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 Rep: 4 

Re: GnR approached for song on T3 soundtrack

wasted wrote:

2020 is the Terminator, 2021 is 1991

 Rep: 44 

Re: GnR approached for song on T3 soundtrack

sp1at wrote:

There's no GN'R on Terminator

 Rep: 20 

Re: GnR approached for song on T3 soundtrack

dalethirsty wrote:

classic gnr swerve

new single will be on a new movie none of us will predict

 Rep: 194 

Re: GnR approached for song on T3 soundtrack

metallex78 wrote:

Yeah, Slash shot down this rumour today on Eddie Trunk. But he did go on to say that GN’R are currently working on the new album.

 Rep: 44 

Re: GnR approached for song on T3 soundtrack

sp1at wrote:

Yes, Trunk is brilliant for getting info, and he is one person who they will speak to, and he asked the right questions. He's cleared up everything, the Terminator thing, the EP thing, and confirming they have been working on a new album which is what we knew all along. So late November, we will hopefully start getting hints and noise from engineers and studios as to work taking place and we take it from there. We also got confirmation of the South America dates at the end of March, which is a booked thing. He just forgot to ask about the European dates, but all in all, a very good three minutes of information.

 Rep: 0 

Re: GnR approached for song on T3 soundtrack

benny wrote:

Slash had also told Trunk though shortly before the GNR reunion that there wasn't going to be a reunion and there was.  He could be doing the same thing with the Terminator rumors but maybe that's me just hoping too much too.

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