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 Rep: 43 

Re: I have Post Traumatic Release Disorder!!!

gnfnraxl wrote:
Paxcow wrote:

i really don't believe axl is unstable. i just think he's in touch with his feelings and expresses them; unlike someone like me, i just push my feelings deep down inside, and don't express them in any way, only allowing myself to feel numb most of the time. i'm a happy person in general, though. but what i'm saying is.....i don't think axl's unstable. i don't think he needs any more psychological help than any of the rest of us. it's not fair to judge him on what little information we all have about him.

Where have you been for the last ten years man?  Even the last 20 years for that matter.

 Rep: 5 

Re: I have Post Traumatic Release Disorder!!!

Paxcow wrote:

everybody that makes comments or thinks that axl is unstable are just going by what they read or have learned from tv or whatever. we don't know him. you can't judge a person's entire character on just the crap that's put out there. i don't assume things like that about people. just like i don't assume or believe crap that's written about all the other celebrities that are constantly in the rag mags out there. you're only seeing one side of people in there, and probably not all of that is true. see what i mean?

 Rep: 5 

Re: I have Post Traumatic Release Disorder!!!

Paxcow wrote:

i mean really, it looks like you all are ready to have axl commited.

 Rep: 768 

Re: I have Post Traumatic Release Disorder!!!

Axlin16 wrote:

With the way the band has been run, he's either crazy or stupid.

Take your pick.

 Rep: 485 

Re: I have Post Traumatic Release Disorder!!!

Neemo wrote:

i dont think he's crazy or stupid...but i do feel the album is very melancholy, but just cuz he wrote sad songs doesnt mean hes always in that state of mine...think of a song like a snapshot of a particular point in his life

Re: I have Post Traumatic Release Disorder!!!

Neemo wrote:

i dont think he's crazy or stupid...but i do feel the album is very melancholy, but just cuz he wrote sad songs doesnt mean hes always in that state of mine...think of a song like a snapshot of a particular point in his life

Agreed and plus most of the best songs ever written come from very deep or troubled  emotion.   If I had to guess, I'd say Axl is probably at the most stable time of his life now then ever before.  Sure he may still hold a candle to either one or both of the deep loves of his life [Erin or Stephanie].   Most of us still think about that one person that you truly loved and it didn't work out and if we were songwriters, why not pull from that to write a great song.

 Rep: 423 

Re: I have Post Traumatic Release Disorder!!!

buzzsaw wrote:

It's Erin or Stephanie or Slash or the fans or a manager or a producer, or insert pretty much anybody in Axl's life that had the nerve to stand up to him.  The dude is nuts.  We all are to some extent imo, but he takes it to the next level.  Some of that is what makes him a superstar, but some of it makes him impossible to deal with if you have an opinion that is different than his.

This was supposed to be his crowning acheivement, yet he releases a very imperfect album with a less perfect set of liner notes.  How does that happen?

 Rep: 13 

Re: I have Post Traumatic Release Disorder!!!

strat0 wrote:
NickNasty2009 wrote:

^most great creators aren't happy.

to quote something a writer said in a
Cobain article in Guitar world a few months back "His disfunction is what fuels his creativity"

And to touch on these songs, I personally think this is all becuase these songs were written back in the ninties when all this was fresh wounds.

 Rep: 768 

Re: I have Post Traumatic Release Disorder!!!

Axlin16 wrote:

You guys don't think this band has been run with stupidity?

So he's not crazy, then he's gotta be dumb.

 Rep: 43 

Re: I have Post Traumatic Release Disorder!!!

gnfnraxl wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

You guys don't think this band has been run with stupidity?

So he's not crazy, then he's gotta be dumb.

You should've give a third option.  Maybe he's both.

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