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Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

AtariLegend wrote:


Not worth it....

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axl S wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Axl S for the LAST TIME, Mario 64 will never be remembered.


Except it already is. If people think of the Nintendo 64 and remember that console there are three main games they remember: Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye and Super Mario 64.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

What's a Nintendo 64?

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axl S wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

What's a Nintendo 64?

If you're serious, you're not allowed an opinion on gaming anymore. It still beat the PS1 in terms of "console wars"

Nintendo won NES V Master System, SNES V Genesis, N64 V PS1 V Sega Saturn and have basically one Wii V 360 V PS3.

Only one they lost was PS2 V XBox V Dreamcast V Gamecube

 Rep: 768 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Beat PS1? Bullcrap man.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axl S wrote:

It did. Narrow victory but I'd say N64 beat the PS1. Playstation didn't pick up major major steam till PS2, similiar to how Xbox didn't pick up steam till it got to the 360.

Edit: Did a quick bit of research and I stand corrected PS1 did sell more than N64.

However, meh I still think it was better and a lot would agree. PS1 was a far more casual gaming console than N64 and it's not like Nintendo lost because they didn't have good games, they lost cause they were idiots and though cartridges were still a good idea in 1997.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Casual gaming console? 14

Nintendo is legendary for being the amateur's gaming console. Why do you think no one takes Wii seriously, despite it's enormous sales? Because it appeals to amateurs and people on a budget.

PS1 didn't pick up until PS2? What kind of revisionist history are you remembering? The PS1 I remember dominated the mid-to-late 90's, and created a legendary hype leading up to the release of PS2, and continued to sell strong as PS2 sales grew.

To this day, I know people that still have PS1's and play them. I haven't seen anyone play an N64 since the year 2000, nor do they own one.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axl S wrote:

Nintendo's CURRENT console is renowned for being a casual gaming console.

NES-Gamecube were all consoles which focues on one thing and one thing only, games. Hell when Nintendo released the Gamecube they pushed it and marketted it solely as a games console, Sony were trying to peddle dance games, singstar and the allure of a cheap dvd player.

And even back in the PS1 days, the games really pushed on Playstation were sports titles and predominantly shooting games. Games that appeal to a more casual less "hardcore" gaming audience. PS1 was marketted as the more casual, mainstream console whereas the N64 was marketted with one thing and one thing in mind, Games.

 Rep: 77 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

TheMole wrote:

As for the Genesis vs SNES thing... it's not as straight forward as it seems. SNES had a lot going for it near the end of its life cycle (was still selling well after PS1 was released), but Genesis beat it pretty good by being early to the market and outselling it the first two years they were available together.

In the end, Genesis outsold SNES slightly in Europe (well, Mega Drive did, as we call it),  SNES outsold Genesis slightly in the US but wiped the floor with Sega's 16 bit entry in Japan.

Figures were about as follows:

    * Japan: 3.5 million
    * USA: 22 million
    * Europe: 9 million

    * Japan: 20 million
    * USA: 24 million
    * Europe: 6 million

But this doesn't take the third party hardware capable of playing Genesis games into account, that should count for something in Japan where that type of thing was popular (you know VCR/game consoles, Laserdisc systems capable of playing Genesis games as well, etc...).

N64 vs PS1, not even close... PS1 outsold N64 three to one.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axl S wrote:

If we are talking raw sales then heres how each gen since the 8-Bit Era goes

Nes V Master System, NES wins
SNES V Genesis, SNES wins
N64 V PS1 V Saturn, PS1 wins
Dreamcast V PS2 V Xbox V Gamecube, PS2 wins

And currently

PS3 V 360 V Wii, Wii wins in what is possibly the most lopsided one yet.

HOWEVER, even though the Wii is winning many, myself included, consider it the worst console of the three and I'd like to say similar of the PS1 V N64 thing.

Yes PS1 sold more but it wasn't as good as the N64.

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