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 Rep: 281 

Re: Stone Temple Pilots- Stone Temple Pilots

faldor wrote:

STP was on The Howard Stern Show yesterday.  Here's a rundown of the appearance.

Stone Temple Pilots Visit. 05/18/10. 8:55am
After the break Howard came right back and took a call from Mariann from Brooklyn. She said that she's switching to Jimmy's show from Letterman because he's been doing such a great job. She said that he's even good with the Wack Packers while Letterman won't even let them stand on the street. Howard said that Melrose Larry Green looked like he was in heaven on the show that night.

Howard took another call from a woman who said that she wanted to find out what the ratings were with Beth on that night. Jimmy said they got good ratings that night. Exceptionally good. He said that nipples sell.

Howard said that Stone Temple Pilots are back together again. He said he's not sure how they get along because he thought they hated each other. The guys came in and said that they broke up again. Howard said they broke up in the green room but they're reforming in the studio.

Howard said he's got to hear this story. He said the last time he spoke to Scott Weiland he said he was never going to get back together with the band again. Scott said he said that you never know what's going to happen in the future. He said he was with Velvet Revolver at the time and he knew that when they were finished touring that they'd give it a try. He said that he got a call from Dean who said they were offered a lot of money to play a certain festival show. Scott said it was around a million bucks to play one show. That brought them to their senses.

Howard said that you never leave money on the table. He said that the odds of becoming a great band like they are is small so they have to cash in. Scott said they he told Slash about this and Slash was fine with it. Howard said that's because Slash is used to being left behind.

Scott said that things were getting bad with Velvet Revolver. Howard said that they must have made Stone Temple Pilots seem tame. Scott said that things were bad for their management. He said it was great until it wasn't great. Howard read some quotes from Duff who said that it was getting really bad toward the end.

Howard said that Velvet Revolver must have taught Scott a lesson. The other guys said that it did. Howard said that Velvet Revolver must be dead without Scott. Scott said they aren't a band anymore.

Howard said that Scott holds the power to the band. Scott said that the front man does get most of the attention but sometimes the bands can go on. They mentioned Van Halen and AC/DC as a couple of examples.

Jimmy asked what it was that was driving them apart. Scott said in the beginning of Velvet Revolver he was still doing dope and the rest of the guys were clean. Scott said it was a good kind of support system for him. He said that he went into rehab. He said he still drinks but doesn't do the drugs. He said he doesn't miss it either. Scott said he doesn't miss the anxiety. Howard asked the guys if they thinks he's easier to work with now. One of the guys said ''Hell no!''

Howard said the guys are there to promote their new album ''Stone Temple Pilots.'' Howard read that they were recording the songs in different countries so they didn't have to record together. The guys said that wasn't quite true. They do get together to do the music. They said that they do the arrangements together. Scott can get overwhelmed with it all so they do the arrangement and then Scott will write the lyrics. Scott said it's not that big of a deal.

Howard asked the guys if they can tell Scott he's not singing the right way. Scott said they can do that and he will try it out. Sometimes it's better. The guys aid that you have to check your ego at the door when you're in a band. Howard said he was in a band over the weekend and there were a lot of egos in the room at the time. He said he understands all of this.

Howard said he heard a wild story about Scott. He said he heard that Scott had gotten a massage while his wife was in labor. He was on a table right next to her. Scott said that's not true. He said his wife wrote that book and only let him read select things. He said that wasn't a true story. Scott said that what really happened was different. He said the labor was really long that day and they were ordering food from Jerry's Deli and they had a friend who used to give them massages. He said he called her up and asked her to come to the hospital. He said that she wasn't having the baby at the time. Scott said he didn't get a happy ending from her. Howard said that would have been too much.

Jimmy said that this was the greatest thing he's ever heard. He said his wife was upset that he was watching Candid Camera while she was in labor. If he had gotten a massage he would have been stabbed in the throat.

Howard said he loves Scott and he's glad that they're back together again. He thought it was over for them. He said that they're the greatest band, or at least one of the top 5 ever. Howard said it's a wonderful thing. The guys said that Jimmy actually helped get them back together. Jimmy didn't even know he had done that. He said he's like a power broker.

Howard said Scott seems like an easy guy to get along with. Scott said he didn't get a chance to say earlier that things in Velvet Revolver fell apart and the things that inspired him in the beginning weren't there in the end. Jimmy guessed that maybe they were weren't sober. Scott said that he did not say that. He wanted to make that clear.

Robin said that she went to see the guys perform once and they weren't able to get Scott out of his dressing room. Scott said that they did a tour with a band whose name he couldn't remember. Robin said that Scott wouldn't come out of his dressing room, that's all she knew.

Howard asked Scott if he's going to show up for his shows and not lock himself in the green room. Scott said they are going on tour. Howard said he saw an STP show one time that was one of the greatest things he's ever seen. Howard said it reminded him of concerts from years ago. Robin said they are great. She told a story about one night she saw and how Scott was puking and got right back into singing.

