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 Rep: 70 

Re: Post Your Pic Thread - Let's see what you look like!

Riad wrote:

Dunno about plastering my face across the internet but here's my album cover!
I designed and created it myself.Quite proud of it in fact. The name of my act is "line-in" the albums called Alethia. … ef73_c.jpg

Very cool design man! Loving the album and band name!

 Rep: 287 

Re: Post Your Pic Thread - Let's see what you look like!

Aussie wrote:

Thought I would post a couple of pics from my recent trip to Melbourne for the AFL Grand Final.

Unfortunately my team lost sad  Was still an awesome atmosphere.


 Rep: 11 

Re: Post Your Pic Thread - Let's see what you look like!

Yamcha wrote:


 Rep: 11 

Re: Post Your Pic Thread - Let's see what you look like!

Yamcha wrote:

Post referendum day in Bournemouth


 Rep: 475 

Re: Post Your Pic Thread - Let's see what you look like!

misterID wrote:

Just joined Instagram and I’m screwing around with the video effects. I guess you know what I look like now after 20 years 16 … ZmNzg0YzQ=

 Rep: 221 

Re: Post Your Pic Thread - Let's see what you look like!

polluxlm wrote:

More handsome than I expected. I thought you were a little fat but you're not.

Great hair.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Post Your Pic Thread - Let's see what you look like!

misterID wrote:

Lol, thanks

 Rep: 664 

Re: Post Your Pic Thread - Let's see what you look like!

James wrote:

Not what I expected either.

The only extreme reaction I ever had was when I first saw pictures of Jarmo in 2005. For years I had an image of Joe Cool in a leather jacket....and he wound up being a nerd. Nothing wrong with his was just unexpected.

Actually there was one more...but it was funny.....when EFISH posted a picture. He had quickly built himself up as some sort of forum "legend" that everyone liked and when he posted those pictures....jaws hit the floor.

He was literally a kid riding his bike in front of his house/garage. I laughed for days over that. I'm laughing now...I think it was Voodoochild who said....

Is that really you?


IMO it played a huge role in his "stock" going down. 2k dropped in activity and no one was gonna sit around being schooled by a 13-14 year old kid.

I think I posted 3-4 pictures years ago. No one was surprised....look like a druggie biker who doesn't ride bikes.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Post Your Pic Thread - Let's see what you look like!

misterID wrote:

Jarmo was really sensitive about his looks. He swore I made fun of him, which I didn’t because I wouldn’t do that. But that was the real source of his hatred towards me and my eventual banning. He looked like a really nice guy, so I posted a picture of Glenn Cambell’s infamous “mean” mugshot and said that’s what I pictured him looking like when he bans someone. He took it really, really wrong.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Post Your Pic Thread - Let's see what you look like!

misterID wrote:

These videos are pretty killer. I have no desire to get on TikTok because I don’t want the spyware … ZmNzg0YzQ=

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