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 Rep: 227 

Re: "GNR News Alert" Temporarily Removed

Will wrote:

The original plan was to stream news from the "GNR News Alert" board directly onto the GNRevolution homepage. Given that there isn't much happening at the moment the evolution staff have decided to remove this board temporarily.

When there is more to report on we can always bring it back, though members here will probably be quicker at posting the news anyway smile

The main Forum page now shows the Title of the latest topic being replied to, instead of showing the date/time. This was a much requested feature by members and staff alike so glad to finally have it available cool

If anyone has other suggestions for improving the site then please let us know, either by PM or simply posting in this thread or board.

Myself and Dreamline are currently working on improving the skins, and hope to have new ones available soon.

Thats about all for now .... bye

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