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 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

Axlin16 wrote:

I watched Obama's victory speech. One of the most moving things i've ever seen in American history.

But my whole back-thought throughout the entire thing was.... 'I hope he means everything he says'.

If Obama backs up everything he says, he'll be a historic icon imo. But if he's full of hot air, it'll be an empty box of Apple Jacks for the rest of history. A guy with all this flash, all this 'amazing', but with no substance.

I hope Obama means everything he says. It was very moving, and i'd hate to know after I voted for him, he won, and his moving speech, that it was all for nothing.

 Rep: 221 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

polluxlm wrote:

Oh, it's not for nothing, believe me. You're gonna feel this one.

 Rep: 212 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

BLS-Pride wrote:

That's the thing that I have been hearing and think to a extent. A lot if not some Obama voters are not going to feel satisfied. I did notice him already saying there will be false starts and rough times. The speech was good though the guy can speak to an audience. Hopefully he makes good on all people but with some of his views and ideas I don't think I fully believe he will.

 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

Axlin16 wrote:

Well i'm not going to judge the guy on 'work in progress'.

But as long as there's progress, that's the important thing. Look at John Kennedy. He speech is legendary. He didn't tell Americans, "i'm gonna do this, i'm gonna do that"... he requested sacrifices from Americans. It's gonna be tough. Times will be tough. You're gonna have to work for it. It's not what your country can do for you, it's what you can do for your country.

Now in 2008, Kennedy couldn't get elected dog catcher with that speech. Americans have too much of an entitlement attitude. Something born out of the boomers, and passed down generation to generation.

But if Obama is telling the truth, I respect that. Our country is in bad shape financially right now. Times might get tough. It might have to get worse before it gets better. We'll have to face it together as Americans, along with Obama.

This term will make or break this guy's legacy. If he can pick up the pieces and at least try to put some together. It'll be a defining moment. If this country breaks Obama over it's knee, will move on to someone else in four years.

Obama himself said it might not be done in four years. To my shock, at least the man's being straight up honest. I don't expect Obama to be God, and just save us all. He's just a man. With flaws. But if his character and intentions are pure, and he did the best he could, i'll respect the man as my president.

No different than how I feel about George W. Bush, and how he picked up the ball (the only way he knew how) and take this country after 9/11.

I'll respect the man forever for that. I think it's a moment that's underrated, and not respected properly.

I have an open mind and an open heart towards Obama. He'll still have to EARN my respect. But if he does, i'll give him the benefit of the doubt as a fellow American.

I just don't want you, or anyone else, to think i'm polarized. I'm just open to what this COULD bring.

Like we've been saying... we'll see. This is a FIRST for this country. Tonight something historic happened, hopefully many more will come (and no i'm not talking about soup lines poll... jeezus, go have a pop and smile)

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