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 Rep: 221 

Re: Current Events...

polluxlm wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Well explain the large boosts in the polls then. And the massive influx of donations to the Harris campaign. They seem to have the momentum, don't you agree?

Then again, Trump hasn't gone on offense yet. Kamala has said a lot of dumb shit. I just don't know if anything matters anymore. It's like we're voting on homecoming kind and queen. Policy and substance do not matter.

Polls mean nothing. In 2016 we heard that Hillary was leading by 10-20 points all the way until November, then suddenly boom.

Biden was the opposite, trailing behind the entire evening before doing a suspicious catch up during the night. Apparently 90% of votes found after 2 am went to Biden...

It could be Trump or Kamala. Doesn't really matter. They'll both make Israel their top priority, America be damned. Netanyahu's visit to Congress should tell us everything we need to know about the state of politics. When was the last time a President got applaus like that? Roosevelt? It's as if the US itself is just a sidehow now. Israel, Ukraine, China, always something far, far away on the agenda.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

I appreciate the POVs. I was aware that the donors cut off their funding to Biden. Megan Kelly actually did some excellent report on this...basically breaking down the timeline and explaining that when Biden was face to face with the donors turning on him, he backed out.

Man I wish we had Biden from 15 years ago. But I digress.

No arguing here....Kamala is a joke. Her whole thing will be 'at least I'm not Trump.'

Real question...what would a second Trump presidency look like? More tax cuts? extended tax cuts? I imagine his biggest strength has to be the economy?

 Rep: 221 

Re: Current Events...

polluxlm wrote:

I thought Trump had potential when he got elected, but his term turned out to be a lot of hot air. Perhaps the Washington machine is too much to conquer for even the strongest President, so I shouldn't necessarily blame Trump for the lack of action. He was shut down at every turn by his own party. But it doesn't leave you with much expectation either.

Economy was a good thing. You didn't worry about it during his term. Things were quiet and looking up. The last few years have been constant doom and gloom in one way or the other. Very tiresome psychologically, not to mention for your wallet.

We might expect more of the same, but who knows, maybe he'll start a war with Iran. But that could also happen with Kamala. For sure she will just do whatever her advisors tell her, which would suggest another Bidenesque Presidency. I think I prefer Trump, but neither will make a huge difference. Future continues to look bleak.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

I reviewed some of the videos Rasmussen polls has released on Youtube and they're basically directly saying these polls we're seeing are utter bullshit and these polls are intentionally inflating Democratic voters. They are asserting that nothing has changed or any change that has occurred is not statistically significant.

Then...I'll go watch a CNN video or even a FOX news video and they all cite polls that show Harris leading. Why?!

You really can't trust anything or anyone these days. Who is telling the truth?

 Rep: 39 

Re: Current Events...

-Jack- wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

I reviewed some of the videos Rasmussen polls has released on Youtube and they're basically directly saying these polls we're seeing are utter bullshit and these polls are intentionally inflating Democratic voters. They are asserting that nothing has changed or any change that has occurred is not statistically significant.

Then...I'll go watch a CNN video or even a FOX news video and they all cite polls that show Harris leading. Why?!

You really can't trust anything or anyone these days. Who is telling the truth?

I am a Trump voter and have every reason to want to believe Rasmussen but… I take them with a grain of salt. I suspect their overtly stated preference for Republicans may bias the way they weigh their polls. I’d like for them to be right but… there are a lot more polls indicating Harris is doing well right now.

I just listened to 2/3rds of the Elon/Trump interview on Twitter. Nice 2HR discussion. I would like to see Kamala do a long form interview but I really doubt she would. To me this is like… a huge disqualifier. I am not a big Obama fan, nor Hillary especially… but at least they could hold their own in conversation. I feel like it’s a form of accountability to the voters and citizens of this country.

I know there are people out there that would never vote Trump and so Kamala is protected in a way… but I do wonder if her lack of direct communication with voters will end up harming her with independents/swing voters.

Who knows. I still think Kamala wins. This time Trump at least appears to be trying to build meaningful alliances with people like Elon… not commenting on Elon as a person, but on his power/influence. Trump can’t expect to win without *some* elite alliances.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

I suppose you're probably right about the polls. Rasmussen claims they unbiased because they are funded differently. But I'm too old to think no one has a bias anymore.

There is zero substance from Kamala...I almost think it's in Trump's best interest to just say fuck more debates with all the bait and switch the Dems have done.

I really don't know who the debates sway anyway.

If I actually make it to the voting booth this year...and I promise you this...I might be making the decision on the walk up to the facility. However, in my state, it won't matter.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

Fed starts cutting interest rates just months before election and flirts with idea of more cuts in the fall. What do we all make of that? Is this politically motivated? Or just the right time to do it?

 Rep: 39 

Re: Current Events...

-Jack- wrote:

RFK Jr. endorsed Trump today

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

The question…how do you think it’ll affect things? Will it?

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

Well the first real debate happened last night...I can't believe how substance less this all is...

The stupidity is so pungent. Does anyone even care anymore? These people suck.

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