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 Rep: 485 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 17

Neemo wrote:

Round 1, Battle 17


The game with the most votes will move on to "Round 2". You have one day ... Vote!

Civilization IV


Super Mario 64

Note: Please use the discussion and results thread to talk about the battles, results and general discussion about this GnREvolution Arcade Madness Tourney, just use the voting threads to place your votes.
Disclaimer: Do not forget to actually place your vote using the poll system. If you do not vote in the the poll then your vote will not count.
Tie Breaker Rule: A Tie will be broken by using the scores from, the Highest Score will move on to the next round.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 17

Axl S wrote:

This sucks. I love both games. Got to vote for Super Mario 64, it redefined a genre and set an incredible standard for what a 3D platformer should be. As much as I like Civ it was just a really really good sequel to an already established gameplay type.

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 17

AtariLegend wrote:
Axl S wrote:

I love both games. Got to vote for Super Mario 64, it redefined a genre and set an incredible standard for what a 3D platformer should be. As much as I like Civ it was just a really really good sequel to an already established gameplay type.


 Rep: 59 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 17

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Super Mario 64, in fact its gonna take something amazing to beat that game ...............but their is another mmm.

 Rep: 67 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 17

Tommie wrote:

No contest whatsoever.  Super Mario 64.  Was and still is one of the best games I've ever played.

 Rep: 19 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 17

briggsy wrote:

Super Mario 64

 Rep: 485 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 17

Neemo wrote:

In "GnREvolution Arcade Madness" fire represents death, when when you run out of life, it's game over, when the name is read, the decision is final and they must leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll go tally the votes.

Civilization IV, bring me your torch.


The Tribe has spoken


47 survivors are left. Grab your torches and keep voting.


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