Howard asked Scott if he's married. Scott said he's not married anymore. He said that he goes right form the stage to his bus but he has had some fun with some girls. Howard asked if a girl can go to a concert and bang one of the guys. Howard asked Dean, Robert and Eric if they can get laid. Dean said he's up for light conversation. He's not married. Dean said that girls or boys can come back stage and talk to him. Scott said that's what broke up the band. Dean said he's actually into girls. Howard said Scott has made out with dudes before. Scott said it was probably Dean. He said he's planted one right on his lips before. Howard asked Eric and Robert what was up. Eric is married. Robert said he's taken too.

Howard gave the guys a plug for their new album which is coming out on May 25th. Howard asked if it was hard for the guys to call Scott to get back together. They said it wasn't a big deal. One of the guys was saying that they never lost contact and never lost that brotherly love they had for each other. Howard asked how long it'll be before it all falls apart again. Scott said it's not that. He said the question is how long can they write songs and make music and feel valid. Howard said if he puts it that way he'll say 7 months. The guys said that was over their estimation.

Howard asked if there's pressure on the guys with this album. They said they're not. Howard said it's tough to sell records now. Scott said that's true unless you're a country star. Howard said it's sad that you have to go on American Idol to get attention now. Howard asked if they would go on American Idol. Scott said no.

Howard played some of the new album and played a little bit of ''Between the Lines'' and said he'd tell them if he was getting a good vibe. Howard liked that. He said he didn't know where to look while the song played. He said it was weird looking at the guys while playing their music. Howard then played some of ''Hickory Dichotomy.'' He said he liked that one too. Howard said that should be the single. Scott said ''Between the Lines'' has been number one for the past few weeks so he's pretty sure that was the right single to put out.

Howard said that the guys should get a psychologist for them. Scott said they tried that once. Scott said it was a ridiculous amount of money. It was like $30,000. Scott said what they decided was when they communicate with each other they get along great. When they don't, that's when things go wrong. Howard asked Scott if he thinks it's him or them. Scott said this happens with any band. He said it's not just them.

Howard asked if they have ever spoken to other bands about how they do it. They said they have. They talked to Peter Frampton who is a solo guy. The guys said that they know each other better than they know their own families. Howard said that's why it's sad when they don't work out. Howard said he should be their therapist.

Howard said they should stick with this. There's nothing better. He said they have to work out their problems and don't make out with each other. He said that they should go in, work, and then go home and relax. Howard said they have the greatest thing in the world going. He said if they can't write new songs, just play the old stuff.

Scott said they agree with him but he's 42 and the first time thy were in there he was like 24-25. He said that your life becomes way more complicated. Scott said being in the band is part of their lives but there is more to it.

Jimmy asked Scott if he knows that as an addict that he can't still drink. Scott said that most people can't but he actually is able to do it. He hasn't had one craving to do dope since he stopped. He said that was 7 and a half years ago. He said when his brother died and he got divorced it was a 3 month coke bender. He said that was 3 years ago.

Howard asked the guys if they would like Scott to quit drinking too. They said that they want Scott to do whatever he wants to do. They're not going to tell him what to do.

Howard told Scott if he ever has another kid, don't get a massage. Scot said he's not having anymore kids. He has two kids now and he loves them more than anything in the world but he doesn't want to have more.

One of the guys said that he used to listen to Howard and Robin in the mornings on WNBC in like 1981. He said that they've really been at this for a long time. He said it's beautiful that they're still together after all this time. Howard said that they've managed to keep it all together. Howard told Scott he has the power to keep it all together.

Scott told Howard a story about seeing some strange lights in the sky while he was on the bus. He said that he and the bus driver both saw the lights. He said he was straight at the time too. Scott said they just disappeared. He said you never know what it could have been. Jimmy asked what the other guys thought it was. Howard said they thought it was just a McDonald's the passed. Scott said that his driver saw it too. Howard said that driver is in Creedmore now, right? Fred played some Close Encounters sound effects as Howard was wrapping up with the guys.

Scott said that the guys came up with the name of the band from an Aztec temple. He said that Eric had read something about this thing and he said it looked like an astronaut that was called a Stone Temple Pilot. Howard said he doesn't believe there is life anywhere else in the universe. He said this is the only planet with life. Scott said that's kind of a selfish way to think. Howard said he is selfish.

Robin said all of the guys were giving the Vulcan sign. Howard said he knows there will be ups and downs on the road but he wants them to stay together. He said he'll do an intervention if he has to. Howard said Scott behaves around him and he's not sure why. He said he must be like a father figure or something. Howard asked if he's afraid of him. Scott said he's definitely not afraid. Scott said Howard has treated them with respect from the first time they were on the show. Scott said that everyone there does that and it's fun being there. He said Howard is a good guy. Howard gave them another plug for the new album and their web site They went to break after that.

 Rep: 107 

Re: Stone Temple Pilots- Stone Temple Pilots

Furbush wrote:

Great record...

If scott got clean after tiny music.... this is THAT record....


I'm letting soak in before I give it a proper review...

