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 Rep: 212 

Re: Food Poisoning

BLS-Pride wrote:

Never had food poisoning but knew people who have had it and it sucked for them lol. I have had alcohol poisoning which isn't fun.

Re: Food Poisoning

What happens to you when you get alcohol poisoning?

 Rep: 212 

Re: Food Poisoning

BLS-Pride wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

What happens to you when you get alcohol poisoning?

I was sick to death. Couldn't stop throwing up. I was in and out of consciousness and had a hard time breathing. They said that if I had continued drinking just a little that night I could have died easily.

Re: Food Poisoning

Pride&Glory wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

What happens to you when you get alcohol poisoning?

I was sick to death. Couldn't stop throwing up. I was in and out of consciousness and had a hard time breathing. They said that if I had continued drinking just a little that night I could have died easily.

OMG that's horrible sad

 Rep: 212 

Re: Food Poisoning

BLS-Pride wrote:

Yeah it wasn't fun at all. I know my limits now though. That was a few years ago when I thought I had an iron liver and could drink anything. Good thing times change.. not lot but just enough. 16

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