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 Rep: 22 

Re: Good day, friends.


 Rep: 43 

Re: Good day, friends.

gnfnraxl wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I can't imagine why people can't understand how to not look at something if they don't like it.

As I asked before; if and when this person makes another thread like this please just don't bother with it if you're not interested.

Oh see usually I ignore this clown's threads but this time I didn't check who started the thread and thought it was a hello from a former board member or something like that.  So Iwas tricked.  But seriously.  This guy ain't Azoff.  Azoff is the manager of numerous huge popular bands.  Something tells me he has better things to do with his time than this.  ANd he ain't an insider either because he would flat out tell us what he or she knows.  Simple logic.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Good day, friends.

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 13 

Re: Good day, friends.

strat0 wrote:
FlashFlood wrote:

i thought this board thought it was above this bullshit. seriously, somebody coming on here with riddles. hey strat you think your gonna get chinese democracy if you answer this losers riddles? why dont you get the fuck out because this board prides itself on intelligent, realistic conversation, and not some idiots gay little riddles

FlashFlood, please. If you think I'm that big of an idiot than so be it, but just so you know I know that he isn't going to give us Chinese democracy. I also do not care who he is. I just enjoy the relief this brings from the useless speculation that comes in between leaks. I know his initials are most likely not WAR, or BC, or anything else related to GN'R. And as i've stated I could care less whether he is Axl Rose or Azoff or anyone related to Chinese Democracy. I simple enjoy the fun of the game. As does Neemo if I'm correct.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Good day, friends.

war wrote:

some of you are a little worried about us talking to this impostor fellow. move on if you don't like him.  if someone irrelevant to gnr is willing to go to this effort for attention he can have mine and it is mine to give, not yours. if you wanna call us idiots for it go ahead but look in the mirror while you are at it. we're just having fun, posting on a forum where that is the idea and last i checked, there wasn't too much else to talk about. what's silly is wasting your time posting, telling us how we are wasting our time posting with this guy. kind of a contradiction, don't ya think? kinda stupid don't ya think?

 Rep: 4 

Re: Good day, friends.

gavgnr wrote:

I take it no-one got any where with Imposter's clues?

 Rep: 633 

Re: Good day, friends.

RussTCB wrote:


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