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 Rep: 423 

Re: Slash to be on American Idol next week

buzzsaw wrote:

How is that any different than the real world?  There are plenty of talented artists that will never get a break while less talented artists that look good or fit an image are given every chance to succeed.  This show is just a mirco version of what really happens every day in the music business.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Slash to be on American Idol next week

faldor wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

I can understand why he goes on there, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it.  Honestly, I usually check out after the dreck in the first week.  The thing that really bugs me about this show is that there are a lot of talented musicians struggling out there to make it.  They play in small clubs because I think they love their craft and geniunely believe in it.  Then you have this show which is basically a glorified karaoke contest.  Most of the females have to sing in a certain style and some are selected for their personal story.  Even if you don't win you get some form of PR.

The problem is, the show is becoming more and more accepted in the music world because it gets such huge ratings.  When it first came out lots of musicians couldn't stand it.  As you pointed out, there are numerous struggling musicians, while these kids just walk off the street and get a shot at a guaranteed recording contract.  It's a slap in the face to legitimate music veterans across the land.  But now successful musicians go on the show for promotion and exposure because it's a ratings monster.  It's a case of, if you can't beat'em, join'em.  I'm holding strong though, I refuse to join them.  I still hate the show and everything it stands for.

 Rep: 13 

Re: Slash to be on American Idol next week

strat0 wrote:
faldor wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

I can understand why he goes on there, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it.  Honestly, I usually check out after the dreck in the first week.  The thing that really bugs me about this show is that there are a lot of talented musicians struggling out there to make it.  They play in small clubs because I think they love their craft and geniunely believe in it.  Then you have this show which is basically a glorified karaoke contest.  Most of the females have to sing in a certain style and some are selected for their personal story.  Even if you don't win you get some form of PR.

The problem is, the show is becoming more and more accepted in the music world because it gets such huge ratings.  When it first came out lots of musicians couldn't stand it.  As you pointed out, there are numerous struggling musicians, while these kids just walk off the street and get a shot at a guaranteed recording contract.  It's a slap in the face to legitimate music veterans across the land.  But now successful musicians go on the show for promotion and exposure because it's a ratings monster.  It's a case of, if you can't beat'em, join'em.  I'm holding strong though, I refuse to join them.  I still hate the show and everything it stands for.

I agree. I mean some of the best bands I've heard have toured for years and they still only have a regional following. I think it's insane.
90% of the people on American Idol shouldn't get a recording contract in my opinion.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Slash to be on American Idol next week

Axlin16 wrote:

99.99999999998% of the people on Idol shouldn't get a recording contract.

There's alot of people on Idol who do have talent. Then again... i've seen street performers or cats at Disney World with talent too. Doesn't mean they get a record deal.

Carrie Underwood has been proved to be the only real true 'big' performer to come out of that show, and it'll remain that way. I like that Adam guy on the current Idol, but even I know he's not mainstream.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Slash to be on American Idol next week

buzzsaw wrote:

Don't take this the wrong way, but maybe it's you that isn't mainstream.  There have been a lot of people on AI that have become relatively successful.  You may not like it, I may not like it, but it's still true.  Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry, and David Cook are all over pop radio today.  You may not like them, but it's hard to argue with it.  I think AI is very mainstream, but I also think it's one of the many things wrong with mainstream.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Slash to be on American Idol next week

Acquiesce wrote:
faldor wrote:

The problem is, the show is becoming more and more accepted in the music world because it gets such huge ratings.  When it first came out lots of musicians couldn't stand it.  As you pointed out, there are numerous struggling musicians, while these kids just walk off the street and get a shot at a guaranteed recording contract.  It's a slap in the face to legitimate music veterans across the land.  But now successful musicians go on the show for promotion and exposure because it's a ratings monster.  It's a case of, if you can't beat'em, join'em.  I'm holding strong though, I refuse to join them.  I still hate the show and everything it stands for.

Excellent post. I especially agree with the bolded. I've never once watched Idol  and I'm not planning on starting, not even to see Slash.

 Rep: 67 

Re: Slash to be on American Idol next week

Tommie wrote:

From facebook via twitter:

Slash will PERFORM on American Idol tonight. Check it out!
24 seconds ago · Comment · Like

 Rep: 268 

Re: Slash to be on American Idol next week

Olorin wrote:


Look at dad spoiling the photo 14

 Rep: 633 

Re: Slash to be on American Idol next week

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: Slash to be on American Idol next week

monkeychow wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

You may not like them, but it's hard to argue with it.  I think AI is very mainstream, but I also think it's one of the many things wrong with mainstream.

Agreed. I think it's very mainstream.

Although i must say, despite my philosophical objections to AI (karokee etc), I downloaded the episode to see Slash, and I thought that Adam guy sang that Led Zep song pretty damn well.

This will prob be me bullshitting on...but I think a lot of the rock mysteque is lost on Idol. Like, say Adam was made VR's lead singer. We've all seen him dress in non-rock gear, and be out there singing songs from musicals and other genres or whatever else they've done on the show. It's not going to have the enigma factor that it would have if he'd come out of no-where and the first exposure to him we had was with a VR image and branding, and singing rock shit only. It just interested me as a thought. Cos i heard him sing Led Zep and thought "that's the kind of voice they need in VR" - but to me it wouldnt be as cool now if they appointed him than if i'd never heard of him. (although from a selling perpective this way is prob better as he'd bring over the idol fan base maybe)

Maybe it's my mind. But part of the rock celeb thing is that these people are larger than life. It's why it was so risky of metallica to do "Some kind of Monster" too. Like hetfield was a rock-god, super human - and revealing his human side for the first time. But these shows like idol - their stars seem less like gods and more clearly real people. They don't have that enigma thing that other rock musicans can generate.

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