 Rep: 107 

Re: Stone Temple Pilots- Stone Temple Pilots

Furbush wrote:
Neemo wrote:

ok i've gone through it a second time..prolly a bit harsh on my first listen impressions

'Take A Load Off', 'Hazy Daze' and 'Fast As I Can' are what you would expect of typical lighter STP type tunes

'Huckleberry Crumble' reminds me of old Aerosmith...and 'Dare if You Dare' is a bit Doors-esque IMO

still not diggin the rest, and I was disappointed that there wasnt their typical trademark heavy tune on this album, every other STP album has at least one, i kept sayin to myself...ok the next song will be heavy...and it never happened. the 3 live tunes as bonus tracks is kinda lame IMHO...gimme one true bonus (bside) track over 3 live songs any day

They've been begging to be a psychedelic pop rock band since after purple. Sure... they usually have that "one song" that's kinda heavy. But the band that recorded Core and Purple are LONG gone... I've sorta embraced their "non- heaviness". I was actually impressed that this album had a waaaaay more of a meaty sound than the last couple. First quick impression:
  Take A Load Off is classic fucking STP.... 
...i was disappointed that Huckleberry Crumble is almost straight forwardly classic rock cookie cutter Aerosmith worship. But I'm over it wink
... Cinnamon is ok, but it reeks of teeny bopper pop hit shit.
Hazy Daze is "the heavy" song...
Peacoat has some subliminal nutsack...

All in all... it's growing on me. It's definitely STP. I like it. Don't LOVE it. But I'll agree with whoever said that this band is the one Scott belongs with...

 Rep: 664 

Re: Stone Temple Pilots- Stone Temple Pilots

James wrote:

Listened to this a bit last night. Definitely an unconventional record. Reminds me of some of that late 90s pop like Happy Mondays, Supergrass, Enuff Z Nuff, and Echobelly. Also get an early 90s Kings X vibe from it.

Will have to listen to it more to give it a final judgment.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Stone Temple Pilots- Stone Temple Pilots

-D- wrote:

def gonna take me a few listens to "Get IT"

first listen i absolutely hated it but with me that is usually a good thing as i normally hate most of my favorite albums of all time on first couple listens.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Stone Temple Pilots- Stone Temple Pilots

James wrote:
-D- wrote:

def gonna take me a few listens to "Get IT"

first listen i absolutely hated it but with me that is usually a good thing as i normally hate most of my favorite albums of all time on first couple listens.

That's always puzzled me about you. I do understand that some albums are growers, but your ears really take that to the extreme.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Stone Temple Pilots- Stone Temple Pilots

-D- wrote:

its bizarre, and the weird thing is, albums i love right off i usually get sick of very quickly and never listen to again after a couple months whereas take Contraband, it took me seeing them live to truly love that album and ive listened to it for the past 5-6 years straight.

Bon Jovi's new album i hated first few listens, now i am convinced its their best album of the 21st century.
Prince's latest album i loved instantly, thought the 2nd disc was comparable with Sign O The Times.. listened for about 3 weeks and haven't touched it since.
Kiss' new album same way. love it immediately.. after a month or desire to lisen anymore.

its like first couple of listens, things seem blurred together and the more i listen the more i pick up this or that and then it just clicks and hits me and i then can't stop listening.

With Slash's album, first couple of listens, i liked half of it.. now i listen to every song straight through in order and can't get enough of it.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Stone Temple Pilots- Stone Temple Pilots

faldor wrote:

Stone Temple Pilots To Debut At One

by Paul Cashmere - June 1 2010
photo by Ros O'Gorman

Stone Temple Pilots first studio album in nine years is expected to debut at number one of the US chart next week, although it will have poor first week sales.

The self-titled Stone Temple Pilots album, their sixth studio release, is tracking to sell somewhere between 65,000 and 70,000 units, quotes

In the 90s, Stone Temple Pilots were one of America'™s biggest rock bands. Their 1992 debut album sold 8 million units in the USA while only getting to no. 3. The follow-up in 1994, '˜Purple'™, was a number one record and sold around 6 million.

Subsequent albums by Stone Temple Pilots were '˜Tiny Music '¦ Songs From The Vatican Gift Soft'™ in 1996 (2 million), '˜No. 4'™ in 1999 (1 million) and '˜Shangri-La Dee Da'™ in 2001 (500,000).

Stone Temple Pilots US hits include '˜Plush'™ ,'˜Vasoline'™, '˜Interstate Love Song'™ and '˜Big Empty'™ from 1994, '˜Dancing Days'™ from 1995, '˜Big Bang Baby'™, '˜Lady Picture Show'™ and '˜Trippin'™ on a Hole in a Paper Heart'™ in 1996, '˜Down'™ and '˜Sour Girl'™ in 1999 and '˜Days of the Week'™ in 2001.

 Rep: 58 

Re: Stone Temple Pilots- Stone Temple Pilots

Stepvhen wrote:

I downloaded this then deleted it after one listen it wasn't worth the 75mb it was taking up on my hard drive

 Rep: 231 

Re: Stone Temple Pilots- Stone Temple Pilots

-D- wrote:

Felt the same way but u know what... lol this is now my favorite STP album of all time from start to finish.

true it may not have the 2 or 3 great songs the other albums have.. but from start to finish every song is very good.

Dare if You Dare is one of my top 10 fave STP songs ever, same with Maver and First Kiss on Mars.

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