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 Rep: 664 

Re: US Politics Thread

James wrote:
misterID wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Not all of them...just some.

It will be like 2008 with Obama. People creaming their jeans but when she gets in there and its same as it ever was, the arrogance starts to go down a few notches.

Also.....back when Obama was crucifying her eight years ago, some of the same people playing along with that are now fully supporting her.

I supported her over Obama wink

He blew his political capital early on, and didn't know how to handle republicans. He was in over his head, but I still like him. She won't be a deer in the headlights.

That's why I said some...not all.

He had a majority in both houses for two years and pissed it all away doing nothing but extending various Bush policies and executive orders and of course Obamacare.

She'll also keep those same trains running on time.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Anyone still doubting Project Veritas, Wikileaks, or the Clinton Foundation shenanigans? Fucking Donna Brazile, what a fucking clown.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Cramer wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

The Clinton supporters seem so arrogant in this thread. Why do you guys care so much that Pollux and I think Trump may make this closer than the polls show (like Brexit). I feel like this constant citing of the polls and your feelings reveals your insecurities.

That's so funny you say that. Just last week I was at my doctor and he was explaining the correlation between high cholesterol and heart disease for somebody my age. I didn't believe him, so he trotted out years of data that showed the connection. He arrogantly suggested I switch to a vegan diet, and provided further studies showing men with cholesterol <150 never developed heart disease. The entire conversation reeked of insecurity on his end, and I told him so!

Stop being so clever, it's friggin arrogant!

 Rep: 221 

Re: US Politics Thread

polluxlm wrote:

 Rep: 77 

Re: US Politics Thread

TheMole wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

The Clinton supporters seem so arrogant in this thread. Why do you guys care so much that Pollux and I think Trump may make this closer than the polls show (like Brexit). I feel like this constant citing of the polls and your feelings reveals your insecurities.

What are you talking about... Brexit polls were continuously VERY close and Leave was in fact ahead most of the time. The polls (from proper pollsters) were ridiculously accurate, just like they were in the US in the primaries and just like they will be come November 28th... (*cough*... can't blame a guy for trying, right? wink ). The Leave camp was arrogant for discounting the polls during the Brexit campaign, just like the Trump camp is arrogant for not discounting the polls during this presidential election. The only real difference is that in the US a lot of pseudo polls seem to be floating around, diluting the value of proper scientific polls.

538 has a decent track record as an accurate polls aggregator close to elections, so it might be worth checking out this article: … n-winning/

 Rep: 77 

Re: US Politics Thread

TheMole wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

He had a majority in both houses for two years and pissed it all away doing nothing but extending various Bush policies and executive orders and of course Obamacare.
She'll also keep those same trains running on time.

This is very true, but it also seems most Americans either don't realize this, or actually think that it is a good thing. We shouldn't forget that Obama's approval ratings are at their highest right now, and that he improved upon his 2004 election results in 2008. He (and by extension the Democrats) are being rewarded by the electorate. It seems that a large majority of people don't seem to agree with all the doom and gloom messaging coming from Trump and the GOP.

 Rep: 221 

Re: US Politics Thread

polluxlm wrote:

 Rep: 221 

Re: US Politics Thread

polluxlm wrote:

Brexit polls were accurate now?


Yeah, some of them were. The same ones saying Trump will win this, online polls.

Re: US Politics Thread

AtariLegend wrote:

pollux those polls were 6-4 months before hand. Things changed in the final few weeks and leave started leading.

You're taking the piss using those polls. That was before campaigning even officially began.

Re: US Politics Thread

johndivney wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

leave started leaving.

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