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 Rep: 108 

Re: The Gloves are off, I have to know.....

war wrote:

TIL - solo is perfect IMO
not a huge finck fan either

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Gloves are off, I have to know.....

-D- wrote:

I haven't read every post but I will. I don't mind people criticizing me at all

let me preface some of this by saying

I said 75 percent. I do agree CD has some great guitar moments which makes the really awful ones even more inexcusable. I do love If The World, Sorry, The CD solos are pretty damn good............. I wasn't trying to say Bucket's playing was Nu metalish, there are some guitar moments that make me think nu metal.

Bucket's Sorry and Twat solos are among some of the best GNR solos, I give him those props

then though, u get to songs like TIL and Catcher and u just have to wonder why Axl let those solos in? The Catcher solo completely rapes that song for me. I just absolutely hate everything about it. TIL is the same way.

I still can't help but wonder WTF on IRS? that song guitar riff wise is just a huge BLAH moment.....

Bass guitar??????????? where the fuck is it?

A huge part that makes a band awesome is the foundation, the way a bass player and a drummer groove together. Take Duff/Adler, Flea/Chad Smith............

U can really tell the drums and bass were recorded years apart because CD has zero groove whatsoever. the over done Pro Tools stuff sucks the life out of a lot of songs that should be more killer.  Better for instance. U have that great guitar breakdown section before the Axl scream "I never wanted u to be so full of anger............. parts"   That guitar section rocks but the drums and those little super mario fart bubble noises kill the intensity in that section for me.

Maybe my problem is the same reason I hated the First New Batman movie.  I just couldn't separate it from the Tim Burton one which I love.

Of course The Dark Knight came a long and its one of my favorites ever.

so I am hopeful that the next CD will really blow me away.

 Rep: 108 

Re: The Gloves are off, I have to know.....

war wrote:

not a bad post...

personally, til and catcher solos are good in my opinion but i agree with the lack of foundation apects to your post.

gnr has missed adler and izzy for some time now

 Rep: 231 

Re: The Gloves are off, I have to know.....

-D- wrote:
CrimeSlunkScene wrote:

Yeah, I don't get why people dislike the solo in This I Love either - to me it's the highlight of the song.

But I don't want anymore drama so I'll just save the rest of my words.

What I like about this forum is, we can have discussions. No one on here insults posters *which I love*

usually from what I've seen, we have really awesome debates on here. I can calmly and intelligently tell u why I don't like something, u can calmly and intelligently tell me how u feel I am wrong or missing something.

Disagreements don't have to be blood baths or real evil fights. It can be cordial and respectful. Thats why I post stuff like this here and nowhere else.

Imagine this post at HTGTH!:headbang:

If u think CD is greater than Appetite, I respect that, I will try and tell u why I think u are wrong, but I would never insult someone or expect anybody to share my opinion. I am just tired of not being honest on forums and holding back what I feel out of fear of being labeled a "NON fan" or a hater.

 Rep: 341 

Re: The Gloves are off, I have to know.....

bigbri wrote:
D-Machine wrote:
CrimeSlunkScene wrote:

Yeah, I don't get why people dislike the solo in This I Love either - to me it's the highlight of the song.

But I don't want anymore drama so I'll just save the rest of my words.

I am just tired of not being honest on forums and holding back what I feel out of fear of being labeled a "NON fan" or a hater.

That's just what a hater would say. Non fan too.


 Rep: 231 

Re: The Gloves are off, I have to know.....

-D- wrote:
bigbri wrote:
D-Machine wrote:
CrimeSlunkScene wrote:

Yeah, I don't get why people dislike the solo in This I Love either - to me it's the highlight of the song.

But I don't want anymore drama so I'll just save the rest of my words.

I am just tired of not being honest on forums and holding back what I feel out of fear of being labeled a "NON fan" or a hater.

That's just what a hater would say. Non fan too.



 Rep: 475 

Re: The Gloves are off, I have to know.....

misterID wrote:
Neemo wrote:

love the bass in catcher prolly tommy's highlight of the album

i love the 1st half of the TIL solo, robins wheels fall off in the second half

Robin's solo is what made me warm up to TIL. Good lord I hated that song... But I love the solo all the way through.

And good post D  5

 Rep: 194 

Re: The Gloves are off, I have to know.....

metallex78 wrote:
FlashFlood wrote:

I'm sitting here trying to sing solos from songs like Think About You and Shotgun Blues and Bad Apples and I honestly can't even remember them.

That's a shame you don't hear what I hear, because I think most of Slash's solos are sing-along-able, especially in Bad Apples. I love that solo!
Slash has a way of playing some fast aggressive stuff, while keeping true to the melody of the song and mixing it with slow emotional stuff as well.

That said, I do think that CD has some great moments like this - Robin and Bucket in TWAT, Robin's solos in Better, SOD and This I Love, and Bucket in Madagascar. Great playing with plenty of melody and emotion.

 Rep: 423 

Re: The Gloves are off, I have to know.....

buzzsaw wrote:

The thing about Slash is that I've never heard one of his solos and thought WTF?  His solos fit the songs and while they may not all be shredding masterpieces, they flow well with the songs and fit the structures.

That isn't the case with CD.  The solos are choppy, don't flow, and often don't fit the songs.

 Rep: 108 

Re: The Gloves are off, I have to know.....

war wrote:

that's what made his work in gnr special
those guys (izzy, slash, alx, duff, steven) were meant to be together

i think we can all atleast agree that when you............

remove izzy - gnr goes down a notch
remove all of them but axl - gnr goes down another notch (new gnr)
remove axl (VR) - it goes down a couple notches

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