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 Rep: 281 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I'll just briefly go over this...

1) Great interview. Like Chris' radio interview awhile back, Tommy provides a ton of insight into the recording of CD.

2) If Axl had did an interview like this, and made the comments about the record company and Baker, he would've been slammed with the 'ole "excuses excuses" argument. It's sad the fanbase (on the net at least) looks more and more like the geeks they are.

3) Tommy's gonna be busy with Guns for the next year and a half. That is truely awesome, and great news.

Axlin, you know Axl told Tommy to say those things about RTB to get some heat off himself.  Don't you know Axl tells all the guys what they can and cannot say?

Kidding of course

The big question for me is, when does that "next year and a half" start exactly?  Because it certainly doesn't look like they're gonna start to tour in April like he mentioned.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

DCK wrote:

Just because Tommy says he's gonna be busy with Guns..or that a tour is coming...just take it with a pinch of salt. We have all done these rounds before. He is obviously truthful but it ain't up to Tommy and things happen. I've seen enough of this to know I'm not popping a champagne bottle just yet.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

James wrote:
DCK wrote:

Just because Tommy says he's gonna be busy with Guns..or that a tour is coming...just take it with a pinch of salt. We have all done these rounds before. He is obviously truthful but it ain't up to Tommy and things happen. I've seen enough of this to know I'm not popping a champagne bottle just yet.

Yeah, and we also have to take into account that he didn't just say these comments today. This could be a month old(or older), so God only knows whats happened since, and Tommy pretty much admits that nothing is set in stone.

I do hope they tour and that its a success. Not just because I would like to see GNR at least one more time, but a second album more than likely rides on the success of a long tour.

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Arcade Roses wrote:

Yeah, and we also have to take into account that he didn't just say these comments today. This could be a month old(or older), so God only knows whats happened since, and Tommy pretty much admits that nothing is set in stone.

Tommy states somewhere in the interview that they (may?) begin rehearsing in or around February.:)  Didn't BBF say they had already begun 'jamming'?

Can someone point to the Robin Finck and Tobias bits - I can't find those.  If it's the Westerberg bit: well, I thought he was talking about his time with Westerberg?:/

 Rep: 485 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Neemo wrote:

its kinda reading between the lines Arcade

BassPlayer: Describe the writing process for Chinese Democracy.

Tommy: I came in around '98, when the band was still writing the record. It was Paul Tobias and Robin Finck on guitar, Dizzy Reed and Chris Pitman on keys, Josh on drums and me. Everybody was just slowly starting to bring in ideas. We were set up at Rumbo Records, a big studio out in the middle of nowhere. A funny thing - Captain and Tennille own it. The whole thing looks like a boat.
Anyway, we all just started hammering ideas out. Essentially, it was eight guys collaborating. To be thrown into that kind of environment - eight guys from very different walks of life - was very crazy. I'd never worked that way, but it was cool. There were guys who'd never ever made a record putting out their ideas. At first, those of us who'd actually made records thought their ideas sucked, but there were also some good ones.

BassPlayer: How did you work out your ideas in a civil way?

Tommy: We each had to give reasons for likign or disliking something - you couldn't just be bullheaded. We had to function as a democracy or we'd end up hating each other. i think every one of us learned a lot from it.

at that time Finck and Tobias were the only ones without an album on their resume

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Arcade Roses wrote:

That doesn't really seem to really berate Finck though as some of the posts on forums were suggesting.  Also - Huge's resume always struck me as slightly similar to Stinson's own.

Thanks neemo.  I didn't think that bit was what everyone was talking about.

I so wish someone had asked him about working with Buckethead - I would love to hear if his views have changed on that.

 Rep: 5 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Paxcow wrote:

tommy used to be in a band called the dum dums with my friend, john.

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Sky Dog wrote:
Arcade Roses wrote:

That doesn't really seem to really berate Finck though as some of the posts on forums were suggesting.  Also - Huge's resume always struck me as slightly similar to Stinson's own.

Thanks neemo.  I didn't think that bit was what everyone was talking about.

I so wish someone had asked him about working with Buckethead - I would love to hear if his views have changed on that.

Are you insane....Paul has no resume and Tommy has a very large one. The biggest one out of any new band member. For God's sake. They are polar opposites in regards to credibility in the music industry. 17

 Rep: 485 

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Neemo wrote:
Paxcow wrote:

tommy used to be in a band called the dum dums with my friend, john.

when was that? he joined hte replacements in 1980 at 13 and he left them in 91, and helped form bash and pop who he was with until 93, then later in 93 he formed Perfect and they stayed together until 98 he joined guns...but if you know more it'd be cool cuz we have a smal bio of him here smile

Re: Tommy in Bass Player Mag

Sky Dog wrote:


PAUL HUGE, guitar: Another childhood friend of Axl's, Huge is "the kind of guy who's always in the studio," according to temporary GN'R drum programmer Chris Vrenna. Another source says there's tension between him and Stinson because Huge "has the whole Guns attitude but he's never toured."

That is the 1999 Spin article referring to Tommy's alleged issues with Paul. I think Tommy is talking about Paul in the new article. It's funny, Slash had a real beef with Paul and it seems that Tommy immediately had a beef with him as well. Maybe Paul was putting off the wrong vibes back when everything was really going down hill.

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