, but to suppose he's establishment like Hillary is just doesn't hold any water.

It depends how you define establishment.

Given the legal system, the education system, the tax system and almost everything else in the United States is heavily rigged in favour of rich people I see a man with billions of dollars to his name as absolutely part of the establishment.

How can he not be? Along with many other billionaires and millionaires he's gamed the tax system, he's profited from circumstance, avoided paying many of his workers, flouted the law by gaming the legal system, has life long associations with a host of the other rich and powerful people who control the world, and as you said he can say and do nearly anything he wants and not have to worry about any consequences or ever working another day in his life.

I'm not trying to be a hater but it's absurd that this man is being held up as a man of the people.

His entire lifestyle is the absolute definition of privilege and establishment.

Good luck to him, but his words are utterly hollow as he doesn't in anyway represent or understand any of the struggles he pretends to represent.

Re: US Politics Thread

johndivney wrote:
polluxlm wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

How can you not like some of that shit. He is such a bauce sometimes.

It's a man with somewhere between 3 and 10 billion dollars talking about how the powerbrokers of the world have screwed the little guy?

It's a man saying out loud what no other politician dear whisper. It's a man with enough money to do whatever he wants for the rest of his life, popular with the media and the public at large (pre campaign). But he's putting it all on the line.
Like the rest of his wealthy friends are doing. That's why it is extremely rare to see people like him take a shot.

The media at large is a propaganda machine, completely in the tank for Hillary and not caring one iota about the facts.

It's funny how two people can be looking at the same painting & see a completely different picture. Both of them can't be right.

Trump has been the single biggest beneficiary of the media's role. He has used it to catapult himself to a position far beyond his knowledge or training. He has used it as free publicity. The media are only interested in Trump, their insistence on his story got him elected as the republican candidate.
Facts? Good grief..
Extremely rare to see rich people take a shot? Man, your brain is so twisted how do you even get dressed in the morning?

 Rep: 77 

Re: US Politics Thread

TheMole wrote:

Let's move away from the offensive and outmoded language for a minute, he's a 70 year old man, his view of the world and male/female relationships is bound to be outdated. That's not an excuse, but no one should be surprised by it and it's only marginally interesting.

The below is a very simple, very understandable explanation of the Clinton and Trump tax plans. It should give every middle class US citizen that supports Trump pause. It's also a very good example of how monumentally stupid his policies actually are (you know, when you can actually pin him down on a given policy). Lastly, it greatly demonstrates Monkey's point about how he's just blatantly lying about him being anti-establishment.

SG, you should really watch this, by the way. You're not stupid, and I know you'll get what's being explained here. I'd be really surprised if you would come out in support of his tax plan after watching it:

By the way, those effective tax rate numbers are insanely low. Most if not all of Western-Europe has much higher effective tax rates and the middle class is both bigger and has a markably higher standard of living than you folks states-side. But that's not something Clinton is addressing either, so it doesn't really matter in this discussion. Just thought I'd point it out...

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

The media is in the tank for HRC. 80% of the media describes themselves as a democrat.  It is very obvious that outside of Fox that every other news outlet is openly campaigning against Trump. This false War on Women propaganda is such load of horseshit. I guess since the blacks aren't motivated to vote for Hillary they need to make it a gender issue.

Paul Ryan is a nice guy but also a real pussy who is only looking out for Paul Ryan.

The US is becoming a service industry like Britain and much of Europe has begun. When you stop making shit it is hard to survive.  We need industry back in the US. It lifts the lower class.

Do you think I "like Trump"?  It isn't about that.

It is about the Supreme Court to me now mainly. If Clinton wins, it will be some left wing fucking court for a minimum 50 fucking years and the constitution will be assfucked by the time it is over. Clinton won't affect me, but my kids and grandchildren. Need balance on the court. With her it will be a super majority left wing.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Is the War on Women a real thing?  What is the end game? To be treated like a man with no special treatment or keep special treatment and to arrest any man that finds you sexually attractive?  Rape and sexual assault is already illegal. This is more fictitious than "hands up don't shoot". War on women only exists if you are a republican. If you are a democrat than "NOTHING TO SEE HERE".

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Ragnar wrote:

Trump is a clown but he owned Killary in the last debate. She`s woefully incompetent even more than Trump.

Come on, he didn't "own" her, he just had a decent debate where he didn't completely train wreck like everything around him was. He was so good in fact, that HE MANAGED TO KEEP HIS OWN VP ON THE TICKET!!!   That in itself is saying a boatload (It means his VP almost jumped off the ticket fwiw). Jeeez, Hillary was a bit soft, didn't deliver a knockout blow and suddenly because Trump says "I won" people side with him.

The first 20 minutes he was putrid, then he got a bit erratic in the whole "I'd hire a special prosecutor just to throw you in jail", then managed to do as he was instructed and remained calm while getting in a few zingers, and ended it with a touching compliment to Hillary that went a long way & probably meant a tremendous amount to her on a personal level. As The Mole pointed out, there wasn't much substance from Trump & he never gets into tax cuts, US involvement overseas, social issues with any insight?!  Just conviction "My tax plan will bring jobs back into the US"  "I'll destroy ISIS""  etc. etc.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

The media is in the tank for HRC. 80% of the media describes themselves as a democrat.  It is very obvious that outside of Fox that every other news outlet is openly campaigning against Trump. This false War on Women propaganda is such load of horseshit. I guess since the blacks aren't motivated to vote for Hillary they need to make it a gender issue.

Paul Ryan is a nice guy but also a real pussy who is only looking out for Paul Ryan.

The US is becoming a service industry like Britain and much of Europe has begun. When you stop making shit it is hard to survive.  We need industry back in the US. It lifts the lower class.

Do you think I "like Trump"?  It isn't about that.

It is about the Supreme Court to me now mainly. If Clinton wins, it will be some left wing fucking court for a minimum 50 fucking years and the constitution will be assfucked by the time it is over. Clinton won't affect me, but my kids and grandchildren. Need balance on the court. With her it will be a super majority left wing.

His top adviser was head of FOX News, until ironically he was accused of sexual harassment, had to resign and jumped to helping Trump, which is what you do. Trump has his own 24 hour News Channel in the tank for him, where they constantly defend him and give him an open microphone during their two biggest time slots. If the media is against him it's his own fault for being a petty, childish, spoiled, man baby.  MSNBC doesn't give Hillary the support that Fox gives Trump. And YOU know that's the truth. Trump is such a horrible candidate that prestigious conservative news outlets have denounced him. Publications that have never in their over hundred year history ever endorsed a democrat... Until now. That's how bad he sucks.

He's an idiot. And advised by a team of morons. And he says completely outrageous shit, and you're blaming the media for that?

When has Hillary ever been a left wing nut? The left wing nuts tried to sabotage her.

I know you get your news from right wing, lying, crazy blogosphere websites. You leave crumbs, repeating their talking points. You criticizing Paul Ryan is right out of Breitbart, which is a conspiracy bullshit site that is actively working on Tump's campaign, and is why, like you, he repeats their talking points.

Before you make/repeat blanket statements, could you please, pretty please, with sugar on top, actually look into something to see if it's actually true? Politifact is great non partisan site that deals in... You know, facts.

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