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 Rep: 58 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Stepvhen wrote:

^^ Cool story one way or the other

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

RussTCB wrote:


Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

AtariLegend wrote:

I'm pretty sure he did say in an interview Episode 7, 8 and 9... Only just 10 or so years ago, before they released Clone Wars.

Think it was after Sith that he said it wasn't gonna happen.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

faldor wrote:

I thought episodes 7, 8, and 9 focused more on Princess Leia.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Neemo wrote:

yeah timothy zahn series is 7, 8 & 9 its an ok series, you get to see them after the movies are over...but lucas wasnt gonna do it,,,i dont thing lucas had much to do with the bnooks in any case, just a yay or nay on whether or not Zahn was allowed to do that with the characters, besides i think that Ford, Hammil and Fisher all decided they wanted to move on with their of the 3 made out pretty good in the Stasrwars aftermath

anyway the universe after Jedi is done being filmed...the clone wars tv cartoon thats is currently on is supposed to run 100 episodes or so...they are at like 50 right now so 2 or 3 more seasons then the next thing is supposed to be a live action show after sith and leading up to a new hope...but it smore about the formation of the rebellion and away fromthe eyes of the jedi

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

monkeychow wrote:

YEah i think the character age is a real issue, I mean it couldn't be done at this stage, unless the story was set decades after, or until the CGI versions of people look photoreal and they can fake the actors. lol.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Axlin16 wrote:

Oh it could be done, easily, but interest just isn't there. They came out of the gate with a mediocre film, and easily the least of the series - Menace.

Episode VII could be done as advancing far into the future. Everyone could reprise their roles at this point, and Luke Skywalker would be the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi in Episode IV. The aged Jedi, providing leadership to the younglings, IF the Jedi's were revived for some new threat, because of course at the end of Jedi, all was well in the galaxy.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Neemo wrote:

well the zahn series is offically considered 7, 8 and 9...and it takes place only 5 yrs after RotJ

and there is still only one jedi in existance...Luke, and he is working on rebuilding.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Neemo wrote:

lucked myself into a pair of tickets on Saturday afternoon smile

was really cool, the orchestra played for about 2 1/2 hours spanning all 6 films and Anthony Daniels (actor who played C-3P0 in all 6 films) was hosting

they had a bunch of movie props and costumes as well in the concourse

Darth Vader
Yoda Puppet
Emperor's Robe
Queen Amidala and 2 handmaidens
Naboo starfighter
Imperial Officer
Jedi Master Kit Fisto
Jedi Master Plo Koon

Various Blaster and Rifle Props

Imperial Guard
Imperial Scout
RoTJ Y-Wing Pilot Helmet

then they had original sheet music from Phantom Menace and Original Concept art from the preproduction of the films

perfect fun for any starwars nerd big_smile

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Star Wars Thread *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!*

Axlin16 wrote:

That's pretty cool. I enjoyed the soundtracks to those films... I wouldn't mind seeing a show, or tribute show.

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